Old Growth Forests in the Ukrainian Carpathians: Criteria and Indicators, identification methodology, and results up-to date
Historically, identification and conservation of OGF remnants in the region has undergone several stages:
- 2006-10 – pilot application of the OGF concept within the High Conservation Value Forests identification (FSC certification mainly);
- 2008-12 – pilot field works on the Old-Growth Forests (OGF) identification in Ukrainian Carpathians;
- 2012 – harmonized C&I for OGF identification in Maramuresh part of the Carpathians (RO / UA) developed,
- 2012 - now – large-scale field identification;
- 2014 – the OGF C&I above used as a basis for the Virgin Forest C&I by the Carpathian Convention, see: http://www.carpathianconvention.org/tl_files/carpathiancon/Downloads/03%20Meetings%20and%20Events/COP/2014_COP4_Mikulov/Follow%20Up/DOC13_Criteria_Indicators_virginforests_FINAL_26SEP.pdf ;
- 2017 – framework Law on the Protection of Virgin, Quasi-Virgin, and Natural Forests approved in Ukraine;
- 2018 (?): incorporation of the C&I and the Methodology into the Ukrainian national legislation.
Criteria and Indicators in brief: Minimum area (20 ha); Form (plot /massif width, regardless of its length, cannot be less than 200 m); Species composition according to the native forest type; Stand structure (mosaic, vertical and horizontal); relevant presence of Dead wood; Human interventions are negligible.
Identification methodology comprises 3 stages:
- Preparatory: plots of potential virgin or old-growth forests are selected using forest management database;
- Field identification: each parcel is inspected for corresponding to the C&I listed above at inventory points representatively coveraing the entire area of the parcel.
- Final: results of the field work are analyzed, status of each plot is identified, and the GIS-associated database compiled
As of 01.01.2018, around 90 thousand ha of OGFs in the Ukrainian Carpathians were identified in the field. Map of the plots identified and their descriptions can be found at: http://gis-wwf.com.ua/ .
Main Authors
Conference paper not in proceedings
Open Science Centre, University of Jyväskylä
Original source
Review status
Peer reviewed
ECCB2018: 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology. 12th - 15th of June 2018, Jyväskylä, Finland
- Volosyanchuk, R., Prots, B., Shparyk, Y., Cherniavskyi, M., Kagalo, A. and Savchyn, V. (2018). Old Growth Forests in the Ukrainian Carpathians: Criteria and Indicators, identification methodology, and results up-to date. 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology. doi: 10.17011/conference/eccb2018/107781
Copyright© the Authors, 2018