Predicting PISA reading performance with reading fluency and reading-related motivation and examining how they affect future participation in society
Vaikka PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) onkin hyvin tunnettu ja paljon poliittista, taloudellista ja yleistä mielenkiintoa herättävä tutkimusohjelma, tutkimus PISA-lukemisessa menestymiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä ja siitä, mitä PISA-lukeminen ennustaa, on vähäistä. Tässä tutkimuksessa PISA-lukemisessa menestymistä 15-vuotiaana ennustettiin lukusujuvuudella ja kaksi vuotta aiemmin arvioidulla lukemiseen liittyvällä motivaatiolla. Lukemiseen liittyvä motivaatio koostui lukemisen arvostuksesta, joka sisälsi kiinnostusarvon, tärkeysarvon ja hyötyarvon, sekä lukemisen oppijaminäkuvasta. Lisäksi tutkittiin, ennustaako PISA-lukeminen yhteiskuntaan osallistumista 20-vuotiaana, ja toimiiko PISA-lukeminen välittävänä mekanismina (mediaattorina) lukusujuvuuden ja lukemiseen liittyvän motivaation ja yhteiskuntaan osallistumisen välillä. Yhteiskuntaan osallistuminen operationalisoitiin opiskelua ja työntekoa koskevalla statuksella, siihen sitoutumisella sekä tulevaisuuden koulutusennakoinneilla. Tämä tutkimus on osa Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Dyslexia (JLD) -tutkimusprojektia, ja tutkimuksen osallistujat ovat edustava otos suomalaisia oppilaita.
Tulosten mukaan sekä lukusujuvuus että lukemiseen liittyvä motivaatio olivat merkitseviä selittäjiä PISA-lukemisessa menestymiselle selittäen 24 % varianssista. Mitä motivoituneempi oppilas oli lukemaan ja mitä sujuvampaa lukeminen oli 13-vuotiaana, sitä paremmin hän menestyi PISA-lukemisessa 15-vuotiaana. Lukemiseen liittyvän motivaation mittareista vain lukemisen oppijaminäkuva sekä lukemisen kiinnostusarvo olivat merkitseviä selittäjiä, kun taas lukemisen tärkeysarvo ja hyötyarvo eivät. PISA-lukeminen ennusti joitakin yhteiskuntaan osallistumista kuvaavia tekijöitä. Se ennusti opiskelua ja työntekoa koskevaa statusta sekä tulevaisuuden koulutusennakointeja, mutta ei sitoutumista. Mitä korkeammat pisteet oppilas sai PISA-lukemisessa, sitä todennäköisemmin hän oli opiskelija ja sitä korkeammat tulevaisuuden odotukset hänellä oli koulutuksen suhteen 20-vuotiaana. Lukusujuvuuden ja lukemiseen liittyvän motivaation vaikutusta yhteiskuntaan osallistumiseen tutkittiin mediaattorimallilla, jossa tulevaisuuden koulutusennakoinnit kuvasivat yhteiskuntaan osallistumista. Lukusujuvuus ennusti tulevaisuuden koulutusennakointeja sekä suoralla yhteydellä että kokonaisvaikutukseltaan. Lukemiseen liittyvästä motivaatiosta lukemisen oppijaminäkuva ja kiinnostusarvo ennustivat tulevaisuuden koulutusennakointeja kokonaisvaikutukseltaan, mutta suora yhteys tai yhteys PISA-lukemisen kautta ei ollut merkitsevä. PISA-lukeminen ei siis toiminut mediaattorina lukusujuvuuden ja lukemiseen liittyvän motivaation ja koulutusennakointien välillä. Lukusujuvuuden ja lukemiseen liittyvän motivaation yhteyttä tutkittiin opiskelua ja työtä koskevaan statukseen multinominaalisella regressioanalyysilla. Lukusujuvuus selitti noin 8 % ja lukemiseen liittyvät motivaatiotekijät kukin noin 4–5 % opiskelua ja työtä koskevan statuksen varianssista. Sujuvampien lukijoiden ja korkeamman lukemiseen liittyvän motivaation omaavien oli todennäköisempää olla opiskelija kuin kuulua muihin opiskelua ja työtä koskeviin statusluokkiin 20-vuotiaana. Työssäkäyvät ja varusmiehet eivät eronneet merkitsevästi NEET (currently not in employment, education, or training) -ryhmästä. Lukusujuvuus ja lukemiseen liittyvä motivaatio eivät ennustaneet sitoutumista merkitsevästi.
Tämä tutkimus antaa arvokasta lisätietoa PISA-lukemisessa menestymiseen vaikuttaviin ja sen ennustaviin tekijöihin. Tutkimus osoittaa lukusujuvuuden ja lukemiseen liittyvän motivaation 13-vuotiaana ennustavan PISA-lukemisessa menestymistä 15-vuotiaana, todennäköisyyttä olla opiskelija ja tulevaisuuden koulutusennakointeja 20-vuotiaana, joten lukusujuvuuden ja lukemiseen liittyvän motivaation vahvistaminen koulussa on kannattavaa. Tulosten mukaan PISA-lukeminen on yhteydessä koulutukselliseen tulevaisuuteen ennustaen todennäköisyyttä olla opiskelija ja tulevaisuuden koulutusennakointeja 20-vuotiaana. Tämä tutkimus ei tue PISA-lukemisen roolia laajempana yhteiskuntaan osallistumisen ennustajana. Tutkimus tällä alalla on kuitenkin vähäistä, ja enemmän tutkimusta tarvitaan tarkentamaan PISA-lukemisen roolia nuorten elämässä ympäri maailman.
