Montefeltron alttaritaulu : Piero della Francescan (n. 1416-1492) alttaritaulussa olevan munan ja koralliriipuksen tulkinnan historiaa
Tämä tutkimus käsittelee italialaisen renessanssimaalarin Piero della Francescan (n. 1416‒1492) maalaamaa Montefeltron alttaritaulua (Pala Montefeltro) ja sen kahta mielenkiintoista yksityiskohtaa, munanmuotoista esinettä ja korallista kaulakorua, sekä näiden yksityiskohtien ikonografiaa ja ikonologista merkitystä. Miksi alttaritaulussa olevan absidin katosta riippuu munan näköinen esine? Miksi Jeesus-lapsen kaulalla riippuu epäluonnollisessa asennossa korallinen riipus. Mitä yhteistä riipuksella on ihmisen keuhkoputken kanssa? Onko munanmuotoisella esineellä ja koralliriipuksella yhteyttä toisiinsa, ja onko niillä merkitystä koko maalauksen tulkinnalle?
Etsin vastausta näihin tutkimuskysymyksiin lukemalla aiheesta aikaisemmin julkaistuja tutkimusartikkeleita ja perehtymällä Piero della Francescan teoksiin. Tutkin maalauksen historiallista kontekstia ja sitä, kuinka palan malli otettiin käyttöön. Vertailen eri artikkeleiden tulkintoja ja erilaisia, samankaltaisille aihealueille kuuluvia maalauksia toisiinsa. Vanhin tekstilähtökohta, jota käytän tutkimuksessani, on Duranduksen kirja Rationale Divinorum Officiorum (1230–1296), johon useimmat taidehistorioitsijat viittaavat kirjoittaessaan kattoon ripustetusta munasta. Andrea Mantegna (n. 1431‒1506) maalasi palan korallia maalaukseensa Madonna della Vittoria (n. 1495). Korallin hän sijoitti maalauksessaan samaan kohtaan, johon Pieron maalauksessa on ripustettu muna. Koralli näyttää samalta materiaalilta kuin Pieron maalaamassa Jeesus-lapsen kaulakorussa. Tämä seikka voi yhdistää munan ja kaulakorun merkityksen toisiinsa.
Tutkimuksessani tulin johtopäätökseen, että maalauksessa olevan munan mallina Piero käytti tavallista kananmunaa, mutta hän halusi luoda mielikuvan strutsinmunasta. Samoin päädyn ikonografiseen tulkintaan, että muna ja koralli symboloivat yhdessä Jeesuksen ristiinnaulitsemista ja ylösnousemusta.
This research concerns the Montefeltro Altarpiece (Pala Montefeltro) of the Italian Renaissance Painter Piero della Francesca (ca. 1416‒1492) and two interesting details in this painting, the iconography of these details and their iconological significance. Why is an egg-like object hanging from the ceiling of a niche in the painting? Why is there a coral necklace hanging in an unusual position around the neck of Child Jesus? How does the coral necklace connect with the human pulmonary tree? Further, are the egg-like object and the necklace connected to each other or to the interpretation of the whole painting? I was looking for answers to these research questions by studying previously published research articles and acquainting myself with Piero della Francesca's works. I was studying the historical context concerning the painting and the introduction of the model for this pala. I compared different articles about Pala Montefeltro and other paintings with similar themes. The oldest textbook used in this research is Durandus’s Rationale Divinorum Officiorum (1230–1296), which most art historians refer to when they are writing about the motif of hanging egg in paintings. Andrea Mantegna (ca. 1431‒1506) painted a piece of coral in his work Madonna della Vittoria (ca. 1495). He placed the coral in his painting on the spot that corresponds the place of the hanging egg in Piero's painting. The coral seems to be of the same material as in Piero's painting the necklace of Child Jesus. This connection can bring the meaning of the egg and the necklace together. In my research, I come to the conclusion that, as a model for the egg, Piero used the usual chicken egg, but with the purpose to create an image of the ostrich egg. My iconographic interpretation concludes that together the two motifs, the egg and the coral, can symbolize the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
This research concerns the Montefeltro Altarpiece (Pala Montefeltro) of the Italian Renaissance Painter Piero della Francesca (ca. 1416‒1492) and two interesting details in this painting, the iconography of these details and their iconological significance. Why is an egg-like object hanging from the ceiling of a niche in the painting? Why is there a coral necklace hanging in an unusual position around the neck of Child Jesus? How does the coral necklace connect with the human pulmonary tree? Further, are the egg-like object and the necklace connected to each other or to the interpretation of the whole painting? I was looking for answers to these research questions by studying previously published research articles and acquainting myself with Piero della Francesca's works. I was studying the historical context concerning the painting and the introduction of the model for this pala. I compared different articles about Pala Montefeltro and other paintings with similar themes. The oldest textbook used in this research is Durandus’s Rationale Divinorum Officiorum (1230–1296), which most art historians refer to when they are writing about the motif of hanging egg in paintings. Andrea Mantegna (ca. 1431‒1506) painted a piece of coral in his work Madonna della Vittoria (ca. 1495). He placed the coral in his painting on the spot that corresponds the place of the hanging egg in Piero's painting. The coral seems to be of the same material as in Piero's painting the necklace of Child Jesus. This connection can bring the meaning of the egg and the necklace together. In my research, I come to the conclusion that, as a model for the egg, Piero used the usual chicken egg, but with the purpose to create an image of the ostrich egg. My iconographic interpretation concludes that together the two motifs, the egg and the coral, can symbolize the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
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Master thesis
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