Kryptovaluutat sijoituskohteena
Kryptovaluutat ovat olleet uutisoinnin keskipisteessä viime aikoina, pitkälti niiden suurien tuottomahdollisuuksien takia. Tässä tutkielmassa pyritään selvittämään mitä kryptovaluutat todellisuudessa ovat, miten niihin voi sijoittaa, miten niistä saatava tuotto muodostuu sekä mitkä ovat niihin sijoittamiseen liittyviä riskejä ja mahdollisuuksia. Tutkielma on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja aihepiiriä tarkastellaan enimmäkseen sijoittajan näkökulmasta. Tutkielmassa kryptovaluuttojen todettiin olevan useisiin tietokantoihin hajautettuja, maksamiseen tai sovellusten luontiin käytettäviä digitaalisia valuuttoja. Kryptovaluuttojen arvo määrittyy enimmäkseen niiden käyttäjämäärän perusteella. Sijoittajille kryptovaluuttojen hankintaprosessi on huomattavasti monimutkaisempi kuin perinteisten sijoituskohteiden. Kryptovaluuttoihin sijoittamiseen liittyvät riskit rakentuivat enimmäkseen suurista arvonvaihteluista, rikollisuudesta ja erilaisista tietoturvariskeistä. Kryptovaluuttoihin sijoittamisen mahdollisuudet koostuivat digitalisaatiosta, nykyisen rahajärjestelmän epäkohdista ja kryptovaluuttojen itsenäisyydestä. Kokonaisuutena kryptovaluutat ovat erittäin riskialtis sijoituskohde, joihin liittyy hyvin vähän arvoa kasvattavia tekijöitä.
Cryptocurrencies have been the focus of media coverage in recent times, largely due to their high earning potential. This thesis aims to find out what cryptocurrencies are, how people can invest to them, how cryptocurrencies value is formed and what are the risks and opportunities associated with them as an investment. The thesis is carried out as a survey of literature and the topic is mostly viewed from the perspective of the investor. In the thesis, cryptocurrencies were found to be virtual currencies, which are decentralized to several databases and they are devoted to digital payments or digital casting. Value of cryptocurrencies is mostly formed by the number of users with specific cryptocurrency. The procurement process of cryptocurrencies is more complicated than it is with more traditional investments. The risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies were mostly based on high value fluctuations, criminology and various types of information security risks. The opportunities of investing in cryptographic currencies consisted of digitalization, the disadvantages of the current monetary system, and the self-awareness of cryptocurrencies. As a whole cryptocurrencies are very risky investment, although there are some value gaining factors.
Cryptocurrencies have been the focus of media coverage in recent times, largely due to their high earning potential. This thesis aims to find out what cryptocurrencies are, how people can invest to them, how cryptocurrencies value is formed and what are the risks and opportunities associated with them as an investment. The thesis is carried out as a survey of literature and the topic is mostly viewed from the perspective of the investor. In the thesis, cryptocurrencies were found to be virtual currencies, which are decentralized to several databases and they are devoted to digital payments or digital casting. Value of cryptocurrencies is mostly formed by the number of users with specific cryptocurrency. The procurement process of cryptocurrencies is more complicated than it is with more traditional investments. The risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies were mostly based on high value fluctuations, criminology and various types of information security risks. The opportunities of investing in cryptographic currencies consisted of digitalization, the disadvantages of the current monetary system, and the self-awareness of cryptocurrencies. As a whole cryptocurrencies are very risky investment, although there are some value gaining factors.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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