Urheiluyläkoulukokeiluun osallistuvien nuorten koulumenestys ja siihen yhteydessä olevat tekijät
Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää suomalaisten urheiluyläkoululaisten koulumenestystä ja siihen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Tarkastelimme miten urheiluyläkoululaisten sukupuoli, syntymäajankohta, lajimuoto (yksilö- / joukkuelaji) ja fyysinen aktiivisuus olivat yhteydessä heidän koulumenestykseensä. Tutkielman kohderyhmänä olivat 7. luokkalaiset nuoret,
jotka aloittivat urheiluyläkoulukokeilussa elokuussa 2017. Aineisto kerättiin elektronisella kyselylomakkeella syyslukukauden 2017 aikana. Kyselyyn vastasi määräaikaan mennessä 214
yläkoululaista 11 yläkoulusta, vastausprosentin ollessa 60. Aineisto analysoitiin keväällä 2018.
Tutkimus oli luonteeltaan kvantitatiivinen ja aineiston kuvaamisessa käytettiin frekvenssejä,
keskiarvoja ja -hajontoja. Analyysimenetelminä käytettiin riippumattomien otosten t-testiä ja
Pearsonin tulomomentti-korrelaatiokerrointa.
Urheiluyläkoulukokeiluun osallistuvien nuorten koulumenestystä mitattiin äidinkielen, matematiikan, liikunnan ja englannin arvosanoilla sekä kaikkien aineiden keskiarvolla viime todistuksessa. Kaikkien aineiden yleisin keskiarvoluokka kokeiluun osallistuvilla nuorilla oli 8.5–
8.9. Myös muiden aineiden keskiarvot sijoittuivat tälle välille (äidinkieli 8.6, matematiikka 8.6
ja englanti 8.7). Liikunnan arvosana (ka = 9.6) oli verrattain hyvä. Urheiluyläkoulukokeiluun
osallistuvista nuorista tytöt menestyivät koulussa poikia paremmin sekä kaikkien aineiden keskiarvolla (p <.001) että äidinkielen arvosanalla (p <.001) mitattuna. Yhteyttä syntymäajankohdan ja koulumenestyksen välillä ei havaittu. Urheiluyläkoulukokeiluun osallistuvien nuorten
syntymäajankohdat painottuivat alkuvuoteen. Yksilölajien urheilijat menestyivät joukkuelajien
urheilijoita paremmin sekä kaikkien aineiden keskiarvolla (p <.001) että äidinkielen arvosanalla
(p =.016) mitattuna. Tutkimusaineistomme urheiluyläkoululaisista yli puolet (64.5 %) saavutti
jo lähtötilanteessa tavoitellun fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrän (20–30 tuntia viikossa). Fyysinen
aktiivisuus oli yhteydessä koulumenestykseen siten, että mitä useampana päivänä viimeisen
seitsemän päivän aikana oppilas oli liikkunut vähintään 60 minuuttia päivässä, sitä parempi
hänen englannin kielen (r =.16, p =.026) arvosanansa oli ja, mitä useampana päivänä oppilas
liikkui tavallisen viikon aikana vähintään 60 minuuttia, sitä parempia hänen matematiikan (r
=.16, p =.022), liikunnan (r =.17, p =.015) ja englannin (r =.15, p =.037) arvosanansa olivat.
Korrelaatiot kertovat kuitenkin heikosta riippuvuudesta (r < 0.3).
Koulumenestyksen ja lajimuodon välinen yhteys selittyy todennäköisesti sukupuolittuneilla lajivalinnoilla. Koulumenestys vaikuttaa lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointiin, joten olisi tärkeää tunnistaa syitä poikien heikommalle koulumenestykselle sekä turvata tavoitteellisesti urheilevien
nuorten jatko-opintokelpoisuus, tarkkailemalla heidän kuormittumistaan ja jaksamistaan.
Heille tulisi luoda malleja koulunkäynnin ja urheilun menestykselliseen yhdistämiseen.