Even though Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is well-known and awakes lots of interest politically, economically, and generally, studies on predictions of success in PISA reading test and studies on what it predicts are rare. In this study PISA reading performance at age 15 was predicted with reading fluency and reading-related motivation at age 13. Reading-related motivation consisted of self-concept of ability in reading and task value in reading which includes intrinsic value, attainment value, and utility value. Moreover, it was examined whether PISA reading performance predicted participation in society at age 20 and if PISA reading performance mediated the relation between reading fluency and reading-related motivation and participation in society. Participation in society was operationalized as status regarding studying and working, engagement, and future educational expectations. The present study is part of Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Dyslexia (JLD) research project, and the participants were a representative sample of Finnish students. The results showed that both reading fluency and reading-related motivation were significant predictors of PISA reading performance explaining 24 % of the variance. The more motivated a student was towards reading and the more fluent his / her reading was at age 13 the better he / she succeeded in PISA reading performance at age 15. However, from the different measures of reading-related motivation particularly self-concept of ability in reading and intrinsic value in reading were significant predictors of PISA reading performance whereas attainment value and utility value had no unique effects. The results showed further that PISA reading performance also predicted some indicators of participation in society at age 20. It predicted status regarding studying and working and future educational expectations but not engagement. The higher points student got from PISA reading the more likely he / she was a student and the higher future educational expectations he / she had at age 20. A mediator model was utilized to examine whether reading fluency and reading-related motivation predicted future educational expectations, an index of participation in society, through PISA reading performance. Reading fluency predicted future educational expectations with both a direct and an overall connection. Concerning reading-related motivation, only intrinsic value and self-concept of ability were significant predictors and they predicted future educational expectations overall, but a direct connection or a connection through PISA reading performance were not significant. Therefore, PISA reading performance did not work as a mediator between reading fluency and reading-related motivation and future educational expectations. Connection between reading fluency and reading-related motivation and status regarding studying and working were studied with multinomial regression analysis. Reading fluency explained approximately 8 % and factors included in reading-related motivation explained each approximately 4–5 % of the variance in status regarding studying and working. Those who were more fluent readers and had higher reading-related motivation at age 13 were more likely students at age 20. Workers and coscripts did not differ significantly from NEET (currently not in employment, education, or training) -group. Reading fluency and reading-related motivation did not predict engagement significantly. This study gives valuable information about predictors of PISA reading performance and about the factors that PISA reading performance predicts. The present study shows that reading fluency and reading-related motivation at age 13 predict PISA reading performance at age 15 and the likelihood of being a student and future educational expectations at age 20 and therefore, suggests reading fluency and reading-related motivation as important issues to focus on in school. According to the results of the present study, PISA reading performance is connected to students’ educational future predicting the likelihood of being a student and future educational expectations at age 20. The role of PISA reading performance as a wider predictor of participation in society is not confirmed. However, research in this area is scarce and more research is needed in order to confirm the role of PISA reading performance in the lives of young people around the world.
Even though Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is well-known and awakes lots of interest politically, economically, and generally, studies on predictions of success in PISA reading test and studies on what it predicts are rare. In this study PISA reading performance at age 15 was predicted with reading fluency and reading-related motivation at age 13. Reading-related motivation consisted of self-concept of ability in reading and task value in reading which includes intrinsic value, attainment value, and utility value. Moreover, it was examined whether PISA reading performance predicted participation in society at age 20 and if PISA reading performance mediated the relation between reading fluency and reading-related motivation and participation in society. Participation in society was operationalized as status regarding studying and working, engagement, and future educational expectations. The present study is part of Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Dyslexia (JLD) research project, and the participants were a representative sample of Finnish students. The results showed that both reading fluency and reading-related motivation were significant predictors of PISA reading performance explaining 24 % of the variance. The more motivated a student was towards reading and the more fluent his / her reading was at age 13 the better he / she succeeded in PISA reading performance at age 15. However, from the different measures of reading-related motivation particularly self-concept of ability in reading and intrinsic value in reading were significant predictors of PISA reading performance whereas attainment value and utility value had no unique effects. The results showed further that PISA reading performance also predicted some indicators of participation in society at age 20. It predicted status regarding studying and working and future educational expectations but not engagement. The higher points student got from PISA reading the more likely he / she was a student and the higher future educational expectations he / she had at age 20. A mediator model was utilized to examine whether reading fluency and reading-related motivation predicted future educational expectations, an index of participation in society, through PISA reading performance. Reading fluency predicted future educational expectations with both a direct and an overall connection. Concerning reading-related motivation, only intrinsic value and self-concept of ability were significant predictors and they predicted future educational expectations overall, but a direct connection or a connection through PISA reading performance were not significant. Therefore, PISA reading performance did not work as a mediator between reading fluency and reading-related motivation and future educational expectations. Connection between reading fluency and reading-related motivation and status regarding studying and working were studied with multinomial regression analysis. Reading fluency explained approximately 8 % and factors included in reading-related motivation explained each approximately 4–5 % of the variance in status regarding studying and working. Those who were more fluent readers and had higher reading-related motivation at age 13 were more likely students at age 20. Workers and coscripts did not differ significantly from NEET (currently not in employment, education, or training) -group. Reading fluency and reading-related motivation did not predict engagement significantly. This study gives valuable information about predictors of PISA reading performance and about the factors that PISA reading performance predicts. The present study shows that reading fluency and reading-related motivation at age 13 predict PISA reading performance at age 15 and the likelihood of being a student and future educational expectations at age 20 and therefore, suggests reading fluency and reading-related motivation as important issues to focus on in school. According to the results of the present study, PISA reading performance is connected to students’ educational future predicting the likelihood of being a student and future educational expectations at age 20. The role of PISA reading performance as a wider predictor of participation in society is not confirmed. However, research in this area is scarce and more research is needed in order to confirm the role of PISA reading performance in the lives of young people around the world.
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