Enhancing CRM strategy : the role of data, leadership and organizational culture
Ostokäyttäytymisen muuttuminen ja ostoprosessin pirstaloituminen useisiin kanaviin ovat muuttaneet yritysten tapaa tehdä asiakkuuksien johtamista (CRM). Jotta yritys pystyy tarjoamaan asiakkailleen arvoa oikeassa kanavassa ja oikeaan aikaan, on sen toteutettava CRM-strategiaansa tehokkaasti. Kokonaisvaltainen lähestymistapa CRM:ään painottaa yrityksen eri toimintojen yhteisvaikutusta asiakkuuksien johtamisen prosessiin. Siitä huolimatta tärkeiden toimintojen, kuten johtamisen ja organisaatiokulttuurin vaikutuksia CRM:ään on aiemmin tutkittu niukasti.
Tämä tutkimus pyrkii osaltaan ratkaisemaan tätä ongelmaa esittelemällä uuden mallin, jonka avulla voidaan tutkia johtamisen, organisaatiokulttuurin, sekä datan ja analytiikan roolia CRM strategian luomisessa ja toteuttamisessa. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, mitkä johtamisen, organisaatiokulttuurin, datan ja analytiikan toimenpiteet parhaiten tukevat CRM-strategian luontia ja toteutusta.
Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että näiden kolmen elementin rooli CRM:ssä on merkittävä ja tutkimuksessa kehitetty malli kuvaa näitä merkityksiä kattavasti. Johto toimii yrityksessä portinvartijana CRM strategialle. Johdon sitoutuminen prosessiin, sekä sen kyky jalkauttaa strategiaa ja osallistaa siihen toimijoita läpi organisaation on onnistumisen kannalta kriittisessä roolissa. Organisaatiokulttuurin piirteistä erityisesti asiakaslähtöisyys, jatkuvan kehittämisen kulttuuri ja ihmislähtöisyys edistivät tuloksellista CRM:ää. Datan ja analytiikan rooli asiakkuuksien johtamisessa on muuttunut ja ne nousevat nyt entistä tärkeämpään asemaan CRM prosessissa. Pelkän raportoinnin ja tiedon varastoinnin sijaan ne mahdollistavat nyt ainutlaatuisen ja yksilöllisen asiakasarvon luomisen, jota kilpailijoiden on äärimmäisen vaikea kopioida.
Change in customer’s buying behaviour has lead customer encounters to fragment across channels. Companies now need to master value creation in multiple touchpoints, online and offline, to develop profitable customer relationships. To gain customer understanding and to deliver value to the right customer at the right time, companies need to effectively implement CRM strategy. Holistic approach, which considers several business operations as part of the CRM process, is a key factor in CRM success. Nevertheless, little is known about how elements such as leadership and organizational culture affect CRM. This study develops a new research framework to explore how elements of leadership, organizational culture and data and analytics can be used to enhance CRM strategy development and implementation. In addition, the study aims to explore which activities of leadership, organizational culture, data and analytics best support the CRM. Main findings of the study reveal that the created framework effectively describes how the three elements are related to CRM strategy development and implementation. All three elements have a significant role in CRM process. Leadership acts as a gate keeper to strategy. Its commitment to the process and ability to implement strategy and enhance cross-functional coordination greatly influences the outcomes of the implementation. From the features of organizational culture, customer-orientation, culture of continuous development and people orientation arose as the main facilitators of CRM strategy. Finally, data and analytics have a strong supportive role thorough CRM process. The role of data, analytics, and IT has shifted from a reporting and record storing tool to enabler of supreme customer value creation and a competitive advantage that is hard to copy.
Change in customer’s buying behaviour has lead customer encounters to fragment across channels. Companies now need to master value creation in multiple touchpoints, online and offline, to develop profitable customer relationships. To gain customer understanding and to deliver value to the right customer at the right time, companies need to effectively implement CRM strategy. Holistic approach, which considers several business operations as part of the CRM process, is a key factor in CRM success. Nevertheless, little is known about how elements such as leadership and organizational culture affect CRM. This study develops a new research framework to explore how elements of leadership, organizational culture and data and analytics can be used to enhance CRM strategy development and implementation. In addition, the study aims to explore which activities of leadership, organizational culture, data and analytics best support the CRM. Main findings of the study reveal that the created framework effectively describes how the three elements are related to CRM strategy development and implementation. All three elements have a significant role in CRM process. Leadership acts as a gate keeper to strategy. Its commitment to the process and ability to implement strategy and enhance cross-functional coordination greatly influences the outcomes of the implementation. From the features of organizational culture, customer-orientation, culture of continuous development and people orientation arose as the main facilitators of CRM strategy. Finally, data and analytics have a strong supportive role thorough CRM process. The role of data, analytics, and IT has shifted from a reporting and record storing tool to enabler of supreme customer value creation and a competitive advantage that is hard to copy.
Main Author
Master thesis
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