Of Walls and Fences : Brexit and the History of Cross-Border Migration
Ahonen, P. (2019). Of Walls and Fences : Brexit and the History of Cross-Border Migration. Contemporary European History, 28(1), 42-45. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960777318000760
Published in
Contemporary European HistoryAuthors
© Cambridge University Press 2019.
Champions of Brexit have employed a large arsenal of arguments to boost their case for a
Britain better off on its own, freed from its current European entanglements. All kinds of
supposed ills have been linked to the country’s EU membership in British public debates over
the years, ranging from petty bureaucratic absurdities, such as directives regarding crooked
bananas, to heavy-handed rulings on higher matters of domestic and foreign policy.
Lamentations about continental meddling have been accompanied by grand, nostalgic visions
of an unfettered future Great Britain, ready to return to its proper, independent role on the
global stage once it manages to cast off the shackles imposed by Brussels. Although these
types of considerations undoubtedly contributed to the outcome of the British EU
membership referendum of June 2016, arguably the main factor behind the narrow victory of
the Brexiteers lay somewhere else: in fears of incoming migrants and dreams of simple
solutions that would keep them out.
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