Implementation of media governance : a liberal approach in the context of a small market
This thesis analyses the implementation mechanisms of media policy in Estonia.
The main research problem gradually evolved during the author’s participation
in several international media policy research groups and reporting.
Compared to many other Central and Eastern European countries, media
freedom in Estonia is rigidly upheld, the principle of net-neutrality has never
been in doubt and public access to information is not restrained. Still, the research
done has exhibited a decline in both the number of journalists and their
autonomy. On these contradictions, identifying the actors in media, political
and public domains enables the study to ask about the activity of every actor
and the values they advocate.
The empirical research has been published in nine works (seven articles
and two addenda) of which three focus on journalism and journalists, five on
various regulation systems and one specifically with the cultural development
of one media channel – radio.
The thesis’ cover text provides the empirical research outcome with a
frame. The author connects the values for media policy – freedom, autonomy,
diversity and pluralism – and the applied analysis of media policy with the ‘actor-
Analysis of the results of the empirical research indicate that the decline in
journalists’ autonomy derives from business profit opportunities, because Estonia
does not have a strong union for journalists and the professional community
shows little intent in defending their values.
Innovatively, this thesis suggests a two-dimensional assessment model for
media governance. This model offers the means to link the legislative framework
to monitoring the activities of various actors. This kind of monitoring is
relevant to account for contextual changes over time, which impact on particular
actors during media governance planning. Also the changes in the context of
international regulation would be accounted for under this monitoring.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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Published in
JYU Dissertations
Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Loit, Urmas & Siibak, Andra (2013). Mapping digital media : Estonia. London : Open Society Foundations.
- Artikkeli II: Harro-Loit H., Loit U. (2014) The Role of Professional Journalism in the ‘Small’ Estonian Democracy. In Psychogiopoulou E. (eds) Media Policies Revisited. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 206-209. DOI: 10.1057/9781137337849_15
- Artikkeli III: Loit, U. (2012) Radio in Estonia : meager but enduring. Journal of Radio & Audio Media, 19(2), 288-302. DOI: 10.1080/19376529.2012.722486
- Artikkeli IV: Loit, U. & Harro-Loit, H., (2012). Media policy in Estonia : small market paradoxes. In E. Psychogiopoulou (Ed.). Understanding Media Policies. A European Perspective, pp. 85-99. DOI: 10.1057/9781137035288_6
- Artikkeli V: Harro-Loit, H. & Loit, U. (2011). Does media policy promote media freedom and independence? The case of Estonia. An online report within the Mediadem project
- Artikkeli VI: Loit, U., Lauk, E., & Harro-Loit, H. (2018). Estonia : Conflicting views on accountability practices. In T. Eberwein, S. Fengler, & M. Karmasin (Eds.), The European Handbook of Media Accountability. Routledge, pp. 63-72.
- Artikkeli VII: Loit, U. & Harro-Loit, H. (2010). The case of Estonia. In Media policies and regulatory practices in a selected set of European countries, the EU and the Council of Europe, pp. 132-161. A Mediadem report.
Copyright© The Author & University of Jyväskylä