Eri toimintaperiaatteen mukaisien perinteisen hiihdon suksien pito- ja luisto-ominaisuuksien vertailu
Suksi- ja voideteollisuus ovat viime vuosina kehittäneet erilaisia menetelmiä, joilla on pyritty korvaamaan normaali pitovoitelu. Yleisimmät tunnetut pitovoitelun korvaamiseen suunnitellut sukset ovat pitokarva- ja nanosukset. Voideteollisuus taas on kehittänyt pitoteipin helpottamaan kuntohiihtäjän suksien pitovoitelua. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää näiden yleisimpien käytössä olevien pitovoitelun korvaavien menetelmien vaikutus suksien pito- ja luisto-ominaisuuksiin sekä hiihtäjän voimantuottokykyyn erilaisissa olosuhteissa.
Kenttämittauksien kuivan vanhan lumen sekä kostean vanhan lumen olosuhteiden mittaukset suoritettiin Vuokatin latureitistöllä ja kuivan keinolumen olosuhteen mittaukset Vuokatin hiihtotunnelissa. Laboratoriomittaukset suoritettiin Jyväskylän yliopiston Vuokatin toimipisteen yhteyteen rakennetussa kylmäkontissa kuivan vanhan lumen ja kostean vanhan lumen olosuhteissa. Kenttätutkimuksiin osallistui kaksi aktiivisesti kuntohiihtävää vapaaehtoista koehenkilöä kahdesta eri painoluokasta (75 ja 85 kg). Tutkittavina suksipareina olivat molempien painoluokkien osalta normaalisti voidellut sukset, pitoteippi-, pitokarva- ja nanosukset. Kenttämittausten luisto- ja pitotestit suoritettiin väliaikamittauksina valokennojen avulla tasaisen nousukulman (latureitistöllä 4,4° ja hiihtoputkessa 4°) maastonkohdassa. Luistomittaukset toteutettiin vauhdittomalla lähdöllä normaalilla laskutekniikalla ja pitomittaukset suoritettiin sauvoitta hiihtona maksimaalisena suorituksena. Pitomittauksen ajaksi suksiin kiinnitettiin myös sidevoima-anturit (Jyväskylän yliopisto), joiden avulla pystyttiin mittaamaan potkun syklin vaiheiden muuttujat sekä jalkojen voimantuotto. Laboratoriomittaukset toteutettiin lineaaritribometrin (Jyväskylän yliopisto), eli niin kutsutun suksitesterin avulla. Suksitesterin mittausten perusteella jokaiselle suksiparille saatiin muodostettua keskimääräinen lepo- ja liikekitkan arvo eri mittausolosuhteissa.
Tutkimuksen päätuloksia olivat: (1) Lumen kosteus vaikuttaa suksien toimintaan ja niiden välisiin eroihin. Nanosuksen luistotestin aika lyheni kostean vanhan lumen olosuhteessa jopa 66,6% ja vastaavasti pitoteipatun suksen vaakasuuntainen voimantuotto tippui jopa 54,7% verrattuna kuivan keinolumen olosuhteeseen. Muiden suksien osalta erot eivät olleet yhtä huomattavia. (2) Paremmin toimivat sukset mahdollistavat suuremman voimantuoton maksimaalisessa suorituksessa. Suurimmat voimantuoton erot mitattiin kostean vanhan lumen olosuhteessa 75 kilon painoluokassa, missä heikoimmin pitävällä pitoteippisuksien pysty- sekä vaakasuuntaisen maksimaalisen voimantuoton arvot olivat 836N ja 113N kun taas vastaavasti parhaimmin pitäneen nanosuksiparin arvot olivat 1088N ja 331N. (3) Suksitesterin tulokset olivat yhtenevät kenttämittauksissa saatujen tuloksien kanssa.
Normaalisti voideltu suksi on edelleen paras vaihtoehto eri keliolosuhteissa, mutta helppohoitoiset pitokarvasukset ovat myös hyvä vaihtoehto kuntohiihtäjälle. Toisaalta taas pitoteipin avulla saadaan toteutettua riittävän hyvä pito karkealle pakkaslumelle ja keinolumen olosuhteisiin. Nanosuksen luiston ero pieneni verrattuna muihin suksiin lumen kosteuden kasvaessa sekä kenttä- että laboratoriomittauksissa. Moni kuntohiihtäjä toivoo perinteisen hiihdon suksiltaan hyvää pito ja niiden huoltaminen ei saisi viedä liikaa aikaa. Tämän vuoksi suksivalintaa tehtäessä onkin hyvä miettiä millaiseen käyttöön ja olosuhteeseen sukset tulevat.
