Opetuksen pelillistäminen
Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksena toteutetussa kandidaatintutkielmassa käsitellään pelillistämistä ja sen käyttöä osana opetusta. Tutkielmassa käsitellään erityisesti digitaalista pelillistämistä. Pelillistäminen on vanha ilmiö, mutta noussut viime aikoina erityisen ajankohtaiseksi aiheeksi. Pelillistäminen tarkoittaa pelien elementtien, kuten pistetaulukoiden tai tasojen, käyttämistä jonkin muun kontekstin kuin pelin osana. Digitaalisessa pelillistämisessä pelillistetty konteksti on digitaalinen. Pelillistämisen yleisimmät todetut vaikutukset ovat käyttäjämotivaation ja -kokemuksen kasvu, mutta sillä on todettu olevan myös negatiivisia vaikutuksia. Aihetta tulee tutkia jatkossa lisää, jotta sen vaikutusten aiheutumismekanismeista päästäisiin tarkemmin selville. Digitalisaatio muokkaa opetusta tuomalla uusia oppimissisältöjä ja muutta-malla jo olemassa olevia. Digitalisaation myötä oppimisesta katoavat ajan ja paikan rajoitteet, tuoden mukanaan uusia mahdollisuuksia pelillistämisen käyttöönotolle. Pelillistämistä käytetään kaikenikäisten opiskelijoiden opetuksessa monin eri tavoin. Pelillistämisratkaisuja löydettiin koulujen ja oppilaitosten opintosisältöjen joukosta sekä teknologioihin liittyvistä koulutuksista. Pelillistämistä havaittiin käytettävän opetuksessa samojen tavoitteiden vuoksi kuin muissakin konteksteissa. Käyttäjän motivaation ja sitoutumisen kasvun lisäksi havaittiin myös muita positiivisia vaikutuksia, kuten osallistumisen ja nautinnon tason kohoaminen. Toisaalta löydettiin, että vaikutukset voivat olla negatiivisia ja pelillistämisen käyttöönotossa pelillistettävä ydintuote tulee tuntea hyvin onnistuneen ratkaisun saamiseksi.
This bachelor's thesis fulfilled as a literature review deals with gamification and it’s use as part of education. The thesis deals in particular with digital gamification. Gamification is an old phenomenon but has recently become a topical issue. Gamification means using elements of games, such as point ta-bles or levels, as part of a context other than a game. In digital gamification, the gamified context is digital. The most common effects of gamification have been the increase in user motivation and experience, but it has also been found to have negative effects. Further research will be needed to find out more about the mechanisms of its impact. Digitalization transforms teaching by introducing new learning contents and changing the existing ones. With digitalization, learning is losing time and space constraints that brings new opportunities for gamification. Gamification is used in a variety of ways for students of all ages. Gamification solutions were found in school and universi-ty educational contents as well as in technology-related training. Gamification was found to be used in teaching for the same purposes as in other contexts. In addition to increasing the motivation and commitment of the user, other positive effects were also seen, such as an increase in the level of participation and enjoyment. On the other hand, it was found that the effects can be nega-tive and that the core product to be gamification in the introduction of gamifi-cation should be known well to allow a successful solution.
This bachelor's thesis fulfilled as a literature review deals with gamification and it’s use as part of education. The thesis deals in particular with digital gamification. Gamification is an old phenomenon but has recently become a topical issue. Gamification means using elements of games, such as point ta-bles or levels, as part of a context other than a game. In digital gamification, the gamified context is digital. The most common effects of gamification have been the increase in user motivation and experience, but it has also been found to have negative effects. Further research will be needed to find out more about the mechanisms of its impact. Digitalization transforms teaching by introducing new learning contents and changing the existing ones. With digitalization, learning is losing time and space constraints that brings new opportunities for gamification. Gamification is used in a variety of ways for students of all ages. Gamification solutions were found in school and universi-ty educational contents as well as in technology-related training. Gamification was found to be used in teaching for the same purposes as in other contexts. In addition to increasing the motivation and commitment of the user, other positive effects were also seen, such as an increase in the level of participation and enjoyment. On the other hand, it was found that the effects can be nega-tive and that the core product to be gamification in the introduction of gamifi-cation should be known well to allow a successful solution.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201907043566Use this for linking