Designing for Positive User Experience in Work Contexts : Experience Categories and their Applications
Zeiner, K. M., Burmester, M., Haasler, K., Henschel, J., Laib, M. & Schippert, K. (2018). Designing for Positive User Experience in Work Contexts : Experience Categories and their Applications. Human Technology, 14 (2), 140-175. doi:10.17011/ht/urn.201808103815
© 2018 Katharina M. Zeiner, Michael Burmester, Kristin Haasler, Julian Henschel,
Magdalena Laib, & Katharina Schippert, and the Open Science Centre,
University of Jyväskylä
Experience categories describe repeatedly occurring qualities of positive
experiences that can be used for the analysis and generation of new/further/more
positive experiences. This paper describes experience categories for the workplace.
Based on 345 reports of positive user experiences in the workplace, we identified 17
experience categories through qualitative content analysis and describe their necessary
and optional attributes. We believe that experience categories can support analysis and
design activities for the work place in three ways: (a) using the questions derived from
experience interviews to analyze existing positive experiences in work contexts, (b)
explaining the potential of positive experiences in work contexts as a formal analysis
tool, and (c) showing the ways in which experience categories can inform the design of
software concepts to foster/generate positive user experience. The experience category
approach is thus a more actionable addition to other, mainly theory-driven, approaches.

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