Budjettitukiyhteistyön tuloksellisuuden ja vaikuttavuuden arviointi: Suomen yleinen budjettituki Mosambikille
Evaluation of the impact and effectiveness
of general budget support: Finnish
support to Mozambique
The Paris Declaration commits both donors
and recipients to hold each other accountable
for the effectiveness of aid. In this context, general budget support (GBS) has been promoted
as the most suitable form of aid for fulfilling
commitments made under the declaration. The
article examines the challenges faced in evaluating the effectiveness and impact of Finnish
GBS to Mozambique. The evaluation of GBS is
approached focusing on three elements of the
theory of change behind the programme: setting the boundaries of GBS, identifying various interpretations of ‘mutual accountability’,
and assessing the coherence and relevance of
the outcomes chain for reducing poverty. The
data consist of international and national documents dealing with the efficiency of aid and the
relevant research literature. The results show
that the theory of change behind GBS includes
complex elements and presuppositions, some of
which are implausible or plausible only under
certain conditions. If the evaluation of GBS is
restricted to monitoring technical indicators, it
will ignore factors that are important for achieving the intended outcomes. At the same time,
political developments in both countries have
eroded the basis for cooperation.
Keywords: Development cooperation, effectiveness of aid, evaluation, mutual accountability,
direct budget support, theory of change, Finland,
Main Author
Research article
Publication in research information system
Hallinnon Tutkimuksen Seura ry
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201808223906Use this for linking
Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Hallinnon tutkimus
- Virtanen, P. (2014). Budjettitukiyhteistyön tuloksellisuuden ja vaikuttavuuden arviointi: Suomen yleinen budjettituki Mosambikille. Hallinnon tutkimus, 33(2), 131-144.
Copyright© Kirjoittajat & Hallinnon tutkimuksen seura, 2014