Suomen suurten järvien vedenlaadun alueelliset muutokset ja muutosten samanaikaisuus 1960-luvulta nykypäivään
Tässä työssä tutkittiin Suomen järvien veden laadun muutoksia ja niiden samanaikaisuutta 1960-luvulta tähän päivään. Aineisto käsitti 68 järveä kattavasti koko Suomen alueelta painottaen suuria järviä. Mittaustiedot poimittiin HERTTA-tietokannasta. Satunnaisvaihtelun minimoimiseksi mukaan valittiin väliveden talvimittausarvot (1.12.–30.4). Käsitellyt muuttujat olivat alkaliniteetti, liukoisen hapen pitoisuus, hapen kyllästysaste, pH, lämpötila, kokonaisfosforipitoisuus, -typpipitoisuus, rautapitoisuus, raudan hajotus, sameus, sähkönjohtokyky, väriluku ja kemiallinen hapen kulutus (COD). Rautapitoisuus ja -hajotus yhdistettiin raudan hajotukseksi. Alkaliniteetti on noussut kaikilla järvillä alkaen 1970-luvulta. pH on noussut 1990-luvulta alkaen lähes jokaisella järvellä. Fosforipitoisuuden muutokset ovat paikallisia, kun taas typpipitoisuus on noussut monilla järvillä. COD on kääntynyt nousuun 1990–2000-luvulla lähes kaikilla järvillä, paitsi Pohjois-Suomessa. Väriluvun ja COD:n muutokset olivat samanlaisia. Järviä verrattiin toisiinsa jokaisen muuttujan suhteen, jos järviparilla oli vähintään 10 yhteistä mittausvuotta ja viimeisin yhteinen mittausvuosi oli 2005 tai myöhäisempi. Järviparin aikasarjolle laskettiin muuttujittain Pearson-korrelaatiokerroin yhteisten mittausvuosien havaintoja käyttäen. Järviparille määritettiin korrelaatioiden laskennan lisäksi kolme etäisyyttä: pohjoinen–etelä-, itä–länsi- sekä kokonaisetäisyys. Etäisyys–korrelaatiokerroin-kuviin sovitettiin LOESS-mallit. Pohjoinen–etelä- ja kokonaisetäisyydellä korrelaatiokertoimen muutokset etäisyyden suhteen olivat jokaisella muuttujalla lähes identtisiä keskenään. Itä–länsi-suunnassa muutokset olivat usein samanaikaisia etäisyydestä riippumatta. Yleisimmin muuttujien muutoksissa oli havaittavissa samanaikaisuutta 150–800 km:n etäisyydelle saakka kokonaisetäisyydellä. Alkaliniteetin muutokset olivat samanaikaisia ja -suuntaisia kaikkialla. pH:lla muutoksen samanaikaisuus ja -suuntaisuus pienenee järvien välisen etäisyyden kasvaessa. COD:n ja väriluvun muutokset olivat samanaikaisia ja -suuntaisia Etelä-Suomesta aina Oulun korkeudelle asti, jonka jälkeen muutoksista tuli sitä voimakkaammin päinvastaisia, mitä pohjoisemmaksi mentiin. Sähkönjohtokyvyllä muutoksen samanaikaisuutta ilmeni noin 200 km:n asti. Ravinteilla samanaikaisuus ulottui vain järvien lähialueille. Raudan ja COD:n muutokset selittävät 86 % väriluvun muutoksista.
This thesis studied changes and the synchronicity of changes in Finnish lakes. Data consisted of 67 lakes and their data were collected from HERTTA-database. To minimize random variation, only winter observations were selected (1.12.–30.4) from around the middle of the water column. Selected variables were alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation, pH, temperature, total phosphorous, total nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, iron, turbidity, conductivity, color, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonium. Alkalinity has increased in all the lakes since risen in all the lakes the 1970’s. The increase in pH started rising in the 1990’s and only in a very few lakes it has decreased afterwards. Changes in phosphorous content were often unique to each lake, whereas nitrogen content increased in many lakes over time. COD has increased in almost every lake during 1990-2000 except for those in Northern Finland. Changes in color were almost identical to those of COD in that COD began to rise in most of the lakes in the 1990’s and only a few northern lakes show a decreasing trend. Lakes were compared to one another by every variable in those lakes that had at least 10 common measurement years and the latest was 2005 or later. A Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated for every pair of lakes and variable using their common year measurements. Every lake pair had three distances calculated: North-South, East-West and total distance and then the correlation of the lake time series. Every lake distance and correlation image was fitted with LOESS-graph. North-South and total distance graphs were almost identical to one-another with every variable. In East-West direction the time series usually showed synchronicity regardless of distance. Commonly synchronicity was observed within a range of 150-800 km regarding North-South and total distance, implying a large-scale stressor with some of the variables. Most interesting results were found with COD and color, whose changes were synchronized but opposite in North and South Finland. With COD and color, the same applied also to East and West Finland. Changes in alkalinity were similar in all three directions regardless of distance. Shortest synchronicity distances were with nutrients implying locality of the source. A model in which color was the response variable and COD and iron were the covariates, the coefficient of determination was 86 %.
This thesis studied changes and the synchronicity of changes in Finnish lakes. Data consisted of 67 lakes and their data were collected from HERTTA-database. To minimize random variation, only winter observations were selected (1.12.–30.4) from around the middle of the water column. Selected variables were alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation, pH, temperature, total phosphorous, total nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, iron, turbidity, conductivity, color, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonium. Alkalinity has increased in all the lakes since risen in all the lakes the 1970’s. The increase in pH started rising in the 1990’s and only in a very few lakes it has decreased afterwards. Changes in phosphorous content were often unique to each lake, whereas nitrogen content increased in many lakes over time. COD has increased in almost every lake during 1990-2000 except for those in Northern Finland. Changes in color were almost identical to those of COD in that COD began to rise in most of the lakes in the 1990’s and only a few northern lakes show a decreasing trend. Lakes were compared to one another by every variable in those lakes that had at least 10 common measurement years and the latest was 2005 or later. A Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated for every pair of lakes and variable using their common year measurements. Every lake pair had three distances calculated: North-South, East-West and total distance and then the correlation of the lake time series. Every lake distance and correlation image was fitted with LOESS-graph. North-South and total distance graphs were almost identical to one-another with every variable. In East-West direction the time series usually showed synchronicity regardless of distance. Commonly synchronicity was observed within a range of 150-800 km regarding North-South and total distance, implying a large-scale stressor with some of the variables. Most interesting results were found with COD and color, whose changes were synchronized but opposite in North and South Finland. With COD and color, the same applied also to East and West Finland. Changes in alkalinity were similar in all three directions regardless of distance. Shortest synchronicity distances were with nutrients implying locality of the source. A model in which color was the response variable and COD and iron were the covariates, the coefficient of determination was 86 %.
Main Author
Master thesis
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