”Se oli kivaa koska sai tehdä kaikkea vapaasti.” : kolmasluokkalaisten itsemääräämisen kokemuksia koululiikunnassa
Tutkimustehtävänä oli selvittää opettamieni kolmasluokkalaisten kokemuksia koululiikunnasta. Tutkimuksessa esiteltiin itsemääräämisteoriaa. Tämän lisäksi tarkasteltiin perusopetuksen liikunnan opetussuunnitelmaa (2014) ja itsemääräämisteorian psykologisten perustarpeiden ilmenemistä opetussuunnitelman kirjauksissa. Tämän teoreettisen viitekehyksen kautta tutkimuskysymyksiksi muodostuivat, millaisia pätevyyden, autonomian ja sosiaalisen yhteenkuuluvuuden kokemuksia nousee esiin oppilaiden liikuntatuntikertomuksissa.
Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin lukuvuoden päätteeksi toukokuussa 2018. Luokan 20 oppilaasta 18 osallistui tutkimuksen kyselyyn. Tutkimusaineistona ovat oppilaiden kirjalliset vastaukset laadullisiin kysymyksiin (LIITE 1). Laadullisilla ja puolistrukturoiduilla kysymyksillä selvitettiin teorialähtöisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmin, mitkä asiat nousevat esiin oppilaiden kokemuksissa koetusta pätevyydestä, autonomiasta ja sosiaalisesta yhteenkuuluvuudesta liikuntatunneilla. Aineisto litteroitiin, klusteroitiin ja kvantifioitiin alaluokiksi edellä mainittujen psykologisten perustarpeiden alle.
Oppilaiden vastaukset koetusta pätevyydestä näyttäytyvät tavoiteorientaatioteorian kautta. Oppilaat kertovat tehtäväsuuntautuneisessa ilmaisuissa omasta oppimisestaan ja minäsuuntautuneissa ilmaisuissa omaa osaamista verrataan muihin. Autonomian kohdalla oppilaiden vastauksissa korostuu koettuun vapauteen ja päätöksentekoon osallistumiseen liittyvä ilo liikuntatunneilla. Autonomian ilmaukset muodostivat tutkimuksen vahvimman tuloksen, sillä jokainen oppilas kirjoitti siitä. Sosiaalisen yhteenkuuluvuuden osalta painottuu hyvän luokkahengen kuvaukset, sekä kannustuksen merkitys yhteenkuuluvuudelle.
Tässä tutkimuksessa käytetyt opetusmenetelmät ja oppilaiden ilmaukset nostavat esiin esimerkin autonomian merkityksestä liikuntatunneilla. Nämä tulokset eivät ole suoraan yleistettävissä, mutta ne tarjoavat alakoulussa liikuntaa opettaville mahdollisuuden pohtia autonomian tukemista omassa opetuksessaan.
The research task was to analyse third graders’ experiences of physical education in primary school. The thesis was presented via self- determination theory. In addition to this the Finnish National Core Curriculum (2014) and the manifestation of the basic psychological needs of the Self-Determination Theory in the core curriculum was studied. Through this theoretical framework the research task was to analyse the experiences of competence, autonomy and social relatedness in the pupils’ narration concerning physical education. The research material was gathered in the end of the academic year in May 2018. 18 pupils out of 20 took part in the survey. The research material consists of the pupils’ written answers to qualitative questions (APPENDIX 1). Theory based content analysis methods were used with qualitative half structured questions to investigate which topics stand out in the experiences of competence, autonomy and social relatedness in physical education. The material was transcripted, clustered and quantified to subclasses under the basic psychological needs presented above. The pupils’ experiences of competence become observable in the answers through goal orientated theory. The pupils write about their learning in task oriented expressions, and in ego oriented expressions they compare their mastery to others. The joy of freedom and making decisions in physical education is emphasized in the answers regarding experiences of autonomy. The expressions of autonomy established the strongest result of the survey, because every pupil wrote about it. In the answers concerning experiences of social relatedness descriptions of positive classroom cohesion were emphasized along with the importance of supportive class-room climate. The teaching methods and the pupils’ expressions in this survey give an example of the mean-ing of autonomy to a person in physical education. The results are not to be generalised as such, but they give a reason to primary school physical education teachers to reflect how to support the experience of autonomy in their own pedagogy.
The research task was to analyse third graders’ experiences of physical education in primary school. The thesis was presented via self- determination theory. In addition to this the Finnish National Core Curriculum (2014) and the manifestation of the basic psychological needs of the Self-Determination Theory in the core curriculum was studied. Through this theoretical framework the research task was to analyse the experiences of competence, autonomy and social relatedness in the pupils’ narration concerning physical education. The research material was gathered in the end of the academic year in May 2018. 18 pupils out of 20 took part in the survey. The research material consists of the pupils’ written answers to qualitative questions (APPENDIX 1). Theory based content analysis methods were used with qualitative half structured questions to investigate which topics stand out in the experiences of competence, autonomy and social relatedness in physical education. The material was transcripted, clustered and quantified to subclasses under the basic psychological needs presented above. The pupils’ experiences of competence become observable in the answers through goal orientated theory. The pupils write about their learning in task oriented expressions, and in ego oriented expressions they compare their mastery to others. The joy of freedom and making decisions in physical education is emphasized in the answers regarding experiences of autonomy. The expressions of autonomy established the strongest result of the survey, because every pupil wrote about it. In the answers concerning experiences of social relatedness descriptions of positive classroom cohesion were emphasized along with the importance of supportive class-room climate. The teaching methods and the pupils’ expressions in this survey give an example of the mean-ing of autonomy to a person in physical education. The results are not to be generalised as such, but they give a reason to primary school physical education teachers to reflect how to support the experience of autonomy in their own pedagogy.
Main Author
Master thesis
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