Drivers towards circular economy in the Finnish machinery and equipment industry
Kestävyyteen liittyvistä haasteista on keskusteltu jo pitkään ja on selvää, että maapallon kantokyky ei kestä kasvavaa kulutustahtia. Viime aikoina kiertotalous on nostettu esiin yhtenä mahdollisena ratkaisuna kestävyysongelmiin. Vaikka kiertotalouden ajatus ei ole uusi, on se saanut huomiota juuri nyt ja eri maissa on ehdotettu tavoitteita, ohjeita ja linjauksia kiertotalouden mallien toimeenpanoa varten. Kiertotalouden saavuttamiseksi tarvitaan huomattavia muutoksia tämänhetkisiin käytäntöihin ja talousmalliin. Yritysten on muutettava prosessejaan ja liiketoiminnan ajattelutapaansa. Silti kiertotalouteen motivoivia tekijöitä on tutkittu vain rajallisesti. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy Suomen konepajateollisuuden yritysten motivaatioihin kiertotalouden mallien käyttöönottoon. Konepajateollisuus valittiin tutkimuksen kohteeksi, koska arvion mukaan kiertotalouden mallien käyttöönotto tuo tälle sektorille suurimman kasvupotentiaalimahdollisuuden. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytettiin tutkimusmenetelmänä laadullista tutkimusta. Kymmentä edustajaa yhdeksästä eri konepajateollisuuden yrityksestä haastateltiin pääasiassa sähköpostihaastattelun avulla. Haastattelut analysoitiin teema-analyysia käyttäen. Haastatteluissa tunnistettuja ajavia tekijöitä verrattiin yleisesti kirjallisuudessa tunnistettuihin yritysvastuuseen ajaviin tekijöihin. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella Suomen konepajateollisuuden yrityksiä motivoi kiertotalouteen liiketoimintamahdollisuudet, asiakkaiden vaatimukset, liikearvon ja myynnin kasvatus, imagohyödyt, yrityksen arvot ja periaatteet sekä kestävyys. Näillä ajavilla tekijöillä on yhtäläisyyksiä kestävyyteen ajavien tekijöiden kanssa, vaikka kiertotalouden ajavat tekijät vaikuttavat keskittyvän enemmän liiketoimintamahdollisuuksiin. Silti lisätutkimus on välttämätöntä ennen kuin näitä tekijöitä voidaan yleistää tai luotettavasti arvioida kiertotalouteen ja kestävyyteen ajavien tekijöiden samankaltaisuuksia ja eroavaisuuksia.
Issues related to sustainability have been discussed for long and it is clear that the carrying capacity of the Earth cannot meet with the increasing consumption rates. Circular economy has recently been brought up as a way to help solving the sustainability issues. Though the idea of circular economy is not new, it has now gotten more attention and in different countries goals, guidelines and policies towards the implementation of the models of circular economy have been proposed. To reach circular economy significant changes in current practices and economic structure are necessary. Companies need to change their processes and the way they see their business. Yet, the research of the drivers towards circular economy is limited. This study focuses on the drivers of Finnish machinery and equipment industry to adopt the models of circular economy. Machinery and equipment industry was chosen as this sector is estimated to have the most growth potential through the adoption of the models of circular economy. The research method used in this study was a qualitative research. Ten representatives from nine different companies in machinery and equipment industry were interviewed mostly through email interviewing. The interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. The drivers recognized from the interviews were compared to drivers for corporate sustainability from the literature. Based on the study the main drivers for circular economy in the Finnish machinery and equipment industry are business potential, customer demand, increasing business value and sales, image benefits, values and principles of the company and sustainability. These drivers share some similarities with the drivers for sustainability though the drivers for circular economy seem to be more focused on the business potential. Yet, more research is necessary in order to generalize the drivers for circular economy or to reliably draw conclusions of the similarities and differences between the drivers for circular economy and the drivers for sustainability.
Issues related to sustainability have been discussed for long and it is clear that the carrying capacity of the Earth cannot meet with the increasing consumption rates. Circular economy has recently been brought up as a way to help solving the sustainability issues. Though the idea of circular economy is not new, it has now gotten more attention and in different countries goals, guidelines and policies towards the implementation of the models of circular economy have been proposed. To reach circular economy significant changes in current practices and economic structure are necessary. Companies need to change their processes and the way they see their business. Yet, the research of the drivers towards circular economy is limited. This study focuses on the drivers of Finnish machinery and equipment industry to adopt the models of circular economy. Machinery and equipment industry was chosen as this sector is estimated to have the most growth potential through the adoption of the models of circular economy. The research method used in this study was a qualitative research. Ten representatives from nine different companies in machinery and equipment industry were interviewed mostly through email interviewing. The interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. The drivers recognized from the interviews were compared to drivers for corporate sustainability from the literature. Based on the study the main drivers for circular economy in the Finnish machinery and equipment industry are business potential, customer demand, increasing business value and sales, image benefits, values and principles of the company and sustainability. These drivers share some similarities with the drivers for sustainability though the drivers for circular economy seem to be more focused on the business potential. Yet, more research is necessary in order to generalize the drivers for circular economy or to reliably draw conclusions of the similarities and differences between the drivers for circular economy and the drivers for sustainability.
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Master thesis
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