Retention in free-to-play mobile games : a case study
Ilmaisia mobiilipelejä tulee päivittäin valtavasti lisää suurimpiin markkina-paikkoihin. Kilpailu käyttäjistä on kovaa, sillä pelien on pidettävä kiinni käyttäjistään, jotka voivat helposti vaihtaa pelistä toiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on syventää ymmärrystä pelaajapysyvyydestä ja erityisesti siitä, millaisia keinoja pelinkehittäjillä on pelin sisäisillä mekaniikoilla saada pelaajat palaamaan peliin useana päivänä. Vastauksia käyttäjäpysyvyyden tärkeyteen ja ominaisuuksiin sekä ilmaisten mobiilipelien menestystekijöihin tutkittiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen, haastatteluiden, menestyneiden pelien analyysin ja tapaustutkimuksen keinoin. Haastateltavina oli julkaisijoita, joilla on paljon dataa peleistä ja pelaajista. Menestyneiden mobiilipelien analyysillä peleistä löydettiin mekaniikkoja, jotka sopivat eri pelaajatyypeille. Tapaustutkimuksen kohteena oli ilmainen mobiilipeli Zombiefall, joka julkaistiin tutkimuksen aikana kuusi kertaa. Jokaisella kerralla peliin oli tehty pieniä muutoksia. Julkaisuista saatu data osoitti muutosten nostaneen pelin käyttäjäpysyvyyttä, mutta ei paljoa. Tutkimusmateriaalista muodostettiin kahdeksan empiiristä päätelmää. Tutkimuksen tuloksena oli, että pelaajapysyvyys on tärkeää pelin menestykselle. Pelialalla ei ole yhtenäistä näkemystä siitä, milloin pelaajapysyvyys on riittävän hyvä julkaisuun. Pelissä edistyminen on tärkeää pelaajapysyvyydelle ja edistyminen voi tapahtua monella tapaa. Menestyneet ilmaiset mobiilipelit pakottavat pelaajan odottamaan, ennen kuin pelaaja voi jatkaa pelaamista tai saa palkintoja. Lisäksi menestyneet ilmaiset mobiilipelit ottavat kaikki pelaajatyypit huomioon. Mekaniikkoja pelaajapysyvyyden nostamiseksi on monia, ja mekaniikat voidaan jakaa kolmeen kategoriaan. Havaintojen perusteella pelaajapysyvyyden nostaminen on vaikeaa.
The number of free-to-play mobile games in the biggest marketplaces increases rapidly every day. The competition is fierce as games need to hold on tight to their users which can easily switch from one game to another. The purpose of this research is to deepen the understanding of retention in mobile games. This study specifically focuses on what means the game developers have to keep players returning to the game for multiple days. Answers to the properties of retention, its importance, and success factors of free-to-play mobile games were researched with a literature review, interviews, an analysis of successful mobile games, and with a case study. Publishers were interviewed as they have a lot of data at their use and the analysis of successful mobile games found mechanics that fit different player types. The case study focused on a free-to-play mobile game called Zombiefall which was released six times during this research. Every time it was improved slightly. The data from the releases shows that the changes made did raise the retention but not by much. From the material eight primary empirical conclusions (PEC) were formed. As a result for the study it was shown that retention is vital for the games success and that there is no industry wide retention threshold for releasing a game. It is important for games to have good progression mechanics, which there can be multiple of. Successful mobile free-to-play games make the player wait a while before the player can resume playing and gain rewards. The analysed games also have mechanics for all player types. There are many mechanics to raise retention and they can be categorized into three groups. Increasing retention was found to be hard.
The number of free-to-play mobile games in the biggest marketplaces increases rapidly every day. The competition is fierce as games need to hold on tight to their users which can easily switch from one game to another. The purpose of this research is to deepen the understanding of retention in mobile games. This study specifically focuses on what means the game developers have to keep players returning to the game for multiple days. Answers to the properties of retention, its importance, and success factors of free-to-play mobile games were researched with a literature review, interviews, an analysis of successful mobile games, and with a case study. Publishers were interviewed as they have a lot of data at their use and the analysis of successful mobile games found mechanics that fit different player types. The case study focused on a free-to-play mobile game called Zombiefall which was released six times during this research. Every time it was improved slightly. The data from the releases shows that the changes made did raise the retention but not by much. From the material eight primary empirical conclusions (PEC) were formed. As a result for the study it was shown that retention is vital for the games success and that there is no industry wide retention threshold for releasing a game. It is important for games to have good progression mechanics, which there can be multiple of. Successful mobile free-to-play games make the player wait a while before the player can resume playing and gain rewards. The analysed games also have mechanics for all player types. There are many mechanics to raise retention and they can be categorized into three groups. Increasing retention was found to be hard.
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Master thesis
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