Clusterization and Strong Coulpled-Channels Effects in Deuteron Interaction with 9Be Nuclei

Angular distributions of protons, deuterons, tritons and alphaparticles emitted in the d + 9Be reaction at Elab=19.5 and 35.0 MeV have been measured. The elastic scattering channel is analysed in the framework of both the Optical Model and the Coupled-Channel approach. The interaction potential of the d + 9Be system is calculated in the framework of the Double-Folding model using the α + α + n three-body wave function of the 9Be nucleus. The (d, p) and (d, t) one-nucleon-transfer reactions are analysed within the coupledreaction-channel approach. The spectroscopic amplitudes for the different nuclear cluster configurations are calculated. Differential cross sections for the reaction channel 9Be(d, α) 7Li are calculated including all possible reaction mechanisms within the coupled-reaction-channel method. Corresponding contributions to the cross sections are analysed.
Published in
Journal of Physics G : Nuclear and Particle Physics
  • Urazbekov, B., Denikin, A. S., Lukyanov, S., Itaco, N., Janseitov, D., Mendibayev, K., Burjan, V., Kroha, V., Mrazek, J., Trzaska, W., Harakeh, M. N., Etasse, D., Stefan, I., Verney, D., Issatayev, T., Penionzhkevich, Y., Kuterbekov, K., & Zholdybayev, T. (2019). Clusterization and Strong Coulpled-Channels Effects in Deuteron Interaction with 9Be Nuclei. Journal of Physics G : Nuclear and Particle Physics, 46(10), Article 105110.
CC BY-NC-ND 3.0Open Access
Additional information about funding
The authors acknowledge the support of the CANAM project [34] for providing beam time for the experiment. The authors are also grateful to I. Thompson for advising on the FRESCO code and to A. Volya for providing the alpha spectroscopic amplitudes. V.K, V.B and J.M. acknowledge the support of the MEYS project EF16-013/0001679. This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (17-12-01170).
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