Small and medium sized companies in wood-based circular bioeconomy : barriers and prerequisites to success
Ilmastonmuutoksen ja hupenevien luonnonvarojen aiheuttavat ongelmat luovat painetta muutokselle ja kasvavaa kiinnostusta biopohjaisten materiaalien käytölle useissa eri tarkoituksissa. Kiertobiotalous on yleistyvä lähestymistapa, joka on suunniteltu korvaamaan nykyinen lineaarinen ”ota-käytä-hävitä” malli, joka perustuu arvon luomiseen maksimoimalla hyödykkeiden tuotanto ja myynti. Kiertobiotalous on kierto- ja biotalouden yhdistelmä, joka hyödyntää bio-pohjaisten resurssien tehokasta hallintaa. Erityisesti PK-yrityksillä nähdään olevan merkittävä rooli puupohjaisen kiertobiotalouden edistämisessä Suomessa ja uusien tuotteiden markkinoille tuomisessa.
Tämä tutkielman tarkoituksena on täydentää tietämystä PK-yritysten ajureista ja esteistä puupohjaisella sektorilla, sillä siirtyminen kiertobiotalouteen edellyttää näiden tekijöiden ymmärtämistä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli saavuttaa parempi ymmärrys kierto-ja biotalous konsepteista, löytää edistävät ja estävät tekijät kiertobiotalouteen siirtymiselle ja esittää teoriat (RBV ja OHI), joita hyödynnettiin tulosten analysoinnissa. Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus perustui kymmeneen puolistrukturoituun haastatteluun, joiden tarkoituksena oli selvittää edellytykset menestykseen ja minkälaisia resursseja ja kyvykkyyksiä tarvitaan puupohjaisessa kiertobiotaloudessa.
Keskeisinä ajureina kiertobiotalouteen nähtiin halu muuttaa perinteistä metsäteollisuutta, kannattava liiketoiminta ja ympäristöarvot. Lisäksi, aineettomat resurssit, joita kilpailijoiden on vaikea kopioida, kuten yrityskulttuuri, nähtiin edistävinä tekijöinä. Tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, että olennaista yrityksen menestymiselle kiertobiotaloudessa ovat yhteistyökumppanit, joiden kautta puuttuvat resurssit ja kyvykkyydet voidaan saavuttaa. Lisäksi teknologiset seikat ja uskottavuuden puute nähtiin merkittävimpinä esteinä, joista molemmat näistä voidaan ylittää tekemällä yhteistyötä erinäisten sidosryhmien kanssa.
The issues caused by global warming and waning natural resources have created pressures for change and increasing interest around the use of bio-based materials in several different applications. The circular bioeconomy (CBE) is an emerging concept developed to replace the existing linear “take-make-dispose” model, which is based on creating value by maximizing the amount of products produced and sold. CBE is an intersection of circular economy (CE) and bioeconomy (BE) implying a more efficient management of bio-based resources. Especially small and medium sized entrepreneurs (SMEs) are seen to have a major role in advancing wood-based CBE in Finland and developing new products to the markets. The objective of this thesis is to fill in the knowledge gaps of business drivers and barriers among SMEs in the wood-based sector, since the transformation towards CBE requires advancements in understanding these factors. The literature review was conducted to gain a better understanding of the concepts of CE and BE, discover the hindering and driving factors towards CBE as well as to present theories (RBV and OHI) utilized in analysing the results. A qualitative study based on 10 semi-structured interviews was con- ducted to find out of what are the prerequisites to success and what kind of resources and capabilities are needed in wood-based CBE. The willingness to modify the traditional forest industry was seen as a central driver to CBE as well as profitable business and environmental values. Additionally, intangible resources that are hard to imitate by competitors such as company’s culture was mentioned as a driving force. The results of this study revealed that success in CBE requires partnerships through which the missing set of resources and capabilities can be achieved. Moreover, the most pressing barriers were technological and the lack of credibility - both of these which can be tackled by collaborating with different stakeholders in the market.
The issues caused by global warming and waning natural resources have created pressures for change and increasing interest around the use of bio-based materials in several different applications. The circular bioeconomy (CBE) is an emerging concept developed to replace the existing linear “take-make-dispose” model, which is based on creating value by maximizing the amount of products produced and sold. CBE is an intersection of circular economy (CE) and bioeconomy (BE) implying a more efficient management of bio-based resources. Especially small and medium sized entrepreneurs (SMEs) are seen to have a major role in advancing wood-based CBE in Finland and developing new products to the markets. The objective of this thesis is to fill in the knowledge gaps of business drivers and barriers among SMEs in the wood-based sector, since the transformation towards CBE requires advancements in understanding these factors. The literature review was conducted to gain a better understanding of the concepts of CE and BE, discover the hindering and driving factors towards CBE as well as to present theories (RBV and OHI) utilized in analysing the results. A qualitative study based on 10 semi-structured interviews was con- ducted to find out of what are the prerequisites to success and what kind of resources and capabilities are needed in wood-based CBE. The willingness to modify the traditional forest industry was seen as a central driver to CBE as well as profitable business and environmental values. Additionally, intangible resources that are hard to imitate by competitors such as company’s culture was mentioned as a driving force. The results of this study revealed that success in CBE requires partnerships through which the missing set of resources and capabilities can be achieved. Moreover, the most pressing barriers were technological and the lack of credibility - both of these which can be tackled by collaborating with different stakeholders in the market.
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Master thesis
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