Finding an identity and social-emotional skills
In this article the researchers present an auto-ethnographic study of the first
presenter´s life. Salonen is a Deaf person who suffered severe psychological
problems in his youth because of uncertainty about his identity and a lack of
social-emotional skills. Syväoja is a hearing psychiatrist and she is also
Salonen's mother. The purpose of this research is to discuss openly
Salonen´s life. An auto-ethnographic approach allows a cross-cultural
combination of socio-cultural and medical views, and the researchers,
reporting their experiences from their personal perspectives, consider
Salonen´s life from these two main angles: the socio-cultural (Deaf identity,
Deafhood, sign language) and the medical (well-being, social-emotional
functioning, mental health). Auto-ethnography as a qualitative research
method includes the interconnectivity of the self and others. The data consists
of personal memories, self-observation, self-reflection and external material
collected in the form of interviews, diaries and other documents. The research
shows how important it is for society as a whole to examine closely the
personal narrative of a Deaf person and of people who have followed his life
intimately. Salonen experienced severe crises in his social-emotional
functioning and mental health during puberty. After much effort he succeeded
in finding his identity and developing his social-emotional skills, helped in this
process by a thorough understanding and awareness of sign language and
Deaf culture. More detailed discussion is needed of how identity and socialemotional skills can be developed. They have the same goal – the welfare of
a Deaf child.
Main Authors
Conference paper
Publication in research information system
Deaf Studies Unit; University of Patras
Original source
The permanent address of the publication this for linking
Review status
Non-peer reviewed
International congress on the education of the deaf
Published in
Proceedings of ICED
Is part of publication
Proceedings of ICED 2015 : 22nd International Congress on the Education of the Deaf
- Salonen, J., & Syväoja, S.-M. (2015). Finding an identity and social-emotional skills. In Proceedings of ICED 2015 : 22nd International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (pp. 24). Deaf Studies Unit; University of Patras. Proceedings of ICED.
Copyright© the Authors, 2015.