Valmistuvan taloushallinnon merkonomin ammatillisen osaamisen kehittyminen. Tapausesimerkkinä tilitoimistot
The development of the professional competence of vocational school business and
administration students is studied during a process of on-the-job-learning before
graduation. The empirical material of this study has been gathered through semistructured
interviews with graduates from one educational institution and from
accounting firm professionals in the on-the-job learning sites. The aim is to study the
students' experiences and the experiences of the accounting professionals in process
of developing students' competence during the on-the-job learning. In the empirical
part, the level of experienced competence is compared with professional criteria,
such as the knowledge-based ratings of the Erityisalojen liitto (Union of Private
Sector Professionals) and the Taloushallintoliitto (Association of Finnish Accounting
In addition, the results of the dissertation are compared with previous international
and domestic studies. In Finland, the vocational qualifications in business
and administration have not been studied in relation to financial accounting work
tasks and work life expectations. In basic business economics education and also in
the workplace, the concept of financial management is commonly used instead of
accounting, so the empirical material also often refers to the tasks and competence of
financial management.
This research is a qualitative and interpretative field research. It is a methodology
that, in accordance with the phenomenological-hermeneutical approach, examines
the development of the professional competence of a graduate student in the
on-the-job learning process. Initially it defines the professional competence of accounting
and its construction as a professional competence in performing specific
professional tasks in accordance with the organization's expectations of competence.
In line with the hypothetical expectation gap model of Buin and Porter (2010), learning
in real working life situations and the development of skills and the growth of
professionalism are studied. On-the-job-learning at the accounting firm is considered
in accordance with the theory of competence transfer (Koskinen & Pihlanto 2006)
and the professional socialization theory (Anderson-Gough et al. 1998). Student
learning and sharing habits or even operational cultures and values are studied in
the accounting work context. The research showed that the development of accounting
professional competence is influenced by personal factors, and that professional
competence requires not only learning accounting but also professional socialization
and customer service skills, analytical skills and communication skills.
Keywords: accounting, competence, on-the-job learning, expectation gap, professional
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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Published in
JYU Dissertations
Copyright© The Author & University of Jyväskylä