Forms of determination in natural and artificial systems
Tutkielman tarkoitus on arvioida autonomisen teknologian ja keinoälyn taustalle vallitsevia olettamuksia perusteanalyyttisestä näkökulmasta käyttäen autonomisia laivoja kontekstina. Teoreettinen tutkielma on kriittinen, mutta motiiveiltaan rakentava: mikäli olettamuksien taustalla vallitsevia konseptuaalisia ongelmia kyetään tunnistamaan, niitä voidaan myös pyrkiä paikkaamaan. Tämä tavoite on oletettavasti pitkän tähtäimen kehitystä ja tavoitteena sellaisenaan tutkielman ulkopuolella. Siitä huolimatta teknologian perustavaa laatua olevien rajoitteiden tunnistaminen on ensiarvoisen tärkeää aikana, jolloin kehitys on nopeaa ja riskit todellisia. Tämä mahdollistaa ihmisen ja autonomisen teknologian vuorovaikutukseen liittyvien kysymyksien asemoimisen rationaaliselle pohjalle ja auttaa tunnistamaan molempien vahvoja ja heikkoja puolia. Tiivistettynä tutkielman tavoite on kuvata niitä vaatimuksia, joita autonominen teknologia asettaa pyrkiessään korvaamaan inhimillistä tiedonkäsittelyä teknisessä järjestelmässä. Tämä pyritään kytkemään kriittiseen keskusteluun tietokoneiden ja laskennallisten toimenpiteiden perustavaa laatua olevien ominaisuuksien kyvystä saavuttaa näitä vaatimuksia. Kriittisestä keskustelusta seuraa kaksi keskeistä johtopäätöstä. 1. Inhimillisen tiedonkäsittelyn korvaaminen kokonaisuutena on nykyisten teknisten järjestelmien mahdollisuuksien ulkopuolella. Tekniset järjestelmät pystyvät korvaamaan ja tukemaan inhimillistä tiedonkäsittelyä hyvin määritellyissä ja spesifeissä tehtävissä, kuten nytkin, mutta toistaiseksi erilaisen tiedon integroiminen merkityksellisiksi kokonaisuuksiksi ja sen pohjalta kumpuava tavoitteellinen toiminta ei vaikuta teknisten järjestelmien toimintaperiaatteiden valossa realistiselta tavoitteelta. 2. Näin ollen miehittämättömien ja etäohjauksessa toimivien laivajärjestelmien kehittämisessä tulisi kiinnittää erityisesti huomiota siihen, miten etäohjauskeskuksen operaattorit saavat käyt-töönsä kaiken sen (tiedostamattoman ja tiedostetun) tiedon jonka pohjalta he tekevät päätöksiä perinteisten laivojen kannella, sikäli kun inhimillinen tiedonkäsittely tulee säilymään välttämättömänä osana laivan toimintaa, ainakin kriittisissä ja haastavissa olosuhteissa.
This thesis is a theoretical review of a few of the central issues pertaining to autonomous technical artefacts, using ships as a context, and by extension artificial intelligence and cognitive science. The approach is critical on the one hand, and constructive on the other, in that it proceeds from the idea that the central struggles facing AI are not merely technical but conceptual. It is thus an analysis of some of the presuppositions that underlie AI and an attempt at turning attention towards questions that need to be addressed if proper autonomy and intelligence are to be achieved in artefacts. If the conceptual problems identified are true, it means we may also attempt to address them. This fix as such is beyond the scope of this thesis, but at a time of rapid change and real risks, understanding the foundational limitations of technology is of paramount importance. This should also serve to position questions relating to human-technology interaction on a rational basis, and help to identify strengths and weaknesses of both. In brief, the goal of this thesis is to outline the requirements posed by autonomous technology insofar as it seeks to, or must, replace human information-processing from a tech-nical system. We seek to connect this into a critical and foundational discussion on the limitations of computers and computations in fulfilling those require-ments. Two main conclusions flow from the critical discussion. First, in settings that include dynamic and unpredictable characteristics, the replacement human information-processing as whole is beyond the capacities of current technical solutions. They can, as they are now, be used to support and even replace some facets of human cognition in specific and well-defined tasks. But so far the integration of different information into meaningful wholes, that goal-directed and context-sensitive action requires, are seen as an unrealistic goal for technical artefacts in light of the operating principles of computers. In our view, this is not yet a mere technical problem, but a conceptual and analytical one. Second, given that humans will remain a necessary component for quasi-autonomous ship operations in the near future, extreme care should be put into the design of the unmanned operations and specifically the remote operation centers, such that the necessary information (tacit or explicit) by which decisions are made on the ship’s bridge will translate into the remote operation center.
This thesis is a theoretical review of a few of the central issues pertaining to autonomous technical artefacts, using ships as a context, and by extension artificial intelligence and cognitive science. The approach is critical on the one hand, and constructive on the other, in that it proceeds from the idea that the central struggles facing AI are not merely technical but conceptual. It is thus an analysis of some of the presuppositions that underlie AI and an attempt at turning attention towards questions that need to be addressed if proper autonomy and intelligence are to be achieved in artefacts. If the conceptual problems identified are true, it means we may also attempt to address them. This fix as such is beyond the scope of this thesis, but at a time of rapid change and real risks, understanding the foundational limitations of technology is of paramount importance. This should also serve to position questions relating to human-technology interaction on a rational basis, and help to identify strengths and weaknesses of both. In brief, the goal of this thesis is to outline the requirements posed by autonomous technology insofar as it seeks to, or must, replace human information-processing from a tech-nical system. We seek to connect this into a critical and foundational discussion on the limitations of computers and computations in fulfilling those require-ments. Two main conclusions flow from the critical discussion. First, in settings that include dynamic and unpredictable characteristics, the replacement human information-processing as whole is beyond the capacities of current technical solutions. They can, as they are now, be used to support and even replace some facets of human cognition in specific and well-defined tasks. But so far the integration of different information into meaningful wholes, that goal-directed and context-sensitive action requires, are seen as an unrealistic goal for technical artefacts in light of the operating principles of computers. In our view, this is not yet a mere technical problem, but a conceptual and analytical one. Second, given that humans will remain a necessary component for quasi-autonomous ship operations in the near future, extreme care should be put into the design of the unmanned operations and specifically the remote operation centers, such that the necessary information (tacit or explicit) by which decisions are made on the ship’s bridge will translate into the remote operation center.
Main Author
Master thesis
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