Koneoppiminen rahoitusmarkkinoiden ennustamisessa
Tutkielma käsittelee koneoppimisen soveltuvuutta rahoitusmarkkinoiden ennustamiseen käsitellen erityisesti eri algoritmeja sekä niiden yhdistelmiä ja syötteen optimointia. Tulokset osoittavat, että tehokkaiden markkinoiden hypoteesin heikot ehdot eivät ole aina toteutuneet täydellisesti ja erityisesti tukivektorikone sekä hybriditoteutukset syötteen optimointiin vaikuttavat lupaavilta. Koneoppimista voidaan hyödyntää tähän ongelmaan ja muihin satunnaisuutta sisältäviin ongelmiin. Tutkimuksessa esitetään myös parannusehdotuksia käsitellyille malleille sekä mahdollisia kohteita jatkotutkimukselle.
This study researches whether machine learning could be utilized in forecasting the financial markets. Different types of algorithms are researched and different combinations of those including optimizing the input data. The results suggest that the market is not always weak form efficient. Especially support vector machine and hybrid models with input optimizing show promising results. Machine learning can be utilized for this problem and other problems which include randomness by nature. The study also suggests improvements for the studied models and possible areas for further research.
This study researches whether machine learning could be utilized in forecasting the financial markets. Different types of algorithms are researched and different combinations of those including optimizing the input data. The results suggest that the market is not always weak form efficient. Especially support vector machine and hybrid models with input optimizing show promising results. Machine learning can be utilized for this problem and other problems which include randomness by nature. The study also suggests improvements for the studied models and possible areas for further research.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201905162634Use this for linking