Varhaiskasvattajien näkemyksiä luontoliikunnasta suomalaisissa päiväkodeissa
Fyysisen aktiivisuuden suositukset eivät täyty suurimmalla osalla päiväkoti-ikäisistä lapsista. Tutkimuksissa lasten on todettu olevan fyysisesti aktiivisempia ulkona, kuin sisällä ja erityisesti aidossa luonnonympäristössä, kuten metsässä liikkumisen on todettu kehittävän lasten motorisia perustaitoja. Moni päiväkoti-ikäinen lapsi viettää merkittävän osan päivästään varhaiskasvatuksen parissa, kuten päiväkodissa. Varhaiskasvatuksella onkin merkittävät mahdollisuudet vaikuttaa myönteisesti lasten fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen ja hyvinvointiin.
Tämän pro gradu-tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää luontoliikunnan toteutumista suomalaisissa päiväkodeissa. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin erityisesti luontoliikunnan määrää ja siihen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä, luontoliikunnalle asetettuja tavoitteita, lasten käyttäytymisen muuttumista luonnossa liikkumisen myötä ja asioita, joiden koettiin rajoittavan luontoliikunnan toteuttamista.
Tutkimuksessa käytettiin määrällistä tutkimusotetta ja aineisto kerättiin Webropol-kyselyohjelmalla luodulla sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella. Kysely lähetettiin Lastentarhaopettajaliiton kautta heidän yhteistyöjäsenilleen ympäri Suomen, jotka levittivät kyselyä eteenpäin omalla alueellaan. Kyselyyn vastasi 148 varhaiskasvatuksen työntekijää 125:sta eri päiväkodista, eri puolilta Suomea. Kyselyyn osallistuneista 145 oli naisia ja 3 miehiä. Suurin osa kyselyyn osallistuneista oli lastentarhanopettajia. Aineistoa analysoitiin IBM SPSS Statistics 24-ohjelmalla. Analyysissä käytettiin kuvailevia menetelmiä (frekvenssit, prosentit, keskiarvot), ristiintaulukointia, ei-parametristen muuttujien testejä, sekä yksisuuntaista varianssianalyysiä.
Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan päiväkodeissa toteutetaan luontoliikuntaa keskimäärin kerran viikossa. Luontoliikunnan määrät olivat hyvin samankaltaiset eri puolilla Suomea. Luontoliikunnan määrään yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä olivat varhaiskasvattajan vapaa-ajan fyysinen aktiivisuus, lasten kanssa luonnossa liikkumisesta nauttiminen, luontoliikunnasta lapsille saatavien hyötyjen arvostaminen, varhaiskasvattajan kokemat vaikutusmahdollisuudet luontoliikunnan määrään liittyen ja päiväkodissa luontoliikunnalle asetettujen tavoitteiden olemassaolo. Yli puolessa kyselyyn osallistuneissa päiväkodeissa oli asetettuja luontoliikunnalle. Useimmin kirjattuja tavoitteita olivat motoristen perustaitojen, sosiaalisten taitojen ja kestävän kehityksen harjoitteleminen. Lasten koettiin olevan luonnossa liikkumisen jälkeen rauhallisempia ja iloisempia. Varhaiskasvattajat kokivat liian suurten ryhmäkokojen, muiden työntekijöiden asenteen ja lasten puutteellisen varustuksen rajoittavan useimmin luontoliikuntaa.
Säännöllisellä luontoliikunnalla voitaisiin vaikuttaa myönteisesti lasten kokonaisvaltaiseen hyvinvointiin. Tulevaisuudessa päiväkotien tarpeiden pohjalta tuotetun luontoliikuntamateriaalin tekeminen voisi tarjota päiväkodeille konkreettisia ideoita toteuttaa luontoliikuntaa nykyistä kattavammin. Luontoliikuntaa rajoittavat tekijät tulisi ottaa huomioon ja pyrkiä kehittämään käytänteitä, joiden avulla luontoliikuntaa voitaisiin toteuttaa esimerkiksi suurten lapsiryhmien kanssa.
