Kuukausiviittomien foneettinen ja leksikaalinen variaatio suomalaisessa viittomakielessä
Tämän maisterintutkielman aiheena on kuukausiviittomien foneettinen ja leksikaalinen vaihtelu suomalaisessa viittomakielessä. Foneettiseksi variaatioksi on katsottu kuukausiviittomat, jotka eroavat toisistaan yhden tai kahden viittoman rakenneyksikön verran; leksikaaliseksi variaatioksi kuukausiviittomat, jotka eroavat toisistaan enemmän kuin kahden viittoman rakenneyksikön verran. Viittomakielten variaationtutkimusta on muualla maailmassa tehty runsaasti, mutta suomalaisen viittomakielen osalta se on ollut toistaiseksi vähäistä. Tämä tutkielma toimii avauksena laajemmalle suomalaisen viittomakielen variaationtutkimukselle. Tutkielma sisältää kaksi tutkimuskysymystä: 1) Millaisia foneettisia ja leksikaalisia variaatioita suomalaisen viittomakielen kuukausiviittomissa esiintyy? 2) Minkälaisia yhteyksiä esiintyy kuukausiviittomien leksikaalisten varianttien ja sosiaalisten taustamuuttujien välillä?
Aineisto on kerätty elisitaatiomenetelmällä yhteensä viideltäkymmeneltä viittomakieltä käyttävältä informantilta ympäri Suomea. Aineisto on annotoitu ELAN-ohjelmalla kaikkien kuukausiviittomien osalta, minkä jälkeen ne on luokiteltu foneettisiksi tai leksikaalisiksi varianteiksi viittoman rakenneyksiköihin perustuvan luokittelumallin avulla. Aineistossa ilmenevien leksikaalisten varianttien ja eri sosiaalisten taustamuuttujien yhteyttä tarkastellaan ristiintaulukoinnin ja varianssianalyysin avulla.
Tulokset osoittavat, että aineiston perusteella suomalaisen viittomakielen kuukausiviittomissa esiintyy runsaasti foneettista ja leksikaalista variaatiota. Aineistosta on poimittu yhteensä 31 leksikaalista kuukausivarianttia. Nämä leksikaaliset variantit ovat tapauksista riippuen jakautuneet 2–6 foneettiseen varianttiluokkaan. Viittoman rakenneyksiköistä käsimuoto on merkittävin, kun erotellaan kuukausiviittomia foneettisiin varianttiluokkiin. Sosiaalisista taustamuuttujista esiin nousee erityisesti ikä, kun tarkastellaan sosiaalisten taustamuuttujien yhteyttä eri leksikaalisiin kuukausivariantteihin.
Jokaisella kuukaudella on nähtävissä variantti, joka on käytössä yleisesti sosiaalisista taustamuuttujista riippumatta. Toisaalta kuukausiviittomissa esiintyy myös vähemmistökielille tyypillisenä ilmiönä variaation runsaus, joka esiintyy idiolektisinä ilmauksina. Tämä tutkielma vahvistaa muualla maailmassa tehtyjen viittomakielten variaationtutkimusten tuloksia siltä osin, että iällä ja variaatiolla on selkeä yhteys. Iän ja variaation perusteella kuukausiviittomissa on havaittu variantteja, jotka voidaan tulosten perusteella päätellä vanhoiksi viittomiksi. Nämä ovat mahdollisesti väistymässä kielenkäytöstä tulevaisuudessa.
This Master’s thesis studies phonetic and lexical variation of the signs for months in Finnish Sign Language. Signs for months with one or two differences in parameters compared to each other are considered as phonetic variants while signs for months with more than two differences in parameters compared to each other are established as lexical variants. There are plenty of research about variation in sign languages around the world, but little is known about variation in Finnish Sign Language so far. This thesis functions as a step towards the wider field of research into variation in Finnish Sign Language. This thesis includes two research questions: 1) What kind of phonetic and lexical variations are there in the signs for months in Finnish Sign Language? 2) What kind of relations are there between the lexical variants of signs for the months and the social variables? The data for this thesis has been elicited from a total of fifty Finnish Sign Language signers around Finland. The data was annotated with the ELAN annotation tool. First, all signs for the months were annotated after which they were categorized into phonetic or lexical variants according to the categorizing model based on the parameters of a sign. The relations between lexical variants and various social variables emerging from the research material was analyzed through cross tabulation and variance analysis. The analysis shows that there are plenty of phonetic and lexical variations in the signs for the months in Finnish Sign Language. 31 lexical variants for the signs for months were found in the data. These lexical variants were categorized into 2 to 6 phonetic variant categories depending on each case. In individual parameters of the signs, the handshape has a prominent role when categorizing sign for months into phonetic variant categories. When considering the relation between the social variables and different lexical month variants, age is the most prominent one. Every month has its distinct variant of sign, which is generally used in Finnish Sign Language, regardless of what the social variables are. On the other hand, the signs for months also know high variation, which is typical for minority languages and which emerges as idiolectic expressions. This thesis confirms the results found in other sign language variation research around the world insofar that age and variation have a clear relationship. Based on age and variation, the signs for months have emergent variants that could be deduced as old signs according to the results. These are possibly going to decrease from the language usage in the future.
This Master’s thesis studies phonetic and lexical variation of the signs for months in Finnish Sign Language. Signs for months with one or two differences in parameters compared to each other are considered as phonetic variants while signs for months with more than two differences in parameters compared to each other are established as lexical variants. There are plenty of research about variation in sign languages around the world, but little is known about variation in Finnish Sign Language so far. This thesis functions as a step towards the wider field of research into variation in Finnish Sign Language. This thesis includes two research questions: 1) What kind of phonetic and lexical variations are there in the signs for months in Finnish Sign Language? 2) What kind of relations are there between the lexical variants of signs for the months and the social variables? The data for this thesis has been elicited from a total of fifty Finnish Sign Language signers around Finland. The data was annotated with the ELAN annotation tool. First, all signs for the months were annotated after which they were categorized into phonetic or lexical variants according to the categorizing model based on the parameters of a sign. The relations between lexical variants and various social variables emerging from the research material was analyzed through cross tabulation and variance analysis. The analysis shows that there are plenty of phonetic and lexical variations in the signs for the months in Finnish Sign Language. 31 lexical variants for the signs for months were found in the data. These lexical variants were categorized into 2 to 6 phonetic variant categories depending on each case. In individual parameters of the signs, the handshape has a prominent role when categorizing sign for months into phonetic variant categories. When considering the relation between the social variables and different lexical month variants, age is the most prominent one. Every month has its distinct variant of sign, which is generally used in Finnish Sign Language, regardless of what the social variables are. On the other hand, the signs for months also know high variation, which is typical for minority languages and which emerges as idiolectic expressions. This thesis confirms the results found in other sign language variation research around the world insofar that age and variation have a clear relationship. Based on age and variation, the signs for months have emergent variants that could be deduced as old signs according to the results. These are possibly going to decrease from the language usage in the future.
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Master thesis
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