Lohkoketjuteknologian haavoittuvuudet
Lohkoketjut ovat teknologiana uusi ilmiö ja ainakin toistaiseksi useimmille täysin tuntematon termi. Lohkoketjuista puhutaan usein hyvin positiiviseen sävyyn maailmaa mullistavana teknologiana. Käsitteen ympärille on muodostunut erittäin paljon keskustelua, josta seurauksena usein on se, ettei asiaa muisteta tarkastella tarpeeksi kriittisesti. Siksi tässä kandidaatin tutkielmassa käsitellään lohkoketjuteknologiaan liittyviä haavoittuvuuksia, erityisesti lohkoketjuihin kohdistuvia hyökkäyksiä. Tutkielma on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Ensin tutkielmassa käydään läpi lohkoketjuteknologian ominaisuudet ja toiminta periaatteet, minkä jälkeen siirrytään käsittelemään kolmea erilaista haavoittuvuutta ja mahdollisia ratkaisuja niihin. Kyseisiä haavoittuvuuksia ovat 51 prosentin hyökkäys, tuplakulutus ja hyökkäys kolmannen osapuolen palveluun. Tutkielma avaa erilaiset haavoittuvuudet ja niihin liittyvät hyökkäykset yksityiskohtaisesti, mutta varmasti toimivia ratkaisuja kyseisiin ongelmiin ei löydetty. Lohkoketjuteknologia on vielä uusi asia ja sen merkittävimmät haavoittuvuudet perustuvat niin syvälle sen perimmäisiin toimintaperiaatteisiin, että niihin tarjotut ratkaisut ovat pääasiassa vielä vain ehdotuksia.
As a technology, blockchain is a new phenomenon and an unknown term for the most. Discussion about blockchains often has a positive tone and it has been called as a groundbreaking technology. This has caused a vast amount of discussion around the subject, which often leads to a lack of critical examination. That is why this thesis focuses on blockchain technology’s vulnerabilities and especially various attacks concerning it. The thesis was implemented as a systematic literature review. First, it will review the features of blockchain technology comprehensively and after that, three different vulnerabilities and their possible solutions will be addressed. The three vulnerabilities in question are 51 percent attack, doublespending and attack on third-party service. The vulnerabilities are explained in a detailed way, but solutions are lacking practical and working answers. The blockchain technology is still emerging technology and its vulnerabilities are based deep into its core features. That is why the solutions to the vulnerabilities concerned are primarily only suggestions.
As a technology, blockchain is a new phenomenon and an unknown term for the most. Discussion about blockchains often has a positive tone and it has been called as a groundbreaking technology. This has caused a vast amount of discussion around the subject, which often leads to a lack of critical examination. That is why this thesis focuses on blockchain technology’s vulnerabilities and especially various attacks concerning it. The thesis was implemented as a systematic literature review. First, it will review the features of blockchain technology comprehensively and after that, three different vulnerabilities and their possible solutions will be addressed. The three vulnerabilities in question are 51 percent attack, doublespending and attack on third-party service. The vulnerabilities are explained in a detailed way, but solutions are lacking practical and working answers. The blockchain technology is still emerging technology and its vulnerabilities are based deep into its core features. That is why the solutions to the vulnerabilities concerned are primarily only suggestions.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201809214198Use this for linking