Musiikkikasvatus ja markkinahallinta
Starting point to this study and the main focus of the research process is in the
problematics of the 21st century curriculum reforms in Finland. During 2010’s in
public and political discourses there was a consensus on strengthening the artistic
and practical subjects including music education in general school. But the
final political decisions and political discursive space led partly but substantially
to opposite consequences. There seems to be major problems in the way of
advanced liberalism perceives, conceptualize and forms the practices and conditions
of education and schooling. It seems to marginalize the meanings of
general music education and the praxial philosophy of music education has not
been able to argue the basis of music education and express clearly its social
To summarize the logic of this study and reasoning proceeds from critical
historical contextualization to discourse analysis. After the contextual analysis I
have applied Foucauldian based analytics of government to frame the political
reason of advanced liberalism and how it defines the conditions of education.
Finally, I will outline how the relationship between music education and ethos
of present education policy could be considered in a new way. I have two main
research questions:
1. What kind of framework and conditions does market liberal governance
create for music education and reforms of general education?
2. How the ethos of economist education policy can be questioned?
The key concepts and dimensions of market liberal political reason are homo
economicus as the subject of education, effectiveness and efficiency as the conditions
of desired practices, measurability and computational techniques of
evaluation as an epistemic core and competition and profitability as a mechanism
controlling agency.
The conclusions of the analysis point out that economistic educational reason
is too reductionist to provide the adequate basis for education and music
education. Hence agency and capability to act together, subjectification, imaginativeness
and conduct of life could reframe the conditions of music education and reveal
the blind spot of the general education in the biopolitics of present.
Keywords: music education, philosophy, education policy, curriculum,
Foucault, analytics of government.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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Published in
JYU Dissertations
Copyright© The Author & University of Jyväskylä