Hyvää seuraa ja varhaista puuttumista : urheiluseuratoiminta nuorten sosiaalisen pääoman ja työelämävalmiuksien tukijana
Tässä liikunnan yhteiskuntatieteiden pro gradu –tutkielmassa tutkittiin nuorten syrjäytymisen ehkäisyyn tähtäävän interventiohankkeen vaikutuksia. Hankkeen tavoitteena on ollut lisätä nuorten osallisuutta, opiskelumotivaatiota ja sosiaalisia resursseja tarjoamalla nuorille mahdollisuus työskennellä urheiluseurassa ja harrastaa maksuttomasti. Osa nuorista on osallistunut vapaaehtoistyöskentelyyn ottelutapahtumissa tai suorittanut työharjoittelujakson urheiluseurassa. Osa on ollut mukana seuran organisoimassa harrastefutistoiminnassa. Tutkielman tarkoitus on tarkastella, miten hanketoimintaan osallistuminen on tuottanut nuorelle sosiaalista pääomaa ja työelämävalmiuksia. Lisäksi pohditaan, mikä on näiden resurssien yhteys nuoren elämänhallintaan ja miten tämänkaltainen varhaisen puuttumisen menetelmä toimii nuorten syrjäytymisen ehkäisyssä. Nuorten syrjäytymisen ehkäisy on yksi Suomen sisäpolitiikan tärkeimmistä tavoitteista ja siihen pyritään poikkitieteellisellä yhteistyöllä myöskin liikunnan alalla.
Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys muodostui aiemman tutkimuksen tuloksista tutkimuksen pääkäsitteisiin liittyen. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksen muodostivat sosiaalisen pääoman, työelämävalmiuksien sekä elämänhallinnan ja varhaisen puuttumisen käsitteet. Tutkimus on laadullinen tapaustutkimus yhdestä suomalaisesta urheiluseurasta. Aineistonkeruun taustana toimivat kirjalliset tausta-aineistot sekä toiminnan havainnointi. Aineisto koostui puolistrukturoiduista teemahaastatteluista. Haastateltavat (n=15) ovat hanketoimintaan osallistuneita ammattikoululaisia nuoria. Aineisto on analysoitu teoriaohjaavalla sisällönanalyysillä.
Tutkimuksen keskeisimmät tulokset vastaavat kolmeen tutkimuskysymykseen. Nuoret kokivat saaneensa eniten sosiaalista pääomaa vuorovaikutuksessa ohjaajan kanssa. Turvallinen, luotettava ja rento aikuinen tarjosi sellaista sosiaalista tukea, mikä on nuorelle ammattikoululaiselle tärkeää. Työelämävalmiuksista eniten toiminnan myötä kehittyi nuorten asenne. Muutokset asenteessa heijastuivat myös toiminnan ulkopuoliseen elämään. Hankkeen onnistumista arvioitiin suhteessa varhaisen puuttumisen toimintamalleihin ja oikean kohderyhmän tavoittamiseen. Onnistunut ohjaajan rekrytointi on ollut yksi merkittävä ansio tälle hankkeelle. Primaariprevention kannalta kohderyhmän saavuttamisessa ollaan onnistuttu hyvin. Jatkossa huomiota tulisi kiinnittää lisää eri ryhmien sekoittamiseen, jotta nuoret saisivat enemmän uusia kontakteja. Lisäksi tulevaisuuden hankkeita suunnitellessa alkuarviointiin tulee panostaa, jotta toiminnan vaikuttavuutta voidaan arvioida luotettavasti.
This Social Sciences of Sport’s master’s thesis is aimed to investigate the effects of an interventional project aimed to prevent youth social exclusion. The project’s purpose has been to increase youth’s participation, motivation to study and social resources by offering a chance to work at a sports club and practice sports free of charge. Some of the young people have been working at sports games as volunteers or completed an internship period at the sports club. Some of them have joined a football hobby which was organized by the same sports club. This study aims to identify how this interventional project has produced social capital and workplace competencies to the youth involved. In addition to this we will examine how these resources affect youth’s coping skills and how does this kind of project work as a method for early intervention to prevent youth social exclusion. Preventing youth social exclusion is one of the main objectives of Finnish domestic policy. It is targeted by interdisciplinary cooperation also in the field of sports. The theoretical framework consisted of the earlier study results related to the main concepts of this study. The framework was formed by the concepts of social capital, workplace competencies, coping skills and early intervention. This study is a qualitative case study of one Finnish sports club. Background for the data collection was gathered by written background material and observation. The data consisted of half-structured thematic interviews. The interviewees (n=15) were vocational school students who had participated in the project. The data has been analyzed with theory guiding content. The results of this study answer the three research questions. Youth experienced their social capital increased the most in relation to the instructor. A safe, reliable and relaxed adult offered those kinds of social resources that matter to young people in vocational school. The increase in youth attitude was the most significant change in workplace competencies. Changes in attitude reflected in other parts of the interviewees lives. The success of the project was examined based on the model of early intervention and how successfully the project managed to reach the right target group. Successful recruiting of the instructor has been one significant merit to this intervention project. In terms of primary prevention this project has succeeded to reach its target group well. In the future more focus should be targeted to mixing youth groups so that they would get more new contacts. Also while planning new projects more emphasis should be put to starting point evaluations so the effects of the projects could be evaluated reliably.
This Social Sciences of Sport’s master’s thesis is aimed to investigate the effects of an interventional project aimed to prevent youth social exclusion. The project’s purpose has been to increase youth’s participation, motivation to study and social resources by offering a chance to work at a sports club and practice sports free of charge. Some of the young people have been working at sports games as volunteers or completed an internship period at the sports club. Some of them have joined a football hobby which was organized by the same sports club. This study aims to identify how this interventional project has produced social capital and workplace competencies to the youth involved. In addition to this we will examine how these resources affect youth’s coping skills and how does this kind of project work as a method for early intervention to prevent youth social exclusion. Preventing youth social exclusion is one of the main objectives of Finnish domestic policy. It is targeted by interdisciplinary cooperation also in the field of sports. The theoretical framework consisted of the earlier study results related to the main concepts of this study. The framework was formed by the concepts of social capital, workplace competencies, coping skills and early intervention. This study is a qualitative case study of one Finnish sports club. Background for the data collection was gathered by written background material and observation. The data consisted of half-structured thematic interviews. The interviewees (n=15) were vocational school students who had participated in the project. The data has been analyzed with theory guiding content. The results of this study answer the three research questions. Youth experienced their social capital increased the most in relation to the instructor. A safe, reliable and relaxed adult offered those kinds of social resources that matter to young people in vocational school. The increase in youth attitude was the most significant change in workplace competencies. Changes in attitude reflected in other parts of the interviewees lives. The success of the project was examined based on the model of early intervention and how successfully the project managed to reach the right target group. Successful recruiting of the instructor has been one significant merit to this intervention project. In terms of primary prevention this project has succeeded to reach its target group well. In the future more focus should be targeted to mixing youth groups so that they would get more new contacts. Also while planning new projects more emphasis should be put to starting point evaluations so the effects of the projects could be evaluated reliably.
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Master thesis
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