Muutokset erityisammattikoululaisten kognitiossa ja terveyskunnossa kolmen viikon telinevoimistelu -intervention jälkeen
Nurmesjärvi, M. 2018. Muutokset erityisammattikoululaisten kognitiossa ja terveyskuntoon kolmen viikon telinevoimistelu -intervention jälkeen. Liikuntatieteellinen tiedekunta, Jyväskylän yliopisto, liikuntapedagogiikan pro gradu -tutkielma. 49 s., 4 liitettä.
Pro gradu -tutkielmani tarkoituksena oli tutkia telinevoimistelu -intervention vaikutuksia erityisammattikoululaisten kognitioon ja terveyskuntoon. Tutkimus oli luonteeltaan määrällinen, jonka otokseen kuului 15 silloisen Bovallius erityisammattikoulun VALMA-oppilasta, joista poikia oli 10 ja tyttöjä 5. Interventiotutkimuksen toteuttaminen oli osa Neural Effects of Exercise, Diet, and Sleep (NEEDS) projektia, jossa tutkimuskohteena ovat liikunnan ja ravitsemuksen vaikutukset kognitioon ja aivojen toimintaan lapsilla ja nuorilla.
Tutkimusprojektin aineistonkeruu toteutettiin helmi-maaliskuussa 2016, jolloin koehenkilöille tehtiin alkutestit ennen telinevoimistelu -interventiojaksoa ja lopputestit interventiojakson jälkeen. Interventio kesti kolme viikkoa, jonka aikana oppilaat harjoittelivat sovellettua telinevoimistelua kahdesti viikossa. Testeissä mitattiin koehenkilöiden fyysistä kuntoa, valtimojäykkyyttä ja kognitiivisia toimintoja. Mittaustuloksia analysoitiin vertaamalla alku- ja lopputestien tuloksia ei-parametrisella Wilcoxonin merkkitestillä pienen otoskoon vuoksi.
Tulosten mukaan valtimoiden jäykkyys oli matalampi intervention jälkeen kuin ennen sitä (p=0,05). Fyysisessä kunnossa, kehonkoostumuksessa tai kognitiossa ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitseviä muutoksia. Kuitenkin suurin osa koehenkilöistä (69%) paransi tuloksiaan kestävyyskuntoa mittaavassa Andersenin testissä. Pidempi interventiojakso olisi voinut tuoda näkyviin enemmän merkitseviä muutoksia erityisammattikoululaisten terveyskunnossa ja kognitiossa.
Avainsanat: erityisammattikoululaiset, sovellettu telinevoimistelu, interventio, terveyskunto, kognitio
Nurmesjärvi, M. 2018. Changes in the cognition and health condition of special vocational school students after three weeks of apparatus gymnastics intervention. Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Master’s thesis of sport pedagogy. 49 pp., 4 appendices. The purpose of my Master's thesis was to investigate the effects of apparatus gymnastics intervention on the cognition and health condition of special vocational school students. The study was quantitative and the research group consisted of 15 VALMA students of the previous Bovallius special vocational school, of whom 10 were boys and 5 girls. Implementation of the intervention was part of the Neural Effects of Exercise, Diet, and Sleep (NEEDS) project, which focuses on the effects of physical activity and nutrition on cognition and brain function in children and adolescents. The data collection of the research project was carried out in February-March 2016, when the subjects did the initial tests before the apparatus gymnastics intervention and the final tests after the intervention period. The intervention took three weeks, during which the students practiced applied apparatus gymnastics twice a week. The tests measured the physical fitness of the subjects, their arterial stiffness and the cognitive functions. The results of measurement were analyzed by comparing the results of the initial and final tests with a non-parametric Wilcoxon character test for a small sample size. The results showed that arterial stiffness was lower after intervention than before (p = 0.05). There were no statistically significant changes in physical condition, body composition, or cognition. However, the majority of subjects (69%) improved their results in the Andersen test of endurance fitness. A longer intervention period could show up more significant changes in the health and cognition of special vocational school students. Keywords: special vocational school students, applied apparatus gymnastics, intervention, health condition, cognition
Nurmesjärvi, M. 2018. Changes in the cognition and health condition of special vocational school students after three weeks of apparatus gymnastics intervention. Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Master’s thesis of sport pedagogy. 49 pp., 4 appendices. The purpose of my Master's thesis was to investigate the effects of apparatus gymnastics intervention on the cognition and health condition of special vocational school students. The study was quantitative and the research group consisted of 15 VALMA students of the previous Bovallius special vocational school, of whom 10 were boys and 5 girls. Implementation of the intervention was part of the Neural Effects of Exercise, Diet, and Sleep (NEEDS) project, which focuses on the effects of physical activity and nutrition on cognition and brain function in children and adolescents. The data collection of the research project was carried out in February-March 2016, when the subjects did the initial tests before the apparatus gymnastics intervention and the final tests after the intervention period. The intervention took three weeks, during which the students practiced applied apparatus gymnastics twice a week. The tests measured the physical fitness of the subjects, their arterial stiffness and the cognitive functions. The results of measurement were analyzed by comparing the results of the initial and final tests with a non-parametric Wilcoxon character test for a small sample size. The results showed that arterial stiffness was lower after intervention than before (p = 0.05). There were no statistically significant changes in physical condition, body composition, or cognition. However, the majority of subjects (69%) improved their results in the Andersen test of endurance fitness. A longer intervention period could show up more significant changes in the health and cognition of special vocational school students. Keywords: special vocational school students, applied apparatus gymnastics, intervention, health condition, cognition
Main Author
Master thesis
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