Artificial Decision Maker Driven by PSO : An Approach for Testing Reference Point Based Interactive Methods

Over the years, many interactive multiobjective optimization methods based on a reference point have been proposed. With a reference point, the decision maker indicates desirable objective function values to iteratively direct the solution process. However, when analyzing the performance of these methods, a critical issue is how to systematically involve decision makers. A recent approach to this problem is to replace a decision maker with an artificial one to be able to systematically evaluate and compare reference point based interactive methods in controlled experiments. In this study, a new artificial decision maker is proposed, which reuses the dynamics of particle swarm optimization for guiding the generation of consecutive reference points, hence, replacing the decision maker in preference articulation. We use the artificial decision maker to compare interactive methods. We demonstrate the artificial decision maker using the DTLZ benchmark problems with 3, 5 and 7 objectives to compare R-NSGA-II and WASF-GA as interactive methods. The experimental results show that the proposed artificial decision maker is useful and efficient. It offers an intuitive and flexible mechanism to capture the current context when testing interactive methods for decision making.
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Springer International Publishing
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Peer reviewed
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature
Published in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Is part of publication
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XV : 15th International Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, September 8–12, 2018, Proceedings, Part 1
  • Barba-González, C., Ojalehto, V., García-Nieto, J., Nebro, A. J., Miettinen, K., & Aldana-Montes, J. F. (2018). Artificial Decision Maker Driven by PSO : An Approach for Testing Reference Point Based Interactive Methods. In A. Auger, C. M. Fonseca, N. Lourenço, P. Machado, L. Paquete, & D. Whitley (Eds.), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XV : 15th International Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, September 8–12, 2018, Proceedings, Part 1 (pp. 274-285). Springer International Publishing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11101.
In CopyrightOpen Access
Academy of Finland
Funding program(s)
Akatemiahanke, SA
Academy Project, AoF
Academy of Finland
Additional information about funding
This work was partially funded by Grants TIN2017-86049-R (Spanish MICINN) and P12-TIC-1519 (PAIDI). C. Barba-González was supported by Grant BES-2015-072209 (Spanish MICINN) and University of Jyväskylä. J. García-Nieto is the recipient Post-Doct fellowship of “Plan Propio” at Universidad de Málaga. This work was supported on the part of V. Ojalehto by the Academy of Finland (grant number 287496).
Copyright© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018.
