Ikääntyneiden ihmisten sosioekonomisen aseman yhteys tyydyttymättömään liikunnan tarpeeseen
Sosiaalinen eriarvoisuus on yleistä kaikissa ikäryhmissä, myös ikääntyneiden keskuudessa. Tuloerot ovat kasvaneet viime vuosina Suomessa ja erityisesti ikääntyneiden joukossa köyhyysriski on kasvanut. Yli 65-vuotiaista suomalaisista noin 33 % on pienituloisia. Tutkimusten mukaan ikääntyneiden heikon sosioekonomisen aseman on todettu olevan yhteydessä vähäisempään fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen ja osallisuuteen sekä lisäävän todennäköisyyttä sairauksien ilmenemiseen ja toimintakyvyn heikkenemiseen. Fyysisen aktiivisuuden tason on todettu ikääntymisen myötä laskevan, mutta ikääntyneet itse haluaisivat olla aktiivisempia kuin mihin kykenevät. Tyydyttymättömällä liikunnan tarpeella tarkoitetaan tunnetta siitä, että henkilö haluaisi liikkua enemmän kuin kokee olevan mahdollista.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko ikääntyneiden ihmisten sosioekonominen asema yhteydessä tyydyttymättömään liikunnan tarpeeseen ja tutkia selittääkö koetut kävelyvaikeudet tätä yhteyttä.
Tutkimuksessa käytettiin suomalaista Life-Space Mobility in Old Age-tutkimuksen (LISPE) aineistoa, jossa tutkitaan ikääntyneiden kodin ja lähiympäristön piirteitä sekä niiden yhteyttä terveyteen, toimintakykyyn, elämänlaatuun ja elinpiirin laajuuteen. Tutkimukseen osallistui 848 75-90 vuotiasta Muuramen ja Jyväskylän kunnan asukasta. Sosioekonomisen aseman muuttujina käytettiin koulutuksen pituutta, koulutusastetta, ammattiluokkaa ja koettua taloudellista tilannetta. Tyydyttymättömän liikunnan tarpeen kysymiseksi muodostettiin dikotominen muuttuja ”Haluaisitteko lisätä ulkona liikkumistanne?” ja ”Olisiko Teillä mahdollista lisätä ulkona liikkumistanne, jos sitä suositeltaisiin?” kysymysten avulla. Tyydyttymätöntä liikunnan tarvetta kokenut halusi lisätä liikkumistaan, mutta koki ettei tähän ollut mahdollisuuksia. Analyysimenetelminä käytettiin kahden riippumattoman otoksen t-testiä, ristiintaulukointia ja Khiin neliötestiä (χ²) sekä logistista regressioanalyysiä.
Tutkittavista lähes 14 % koki tyydyttymätöntä liikunnan tarvetta. Tyydyttymätöntä liikunnan tarvetta kokeneilla oli alhaisempi koulutusaste (p=0.041). Tyydyttymätön liikunnan tarve oli yleisempää taloutensa huonoksi kokevilla (p<0.001). Huonoksi taloutensa kokevista 47 % koki tyydyttymätöntä liikunnan tarvetta. Koulutuksen pituuden (p=0.058) eikä ammattiluokan (p=0.424) todettu olevan yhteydessä tyydyttymättömään liikunnan tarpeeseen. Kun malli vakioitiin koetuilla kävelyvaikeuksilla, ainoastaan keskikoulun käyneillä (OR 3.203, 95% LV 1.149 – 8.930) ja huonoksi taloudellisen tilanteensa kokeneilla (OR 2.955, 95% LV 1.064 – 8.209) säilyi yhteys tyydyttymättömään liikunnan tarpeeseen. Muissa malleissa yhteyttä ei havaittu.
Tyydyttymätön liikunnan tarve oli yleisempää vähemmän koulutettujen ja huonoksi taloudellisen tilanteensa kokeneiden ikääntyneiden keskuudessa. Kävelyvaikeudet ovat yleisempiä heikossa sosioekonomisessa asemassa olevien ikääntyneiden keskuudessa, mikä osittain selittää tätä yhteyttä. Tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, että koulutusaste ja koettu taloudellinen tilanne vaikuttavat tyydyttymättömään liikunnan tarpeeseen myös muiden tekijöiden välityksellä.
