What matters and how to find it? : career stories of finding meaningful work and how it is experienced by different individuals
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tulkita ja kuvata miten ihmiset ovat päätyneet merkitykselliseen työhön ja millaiseksi merkityksellinen työ koetaan. Merkityksellistä työtä on tutkittu työ- ja organisaatiopsykologian parissa ja myös uranvalinnasta löytyy useita eri teorioita. Merkitykselliseen työhön johtavia uranvalintoja ei ole juurikaan tutkittu, joten lisätutkimus auttaisi ymmärtämään ilmiötä paremmin. Perinteet tai uskonto eivät nykyään ohjaa ihmistä valinnoissaan, millä on suuri vaikutus uranvalintaa koskeviin päätöksiin. Työn tekemisestä on tullut tahto-kysymys. Ihminen tarvitsee elämäänsä tarkoituksen ja voi saavuttaa sen työn kautta. Merkityksellinen työ on monin tavoin yhteydessä hyvinvointiin ja siksi tavoittelemisen arvoista. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin narratiivisen menetelmän avulla. Narratiivien mukaan yksilön valintoja rajoittaa ympäristö, mutta suurimmat esteet merkityksellisen työn tavoittamiselle asettaa ihminen itse. Merkityksellistä uraa koskevien valintojen tekeminen on arvopohdintaa vallitsevan hetken kontekstissa, joka asettaa haasteita sekä tarjoaa mahdollisuuksia päätösten tekemiselle. Tärkeimmät merkityksellisen uran valintaan vaikuttavat ulkoiset tekijät ovat perhe, muut ihmiset ja yhteiskunta. Merkitykselliseen työhön pääseminen vaatii autenttisuutta, rohkeaa ja avointa asennetta, itsetuntemusta, käytännön tekoja sekä muiden ihmisten läsnäoloa. Näiden lisäksi sattumat voivat johtaa merkitykselliseen työhön. Tulosten mukaan merkityksellisyyden kokemus rakentuu suhteessa omaan toimijuuteen ja yhteenkuuluvuuteen. Työ koetaan merkitykselliseksi kun siihen sisältyy hyvänolon tunne, kokemus omana itsenä olemisesta sekä onnistumisista, yhteenkuuluvuutta yhdessä tekemisen ja auttamisen kautta sekä vapautta toteuttaa että kehittää itseään. Työn merkityksellisyyden kokemuksessa korostuivat ihmisen ominaisuuksien ja työn vastaavuuden tärkeys.
The purpose of this thesis is to interpret and illustrate how people find meaningful work and what is it like as an experience. Meaningful work has been studied in industrial /organizational psychology and there are multiple theories about career decision making. Combining these two is an unexplored subject and more research is needed in order to understand the phenomenon in question. The loss of traditions and religion as influencing factors has had a massive impact on career decision making. As people are not guided nor forced to do anything, working becomes a question of will. Finding meaning is essential to human existence and it can be discovered through work. Meaningful work is in many ways related to wellbeing and thus the reason worth pursuing. This study is conducted using narrative methods. Based on the narrations the individual choice is restricted by environment, but the biggest barrier in achieving meaningful work arises from individual itself. Pursuing meaningful work is value-based decision making in present moment which poses challenges but also brings opportunities. Family, significant others and society are the most important external influencers for finding meaningful work. Authenticity, courage and openness, self-knowledge, actions and the presence of other people is needed in order to attain meaningful work. In addition, random happenings might lead to meaningful work. The results show evidence that the creation and maintenance of meaningful work is based on agency and communion. Work is experienced as meaningful when one can exist as his /her true self, succeed in work, feel communion through helping others and have the freedom to develop and implement oneself. The importance of a fit between personal traits and work was particularly emphasized in finding meaningful work.
The purpose of this thesis is to interpret and illustrate how people find meaningful work and what is it like as an experience. Meaningful work has been studied in industrial /organizational psychology and there are multiple theories about career decision making. Combining these two is an unexplored subject and more research is needed in order to understand the phenomenon in question. The loss of traditions and religion as influencing factors has had a massive impact on career decision making. As people are not guided nor forced to do anything, working becomes a question of will. Finding meaning is essential to human existence and it can be discovered through work. Meaningful work is in many ways related to wellbeing and thus the reason worth pursuing. This study is conducted using narrative methods. Based on the narrations the individual choice is restricted by environment, but the biggest barrier in achieving meaningful work arises from individual itself. Pursuing meaningful work is value-based decision making in present moment which poses challenges but also brings opportunities. Family, significant others and society are the most important external influencers for finding meaningful work. Authenticity, courage and openness, self-knowledge, actions and the presence of other people is needed in order to attain meaningful work. In addition, random happenings might lead to meaningful work. The results show evidence that the creation and maintenance of meaningful work is based on agency and communion. Work is experienced as meaningful when one can exist as his /her true self, succeed in work, feel communion through helping others and have the freedom to develop and implement oneself. The importance of a fit between personal traits and work was particularly emphasized in finding meaningful work.
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Master thesis
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