Isometrisen lihasrasituksen vaikutus kivun prosessointiin aivokuorella : MEG-tutkimus
Magnetoenkefalografialla (MEG) voidaan mitata aivojen sähköistä toimintaa kallon ulkopuolelta reaaliajassa. Ajallisen erottelukyvyn ansiosta MEG soveltuu kipututkimuksessa hyvin ensimmäisten aivovasteiden tarkasteluun. Liikunnan kipua lieventävästä vaikutuksesta (Exercise Induced Hypoalgesia EIH) on olemassa näyttöä, mutta sen vaikutusmekanismit ovat osin epäselviä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli a) testata intrakutaania sähköistä stimulaatiomenetelmää ja tarkastella sen aikaansaamia kipuvasteita aivojen somatosensorisilla alueilla ja b) tarkastella isometrisen lihasrasituksen mahdollisia vaikutuksia kivun somatosensoriseen prosessointiin.
Aineisto kerättiin Mattilanniemessä 306-kanavaisella Elekta Neuromag Triux -magnetoenkefalografilla. Koehenkilöt olivat 26–43 -vuotiaita oikeakätisiä naisia (n = 5), joilla ei ollut masennus- tai ahdistusoireilua tai neurologisia sairauksia. Intrakutaanin sähköstimuluksen intensiteetti säädettiin yksilöllisesti vastaamaan kiputuntemuksen voimakkuutta 5–7 VAS-kipujanaa käyttäen. Koehenkilölle annettiin 31 intrakutaania kipustimulusta 5,5–7,5 sekunnin välein. Seitsemän minuutin levon jälkeen koehenkilö suoritti kolmen minuutin isometrisen kädenpuristuksen hydraulisella dynamometrillä 30 % maksimipuristusvoimasta. Välittömästi tämän jälkeen seurasi toinen stimulussarja. Kunkin stimulussarjan jälkeen koehenkilö ilmoitti koetun kivun voimakkuuden VAS-janalla. Kaikki koehenkilöt kuvasivat kivun hyvin paikantuvaksi, mikä viittaa kipuviestin välittyneen pääosin A-deltasäikeitä pitkin. MEG-aineisto analysoitiin Brainstorm-ohjelmalla ja tilastolliset testit laskettiin IBM SPSS-ohjelmalla Wilcoxonin merkittyjen sijalukujen eksaktilla testillä.
Intrakutaani sähköstimulus sai aikaan herätevasteen, jonka ensimmäinen komponentti oli havaittavissa noin 48 ms stimuluksen jälkeen paikantuen kontralateraaliselle primaarille somatosensoriselle korteksille. Herätevasteen toinen komponentti havaittiin noin 97 ms stimuluksen jälkeen paikantuen pääasiallisesti bilateraalisesti sekundaarille somatosensoriselle korteksille. Herätevasteen kolmas komponentti noin 207 ms stimuluksesta ei ollut yhtä selkeästi paikannettavissa.
Käyttämäämme intrakutaania sähköstimulusmenetelmää ei ole raportoitu muissa magnetoenkefalografilla tehdyissä kipututkimuksissa. Isometrinen lihasrasitus ei tulosten mukaan muuntanut kivun prosessointia somatosensorisilla alueilla ajallisesti tai sijainnin suhteen näissä tutkituissa komponenteissa.
Tulosten tulkinnassa on otettava huomioon koehenkilöiden määrä sekä mahdolliset epätarkkuudet MEG-aineiston preprosessoinnissa ja analysoinnissa.
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is an ideal method to study cortical activity, especially the early event-related responses, thanks to its millisecond temporal resolution and non-invasiveness. Even though different forms of exercise have been found to relieve pain in many chronic pain conditions, the mechanisms behind Exercise Induced Hypoalgesia (EIH) are not fully known. Our aim was to a) test an intracutaneous electrical stimulation method to produce and to identify evoked pain-related responses in somatosensory cortical areas, b) examine whether isometric exercise can modulate somatosensory pain processing. The data was recorded at University of Jyväskylä with 306-channel Elekta Neuromag Triux -magnetoencephalography. The participants were healthy 26–43 years old right-handed women with no symptoms of depression or anxiety. The intensity of intracutaneous electrical stimulation was individually adjusted to correlate the subjective pain rating 5–7 on Visual Analog Scale (VAS) 0–10. There were 31 stimuli delivered on the right hand’s third fingertip followed by 7 minutes rest. The interstimulus interval between the stimuli was 5,5–7,5 s. The 3 minutes isometric handgrip contraction was performed with left hand at 30 % of maximal voluntary strength. The second set of 31 stimuli was delivered after contraction. Immediately after the both stimuli set the participants were asked to evaluate their subjective pain rating on VAS 0–10. The pain sensation was described as well-localized by all participants referring to primarily A-delta fiber activation. The MEG data was analysed with Brainstorm software and the statistical tests were performed using IBM SPSS -software. The evoked magnetic fields showed two clear components at around 48 ms and 97 ms generated mainly in the vicinity of SI contralaterally and SII bilaterally. The component at around 207 ms was more difficult to localize; the probable source locating in SII contralaterally. The intracutaneous electrical stimulus method has not been used in any similar protocol earlier. According to the present analysis, the 3 minutes isometric exercise contralateral to stimulated site did not seem to have an effect on peak latency, intensity or location of the evoked fields in the primary somatosensory cortex contralaterally or in the secondary somatosensory cortex bilaterally. The interpretation of the results should be made with caution because of the limited accuracy on the pre-processing and the analysis of the MEG data and because of the small number of the participants.
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is an ideal method to study cortical activity, especially the early event-related responses, thanks to its millisecond temporal resolution and non-invasiveness. Even though different forms of exercise have been found to relieve pain in many chronic pain conditions, the mechanisms behind Exercise Induced Hypoalgesia (EIH) are not fully known. Our aim was to a) test an intracutaneous electrical stimulation method to produce and to identify evoked pain-related responses in somatosensory cortical areas, b) examine whether isometric exercise can modulate somatosensory pain processing. The data was recorded at University of Jyväskylä with 306-channel Elekta Neuromag Triux -magnetoencephalography. The participants were healthy 26–43 years old right-handed women with no symptoms of depression or anxiety. The intensity of intracutaneous electrical stimulation was individually adjusted to correlate the subjective pain rating 5–7 on Visual Analog Scale (VAS) 0–10. There were 31 stimuli delivered on the right hand’s third fingertip followed by 7 minutes rest. The interstimulus interval between the stimuli was 5,5–7,5 s. The 3 minutes isometric handgrip contraction was performed with left hand at 30 % of maximal voluntary strength. The second set of 31 stimuli was delivered after contraction. Immediately after the both stimuli set the participants were asked to evaluate their subjective pain rating on VAS 0–10. The pain sensation was described as well-localized by all participants referring to primarily A-delta fiber activation. The MEG data was analysed with Brainstorm software and the statistical tests were performed using IBM SPSS -software. The evoked magnetic fields showed two clear components at around 48 ms and 97 ms generated mainly in the vicinity of SI contralaterally and SII bilaterally. The component at around 207 ms was more difficult to localize; the probable source locating in SII contralaterally. The intracutaneous electrical stimulus method has not been used in any similar protocol earlier. According to the present analysis, the 3 minutes isometric exercise contralateral to stimulated site did not seem to have an effect on peak latency, intensity or location of the evoked fields in the primary somatosensory cortex contralaterally or in the secondary somatosensory cortex bilaterally. The interpretation of the results should be made with caution because of the limited accuracy on the pre-processing and the analysis of the MEG data and because of the small number of the participants.
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Master thesis
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