Basal ice formation in snow cover in Northern Finland between 1948 and 2016
Basal ice formation in the terrestrial snow cover is a common phenomenon in northern circumpolar
areas, one having significant impacts on ecosystems, vegetation, animals and human activities. There is
limited knowledge on the spatial and temporal occurrence of basal iceformation because of the sparse
observation network and challenges involved in detectingformation events.We present a unique dataset
on the annual extent of ice formation events in northern Finland between 1948 and 2016 based on
reindeer herders’ descriptions of the cold season in their management reports. In extreme years, basal ice
can form over wide geographical extents. In approximately half of the herding districts studied, it
occurred morefrequently in the period 1983–2016 than in the period 1948–1982. Furthermore, five out
of seven of the most extensive basal iceformation events(90th percentile) occurred between 1991 and
2016. The most commonly reported processes related to ice formation were thaw or rain-on-snow events
followed byfreezing of the snow cover. Years with extensive basal iceformation were often characterized
by above-average October–December air temperatures, air temperature variations around 0 °C and
relatively high precipitation. However, basal ice did not occur during all warm and wet early winters, and
formation events were generally weakly linked to the large-scale atmospheric teleconnections. Another
risk factor for reindeer grazing associated with warm and rainy early winters is the growth of mycotoxinproducing
molds below the snow. Approximately 24% of all reported moldformation events co-occurred
with basal ice formation. The prevalence and frequency of basal iceformation events can be assessed
based on our results. Our work contributes to understanding long-term fluctuations and changes in snow
and ice conditions and the impacts of this variability in circumpolar areas.
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Research article
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Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd.
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Environmental Research Letters
- Rasmus, S., Kivinen, S., & Irannezhad, M. (2018). Basal ice formation in snow cover in Northern Finland between 1948 and 2016. Environmental Research Letters, 13(11), Article 114009.
Copyright© 2018 The Authors. Published by IOP Publishing Ltd