Social inequality is common among all age groups, including among the elderly. Income disparities have increased in Finland in recent years, and the risk of poverty has particularly increased among the elderly. Approximately 33 % of Finns over 65 are classed as being on a low income. Research has shown that poor socioeconomic status is associated with less physical activity and participation and increased likelihood of illness and functional impairment. Level of physical activity has been found to decrease with ageing, but the elderly themselves would like to be more active than they are capable of. The term unmet physical activity need is used to describe the experience of a person wishing to be more physically active than they feel is possible for them. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between the socioeconomic status and the unmet physical activity need of elderly persons and to investigate whether this association is explained by perceived walking difficulties. This study utilises data generated by the Finnish Life-Space Mobility in Old Age (LISPE) -study, which investigates how home and neighbourhood characteristics influence the health, functioning, quality of life and life-space mobility of the individual. In total 848 inhabitants aged 75-90 from the Muurame and Jyväskylä municipalities were included in the LISPE study. The variables of socioeconomic status included length of education, level of education, professional class and self-perceived economic situation. To study unmet physical activity need, a dichotomous variable was created. Subjects who experienced unmet physical activity need would have liked to be more active than it was possible for them to be. The data was analysed using independent sample t-tests, crosstabs and Chi-squared test (χ²) and logistic regression analysis. Nearly 14 % of the subjects experienced unmet physical activity need. Those subjects had a lower level of education (p=0.041) and were more often unsatisfied with their economic situation (p<0.001). Of those who felt that their economic situation was poor, 47 % experienced unmet physical activity need. Length of education (p=0.058) and professional class (p=0.424) were not associated with unmet physical activity need. When the models were adjusted for experienced walking difficulties, only intermediate educational level (OR 3.203, 95% LV 1.149 - 8.930) and poor self-perceived economic situation (OR 2.955, 95% LV 1.064 - 8.209) were still statistically significantly associated with unmet physical activity need. No association was detected on other models. Unmet physical activity need was more common among less educated individuals and those with a poor self-perceived economic situation. In general, walking difficulties are more common among the elderly with low socioeconomic status, which partly explains this association. The results of this study suggest that level of education and self-perceived economic situation also influence the unmet physical activity need through other factors.
Social inequality is common among all age groups, including among the elderly. Income disparities have increased in Finland in recent years, and the risk of poverty has particularly increased among the elderly. Approximately 33 % of Finns over 65 are classed as being on a low income. Research has shown that poor socioeconomic status is associated with less physical activity and participation and increased likelihood of illness and functional impairment. Level of physical activity has been found to decrease with ageing, but the elderly themselves would like to be more active than they are capable of. The term unmet physical activity need is used to describe the experience of a person wishing to be more physically active than they feel is possible for them. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between the socioeconomic status and the unmet physical activity need of elderly persons and to investigate whether this association is explained by perceived walking difficulties. This study utilises data generated by the Finnish Life-Space Mobility in Old Age (LISPE) -study, which investigates how home and neighbourhood characteristics influence the health, functioning, quality of life and life-space mobility of the individual. In total 848 inhabitants aged 75-90 from the Muurame and Jyväskylä municipalities were included in the LISPE study. The variables of socioeconomic status included length of education, level of education, professional class and self-perceived economic situation. To study unmet physical activity need, a dichotomous variable was created. Subjects who experienced unmet physical activity need would have liked to be more active than it was possible for them to be. The data was analysed using independent sample t-tests, crosstabs and Chi-squared test (χ²) and logistic regression analysis. Nearly 14 % of the subjects experienced unmet physical activity need. Those subjects had a lower level of education (p=0.041) and were more often unsatisfied with their economic situation (p<0.001). Of those who felt that their economic situation was poor, 47 % experienced unmet physical activity need. Length of education (p=0.058) and professional class (p=0.424) were not associated with unmet physical activity need. When the models were adjusted for experienced walking difficulties, only intermediate educational level (OR 3.203, 95% LV 1.149 - 8.930) and poor self-perceived economic situation (OR 2.955, 95% LV 1.064 - 8.209) were still statistically significantly associated with unmet physical activity need. No association was detected on other models. Unmet physical activity need was more common among less educated individuals and those with a poor self-perceived economic situation. In general, walking difficulties are more common among the elderly with low socioeconomic status, which partly explains this association. The results of this study suggest that level of education and self-perceived economic situation also influence the unmet physical activity need through other factors.
Main Author
Master thesis
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