Reaaliaikaiset menetelmät web-sovelluksissa
Web-sovellusten määrä kasvaa jatkuvasti. Nykyään web-teknologiat ovat kehittyneet jo sen verran pitkälle, että edistyksellisien web-sovellusten kehittäminen on mahdollista pelkästään selainten natiivien teknologioiden avulla. Monet työpöytäsovellukset onkin jo siirretty webbiin ja reaaliaikaisuus on selvästi yleistynyt. Tässä tutkielmassa verrattiin suosituimpia reaaliaikaisia tekniikoita. Tutkittavia tekniikoita olivat HTTP Polling, HTTP Long Polling, Server-Sent Events, HTTP Streaming ja WebSocket. Tutkimuksessa toteutettiin viestisovellus jokaisella tekniikalla. Jokaisen viestisovelluksen pakettien kokoja vertailtiin ja suoritettiin rasitustestejä palvelimella. Tulosten perusteella WebSocket on selkeästi tehokkain tapa toteuttaa reaaliaikaisia web-sovelluksia. HTTP Streaming ja Server-Sent Events olivat tulosten perusteella odotetustikin melkolailla samanlaisia. HTTP Long Polling saattaa olla raskas tekniikka suurilla viestimäärillä.
The amount of web applications is increasing. Nowadays, web technologies have evolved so much that the most advanced web applications can be developed using only native browser technologies. Many desktop applications have been moved to the web and real-time capabilities have increased in web applications a lot. The aim of this work was to compare the most popular techniques used to achieve real-time data flow. The techniques were HTTP Polling, HTTP Long Polling, Server-Sent events, HTTP Streaming and WebSocket. A real- time messaging application was implemented witch each of the techniques. Package sizes were compared between the real-time techniques and load tests were performed for the server side applications. Results indicate that the WebSocket is clearly the most efficient technique to develop real-time web applications. HTTP Streaming and Server-Sent Events were pretty much the same when comparing the results, but that was expected. HTTP Long Polling can be very heavy for server, especially with large amount of messages.
The amount of web applications is increasing. Nowadays, web technologies have evolved so much that the most advanced web applications can be developed using only native browser technologies. Many desktop applications have been moved to the web and real-time capabilities have increased in web applications a lot. The aim of this work was to compare the most popular techniques used to achieve real-time data flow. The techniques were HTTP Polling, HTTP Long Polling, Server-Sent events, HTTP Streaming and WebSocket. A real- time messaging application was implemented witch each of the techniques. Package sizes were compared between the real-time techniques and load tests were performed for the server side applications. Results indicate that the WebSocket is clearly the most efficient technique to develop real-time web applications. HTTP Streaming and Server-Sent Events were pretty much the same when comparing the results, but that was expected. HTTP Long Polling can be very heavy for server, especially with large amount of messages.
Main Author
Master thesis
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