The purpose of this study was to investigate academic achievement of Finnish secondary school of sports’ students and associated factors. Academic achievement was examined by gender, birth month, main sport group (team sports and individual sports) and by physical activity. The study’s participants composed of seventh graders who started secondary school of sports trials in August 2017. The data was carried out in the autumn semester of 2017 by electronic questionnaire. By time limit the questionnaire was answered by 214 secondary school of sports’ students from 11 schools making the answering per cent 60. The data was analyzed in the spring 2018. This study was a quantitative and the data was evaluated with frequencies, means and standard deviations. The data was analyzed using independent samples t -tests and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Academic achievement was measured by mean of native language, mathematics, physical education, English and mean of all school subjects. The most common mean scale on all school subjects was 8.5 – 8.9 in secondary school sports students. The mean scale was also the same on other school subjects (native language 8.6, mathematics 8.6 and English 8.7). Mean of physical education (9.6) was relatively good. Questionnaires showed that girls were more successful than boys in mean of all school subjects (p <.001) and mean of native language (p <.001). There were no statistically significant differences between birth month and academic achievement, but data showed that birth month of secondary school sports students be emphasized in to the beginning of the year. Athletes of individual sports got higher grades on mean of all school subject (p <.001) and mean of native language (p =.016) than athletes of team sports. The data showed that more than half (64.5 %) of the secondary school sports students achieved desired amount of physical activity (20–30 hours per week). Physical activity was statistically significant on academic achievement meaning that the more days sport student had physical activity at least 60 minute per day in last seven days, the better was student`s grade of English (r =.16, p =.026). Also, the more days sport student had physical activity at least 60 minute per day in normal week, the better was student`s grade of mathematics (r =.16, p =.022), physical education (r =.17, p =.015) and English (r =.15, p =.037). However, correlation coefficient reported a low relationship (r < 0.3). Relationship between academic achievement and main sport group can largely be explained by the different choices in sport activities made by boys and girls. Academic achievement affects children and youth well-being so it would be important to recognize the reasons of boy’s weaker academic achievement. Would be also important to protect young athletes’ validity of postgraduate by observing their stress and create models of associate the studies and sport.
The purpose of this study was to investigate academic achievement of Finnish secondary school of sports’ students and associated factors. Academic achievement was examined by gender, birth month, main sport group (team sports and individual sports) and by physical activity. The study’s participants composed of seventh graders who started secondary school of sports trials in August 2017. The data was carried out in the autumn semester of 2017 by electronic questionnaire. By time limit the questionnaire was answered by 214 secondary school of sports’ students from 11 schools making the answering per cent 60. The data was analyzed in the spring 2018. This study was a quantitative and the data was evaluated with frequencies, means and standard deviations. The data was analyzed using independent samples t -tests and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Academic achievement was measured by mean of native language, mathematics, physical education, English and mean of all school subjects. The most common mean scale on all school subjects was 8.5 – 8.9 in secondary school sports students. The mean scale was also the same on other school subjects (native language 8.6, mathematics 8.6 and English 8.7). Mean of physical education (9.6) was relatively good. Questionnaires showed that girls were more successful than boys in mean of all school subjects (p <.001) and mean of native language (p <.001). There were no statistically significant differences between birth month and academic achievement, but data showed that birth month of secondary school sports students be emphasized in to the beginning of the year. Athletes of individual sports got higher grades on mean of all school subject (p <.001) and mean of native language (p =.016) than athletes of team sports. The data showed that more than half (64.5 %) of the secondary school sports students achieved desired amount of physical activity (20–30 hours per week). Physical activity was statistically significant on academic achievement meaning that the more days sport student had physical activity at least 60 minute per day in last seven days, the better was student`s grade of English (r =.16, p =.026). Also, the more days sport student had physical activity at least 60 minute per day in normal week, the better was student`s grade of mathematics (r =.16, p =.022), physical education (r =.17, p =.015) and English (r =.15, p =.037). However, correlation coefficient reported a low relationship (r < 0.3). Relationship between academic achievement and main sport group can largely be explained by the different choices in sport activities made by boys and girls. Academic achievement affects children and youth well-being so it would be important to recognize the reasons of boy’s weaker academic achievement. Would be also important to protect young athletes’ validity of postgraduate by observing their stress and create models of associate the studies and sport.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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