Recommendations for physical activity are not fulfilled with the most Finnish kindergarten-aged children. Previous studies have shown that children are more physically active outdoors than indoors. Especially playing in natural environments, for example in the woods, has been found to develop children´s fundamental motor skills. Many kindergarten-aged children spend significant part of their day among early childhood education, as in kindergarten. Therefore early childhood education has a significant possibility to affect positively on children´s physical activity and well-being. The purpose of this study was to examine how outdoor exercise in nature is being carried out in Finnish kindergartens. The study examined especially the amount of outdoor exercise in nature and things interrelated with it, goals of outdoor exercise, changes in children´s behavior along with outdoor exercise in nature and factors early childhood educators found limiting the possibilities of outdoor exercise in nature. The quantitative approach was used in this study. The data was collected with the electronic questionnaire made with Webropol – online survey tool. The questionnaire was sent to Kindergarten Teachers Union in Finland where it was sent forward to early childhood educators around the Finland. In total, 148 early childhood educators, of whom 145 were female and 3 men, responded the questionnaire. Most of the people answering the questionnaire were kindergarten teachers. The data was analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics 24. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentage values, medians), cross tabulation, non-parametric variables tests and one-way analysis on variance. The results showed that outdoor exercise in nature is carried out in Finnish kindergartens approximately once in a week. The amounts of outdoor exercise in nature were quite similar in different parts of Finland. Factors interrelated with amount of outdoor exercise in nature were early childhood educators leisure time physical activity, enjoyment of the time spent in nature with the children, appreciation of the benefits children get exercising outdoors in nature, early childhood educators possibilities to affect the amount of outdoor exercise in nature and the goals set for outdoor exercise in nature. In more than half of the kindergartens, where respondents were working, had written goals for outdoor exercise in nature. The most common goals were practicing fundamental motor skills, social skills and sustainable development. Early childhood educators experienced that children were more calm and happy after exercising outdoors in nature. The most often mentioned factors early childhood educators found limiting the possibilities of outdoor exercise in nature were large group sizes, other employees attitudes and shortage of children´s equipment. Regular outdoor exercise in nature could have positive effects on children’s complete wellness. In the future creating a material for outdoor exercise in nature, based on early childhood education’s needs, could offer concrete ideas for kindergartens how to carry out outdoor exercise in nature more than nowadays. Limitations should be taken into account and come up with ideas how outdoor exercise in nature could be carried out for example with large groups.
Recommendations for physical activity are not fulfilled with the most Finnish kindergarten-aged children. Previous studies have shown that children are more physically active outdoors than indoors. Especially playing in natural environments, for example in the woods, has been found to develop children´s fundamental motor skills. Many kindergarten-aged children spend significant part of their day among early childhood education, as in kindergarten. Therefore early childhood education has a significant possibility to affect positively on children´s physical activity and well-being. The purpose of this study was to examine how outdoor exercise in nature is being carried out in Finnish kindergartens. The study examined especially the amount of outdoor exercise in nature and things interrelated with it, goals of outdoor exercise, changes in children´s behavior along with outdoor exercise in nature and factors early childhood educators found limiting the possibilities of outdoor exercise in nature. The quantitative approach was used in this study. The data was collected with the electronic questionnaire made with Webropol – online survey tool. The questionnaire was sent to Kindergarten Teachers Union in Finland where it was sent forward to early childhood educators around the Finland. In total, 148 early childhood educators, of whom 145 were female and 3 men, responded the questionnaire. Most of the people answering the questionnaire were kindergarten teachers. The data was analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics 24. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentage values, medians), cross tabulation, non-parametric variables tests and one-way analysis on variance. The results showed that outdoor exercise in nature is carried out in Finnish kindergartens approximately once in a week. The amounts of outdoor exercise in nature were quite similar in different parts of Finland. Factors interrelated with amount of outdoor exercise in nature were early childhood educators leisure time physical activity, enjoyment of the time spent in nature with the children, appreciation of the benefits children get exercising outdoors in nature, early childhood educators possibilities to affect the amount of outdoor exercise in nature and the goals set for outdoor exercise in nature. In more than half of the kindergartens, where respondents were working, had written goals for outdoor exercise in nature. The most common goals were practicing fundamental motor skills, social skills and sustainable development. Early childhood educators experienced that children were more calm and happy after exercising outdoors in nature. The most often mentioned factors early childhood educators found limiting the possibilities of outdoor exercise in nature were large group sizes, other employees attitudes and shortage of children´s equipment. Regular outdoor exercise in nature could have positive effects on children’s complete wellness. In the future creating a material for outdoor exercise in nature, based on early childhood education’s needs, could offer concrete ideas for kindergartens how to carry out outdoor exercise in nature more than nowadays. Limitations should be taken into account and come up with ideas how outdoor exercise in nature could be carried out for example with large groups.
Main Author
Master thesis
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