Kyberrikollisuus modernissa tietoyhteiskunnassa
Tämä tutkielma käsittelee kyberrikollisuutta modernissa tietoyhteiskunnassa. Tutkimuksessa pohditaan kyberrikollisuuden ilmenemistä, kyberrikollisten motiiveja sekä suojautumista kyberrikoksia vastaan. Kyberrikollisuus ilmenee yhteiskunnassa kyberavusteisina rikoksina sekä kyberriippuvaisina rikoksina. Kyberavusteiset rikokset ovat rikoksia, joiden toteuttaminen olisi mahdollista ilman tietoverkkoja. Kyberavusteisissa rikoksissa rikos tapahtuu verkon avulla, mutta se ei ole edellytys. Kyberavusteisia rikoksia ovat mm. sähköisillä markkinapaikoilla tapahtuvat petokset. Kyberriippuvainen rikos on laiton teko, joka vaatii tietoverkon rikoksen tekovälineeksi. Kyberriippuvaisen rikoksen toteuttaminen ilman tietoverkkoja ei ole mahdollista. Kyberriippuvainen rikos on esim. palvelunestohyökkäys, jonka toteuttaminen ilman tietoverkkoja on mahdotonta. Kyberrikolliset voidaan jakaa karkeasti kolmeen luokkaan: ammattirikollisiin, haktivisteihin sekä valtioihin. Ammattirikolliset pyrkivät saavuttamaan rikoksillaan taloudellista hyötyä, haktivistit ajamaan poliittista tai ideologista agendaa ja valtiot pyrkivät ajamaan omaa kansallista etuaan. Kyberrikolliset kehittävät jatkuvasti uusia ansaintamalleja jotka ovat luovia ja helposti kopioitavissa uuteen ympäristöön. Näistä kiristyshaittaohjelmahyökkäykset ovat jatkuvasti ajankohtainen esimerkki. Nykyisin kyberrikoksen uhriksi joutuminen on yleisempää kuin rikoksen uhriksi joutuminen reaalimaailmassa. Kyberrikokselta on siksi tärkeätä suojautua. Yksilöt voivat suojautua tehokkaasti ylläpitämällä tietoturvatietoisuutta, päivitettyjä selaimia ja käyttöjärjestelmiä sekä ottamalla käyttöön asianmukaiset tietoturvaohjelmistot. Organisaatioiden on noudatettava samoja ohjeita kuin yksilöiden, mutta organisaation on pohdittava kyberturvallisuuttalaajemmassa kontekstissa. Organisaation on pidettävä huolta henkilökunnan koulutuksesta, sillä henkilöstö on usein helpoin tapa toteuttaa tietomurto. Organisaation on pidettävä huolta jatkuvuussuunnittelusta sekä tietoverkkojen segmentoinnista. Usein puhutaan tietoturvassa olevan ihmisongelmia sekä teknisiä ongelmia. Teknisiin ongelmiin vastaus on jatkuvan tilannekuvan ylläpito ja toimiminen havaittuihin tarpeisiin ja poikkeamiin tilannekuvan perusteella. Ihmisongelmiin vastauksena on säännöllinen ja jatkuva koulutus sekä tietoisuuden kasvattaminen.
This study looks in to cybercrime in the modern information society. In this study the aim is to examine cyber criminality as phenomena in society, the motives behind the crimes and how an individual or an organization can protect itself from cybercrimes. Cybercrime is seen in two types of crimes in the society. Types are cyber assisted crimes and cyber dependent crimes. Cyber assistant crimes are crimes that can be done without computers or computer networks. They are crimes like cyber assistant fraud in an electronic market place. Cyber dependent crimes are crimes that cannot be done without computers and networks. They are crimes like denial of service attacks. Cyber criminals can be roughly categorized in three groups professional criminals, hactivists and nation states. Professional criminals seek economic income in their crime, hacktivists are seeking attention for their political or ideological agenda and nation states are seeking their own national interests. Cyber criminals are constantly developing new ways to generate income that are creative and can be copied easily in to a new environment. Ransom malware attacks are a recent and common example of this. In the modern society, it is more likely to become a victim of a cybercrime than an actual crime in the real world. This is the reason why everyone should protect themselves from cybercrime. Individual people can protect themselves by improving their cyber security awareness, keeping software updated and implementing necessary security software on their workstations. Organizations need to think the cyber security in a larger view. Organization need to educate the staff about cyber security related matters, since the staff is usually the biggest risk. Organizations need to keep their contingency plans up to date and implement segmentation to their networks. Very often the security is divided into people problems and technical problems. Technical problems can be handled with situation awareness, but the human problem requires regular training to keep the organization secure.
This study looks in to cybercrime in the modern information society. In this study the aim is to examine cyber criminality as phenomena in society, the motives behind the crimes and how an individual or an organization can protect itself from cybercrimes. Cybercrime is seen in two types of crimes in the society. Types are cyber assisted crimes and cyber dependent crimes. Cyber assistant crimes are crimes that can be done without computers or computer networks. They are crimes like cyber assistant fraud in an electronic market place. Cyber dependent crimes are crimes that cannot be done without computers and networks. They are crimes like denial of service attacks. Cyber criminals can be roughly categorized in three groups professional criminals, hactivists and nation states. Professional criminals seek economic income in their crime, hacktivists are seeking attention for their political or ideological agenda and nation states are seeking their own national interests. Cyber criminals are constantly developing new ways to generate income that are creative and can be copied easily in to a new environment. Ransom malware attacks are a recent and common example of this. In the modern society, it is more likely to become a victim of a cybercrime than an actual crime in the real world. This is the reason why everyone should protect themselves from cybercrime. Individual people can protect themselves by improving their cyber security awareness, keeping software updated and implementing necessary security software on their workstations. Organizations need to think the cyber security in a larger view. Organization need to educate the staff about cyber security related matters, since the staff is usually the biggest risk. Organizations need to keep their contingency plans up to date and implement segmentation to their networks. Very often the security is divided into people problems and technical problems. Technical problems can be handled with situation awareness, but the human problem requires regular training to keep the organization secure.
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Bachelor thesis
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