Multimodal Aposematic Signals and Their Emerging Role in Mate Attraction
Chemically defended animals often display conspicuous color patterns that predators
learn to associate with their unprofitability and subsequently avoid. Such animals (i.e.,
aposematic), deter predators by stimulating their visual and chemical sensory channels.
Hence, aposematism is considered to be “multimodal.” The evolution of warning signals
(and to a lesser degree their accompanying chemical defenses) is fundamentally linked
to natural selection by predators. Lately, however, increasing evidence also points to a
role of sexual selection shaping warning signal evolution. One of the species in which this
has been shown is the wood tiger moth, Arctia plantaginis, which we here put forward
as a promising model to investigate multimodality in aposematic and sexual signaling.
A. plantaginis is an aposematic diurnal moth which exhibits sexually dimorphic coloration
as well as sex-limited polymorphism in part of its range. The anti-predator function
of its coloration and, more recently, its chemical defenses (even when experimentally
decoupled from the visual signals), has been well-demonstrated. Interestingly, recent
studies have revealed differences between the two male morphs in mating success,
suggesting a role of coloration in mate choice or attraction, and providing a possible
explanation for its sexual dimorphism in coloration. Here, we: (1) review the lines of
evidence showing the role of predation pressure and sexual selection in the evolution
of multimodal aposematic signals in general, and in the wood tiger moth in particular;
(2) establish gaps in current research linking sexual selection and predation as selective
pressures on aposematic signals by reviewing a sample of the literature published in
the last 30 years; (3) highlight the need of identifying suitable systems to address
simultaneously the effect of natural and sexual selection on multimodal aposematic
signals; and (4) propose directions for future research to test how aposematic signals
can evolve under natural and sexual selection.
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Frontiers Research Foundation
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
- Rojas Zuluaga, B., Burdfield-Steel, E., De Pasqual, C., Gordon, S., Hernández, L., Mappes, J., Nokelainen, O., Rönkä, K., & Lindstedt, C. (2018). Multimodal Aposematic Signals and Their Emerging Role in Mate Attraction. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6, Article 93.
Copyright© the Authors, 2018.