Vuorovaikutuksen merkitys paikkaan sitoutumisessa : identiteetit ja sosiaalinen pääoma

This research focuses on communication between employees and residents of the municipality. Especially the theory of communication and social capital relating to identitites are being studied. The doctoral thesis analyzes how municipal residents react to municipal reform. The interaction of public administrations taking into account the identities of interest groups has not yet been widely researched. In this thesis the research task is approached qualitatively from the perspective of the residents’ own understanding. The basis of the research is philosophical hermeneutics. Material was collected by means of questionnaires and documents. In addition it was compiled from Facebook groups, mobile messages published in local newspapers and resident events. The results have been analysed using qualitative content analysis. The material-centered approach has been supplemented using Communication Theory of Identity as an analysis framework. The research findings show problems of change, such as lack of interaction, cooperation and common identity. According to the findings identity is central as well as the social capital of the inhabitants to the communication between employees and residents of the municipality. The results of the thesis come together in a transaction model that is developed on the findings interpreting different identity frameworks and utilizing insights from organisational communication. The transaction model can be used to analyse commitment and reputation through communication.This thesis provides information about identity theories and focuses on the social interaction associated with the formation of identity, which takes into account the relationships and bonds of social capital and identities. In this way, the results support futher development of the interaction of public administrations with communities in social networks.
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