The cross-country ski and the ski wax industries have developed various methods that have been made to replace the normal grip waxing. The most common kick wax free classic style skis are skin-skis and nanogrip skis. Whereas the ski wax industry has developed grip tape to ease the grip waxing of the classic style skis. The aim of this study was to examine how these new developed skis and the grip tape influence on the skis’ gliding and grip properties and to the skiers’ leg force production in different snow condition. The dry old snow and the wet old snow field tests were carried out on Vuokatti ski tracks and the dry artificial snow field test was carried out on Vuokatti ski-tunnel. The laboratory tests were carrying out in the University of Jyväskylä Sports Technology Unit in a specific cold laboratory at the dry and the wet old snow conditions. Two active cross-country skiing volunteer subjects participated in the field tests from two different weight class (75 kg and 85 kg). Both subjects had the same four pairs of skis in their own weight class. Used pairs of skis were normally grip waxed skis, grip tape skis, skin skis and nanogrip skis. In the field tests both the grip and the gliding properties were collected on a same terrain point on a constant 47,5 meter up- or downhill (in the ski track 4,4° and in the ski tunnel 4°) zone. In the glide tests skiers slid down the downhill in a normal downhill position and in the grip test skiers skied up the uphill by diagonal style without poles as a maximum performance. The grip and the gliding interval times were measured with the photocell timing system (Spin Test Oy) and in the grip tests the cycle characteristics and the legs force production were collected with the force plate attached to ski bindings (University of Jyväskylä). In the laboratory test all the skis were tested with the special linear tribometer (University of Jyväskylä). Outcome of the linear tribometer was the averaged static and kinetic frictions for all the pairs of skis in two different conditions. Main results of the study were as follows: (1) Snow humidity affects to the skis properties and to differences between the skis. For example, on the wet old snow condition the nanogrip skis interval time in a gliding test decreased by 66,6% and the grip tape skis horizontal force producing capability decreased by 54,7% when comparing to the dry artificial snow condition. (2) Skis with better grip properties enabled greater force production in a maximum performance. The biggest differences in the legs force production were measured on the wet old snow condition for a 75 kg weight class where the lowest collected vertical and horizontal maximum force production values were 836 N and 113 N and respectively the highest collected values were 1088 N and 331 N. (3) The collected values from the linear tribometer were convergent to the values collected from the field tests. Normal waxed skis are still the best choice for different kind of condition, but easy-care skin skis are also a good choice for active cross-country skier also. On the other hand, with a grip tape it is possible to get good grip properties for the rough and the artificial snow condition. Comparing to the other skis the differences in the nanogrip skis gliding properties decreased when the snow humidity increases in both in the field and in the laboratory tests. In classic style cross-country skiing requirement is that skis have enough grip and skis preparation doesn’t take too much time from skiing itself. Therefore, when making ski selection, it is good to think what kind of use and conditions the skis would come to.
The cross-country ski and the ski wax industries have developed various methods that have been made to replace the normal grip waxing. The most common kick wax free classic style skis are skin-skis and nanogrip skis. Whereas the ski wax industry has developed grip tape to ease the grip waxing of the classic style skis. The aim of this study was to examine how these new developed skis and the grip tape influence on the skis’ gliding and grip properties and to the skiers’ leg force production in different snow condition. The dry old snow and the wet old snow field tests were carried out on Vuokatti ski tracks and the dry artificial snow field test was carried out on Vuokatti ski-tunnel. The laboratory tests were carrying out in the University of Jyväskylä Sports Technology Unit in a specific cold laboratory at the dry and the wet old snow conditions. Two active cross-country skiing volunteer subjects participated in the field tests from two different weight class (75 kg and 85 kg). Both subjects had the same four pairs of skis in their own weight class. Used pairs of skis were normally grip waxed skis, grip tape skis, skin skis and nanogrip skis. In the field tests both the grip and the gliding properties were collected on a same terrain point on a constant 47,5 meter up- or downhill (in the ski track 4,4° and in the ski tunnel 4°) zone. In the glide tests skiers slid down the downhill in a normal downhill position and in the grip test skiers skied up the uphill by diagonal style without poles as a maximum performance. The grip and the gliding interval times were measured with the photocell timing system (Spin Test Oy) and in the grip tests the cycle characteristics and the legs force production were collected with the force plate attached to ski bindings (University of Jyväskylä). In the laboratory test all the skis were tested with the special linear tribometer (University of Jyväskylä). Outcome of the linear tribometer was the averaged static and kinetic frictions for all the pairs of skis in two different conditions. Main results of the study were as follows: (1) Snow humidity affects to the skis properties and to differences between the skis. For example, on the wet old snow condition the nanogrip skis interval time in a gliding test decreased by 66,6% and the grip tape skis horizontal force producing capability decreased by 54,7% when comparing to the dry artificial snow condition. (2) Skis with better grip properties enabled greater force production in a maximum performance. The biggest differences in the legs force production were measured on the wet old snow condition for a 75 kg weight class where the lowest collected vertical and horizontal maximum force production values were 836 N and 113 N and respectively the highest collected values were 1088 N and 331 N. (3) The collected values from the linear tribometer were convergent to the values collected from the field tests. Normal waxed skis are still the best choice for different kind of condition, but easy-care skin skis are also a good choice for active cross-country skier also. On the other hand, with a grip tape it is possible to get good grip properties for the rough and the artificial snow condition. Comparing to the other skis the differences in the nanogrip skis gliding properties decreased when the snow humidity increases in both in the field and in the laboratory tests. In classic style cross-country skiing requirement is that skis have enough grip and skis preparation doesn’t take too much time from skiing itself. Therefore, when making ski selection, it is good to think what kind of use and conditions the skis would come to.
Main Author
Master thesis
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