Success of stream channel restoration in the Iijoki catchment area
Purot ovat tärkeitä luonnon monimuotoisuudelle. Ihmisten aiheuttamat häiriöt, kuten purojen patoaminen ja valuma-alueen ojittaminen uhkaavat puroja ja niiden eliöstöä. Huoli pienvesien kunnosta yhdessä vesipuitedirektiivin tuoman lakivelvoitteen kanssa on lisännyt purojen kunnostusta ympäri Eurooppaa. Tämän pro-gradu työn tavoitteena oli arvioida Iijoen valuma-alueella toteutettujen purokunnostustoimenpiteiden onnistumista ja käytetyn inventointimenetelmän soveltuvuutta. Tutkimusasetelma sisälsi kunnostettuja, ei-kunnostettuja ja luonnontilaisia puroja, jokaista 5 toistoa. Työhön valitut purot oli kunnostettu samanlaisilla menetelmillä ja pääasiallinen toimenpide oli puun lisääminen uomaan. Muita toimenpiteitä olivat metsäojien tukkiminen, vanhojen uomien aukaisu ja kivien palauttaminen takaisin purouomaan. Purot oli inventoitu ennen kunnostusta ja tässä työssä vuonna 2017 tehty uudelleeninventointi tapahtui 7‒14 vuotta kunnostustoimenpiteiden jälkeen, käyttäen yhdenmukaista menetelmää. Työn hypoteesit olivat, että kunnostus on i) lisännyt puun määrää puroissa, ii) kohentanut purojen luonnontilaisuutta, iii) vähentänyt hiekan määrää, iv) lisännyt syvänteiden määrää, sekä v) lisännyt purojen mutkittelevuutta. Lisäksi odotuksena oli kalojen kutupaikkojen ja purouoman leveysvaihtelun lisääntyminen. Tulokset viittasivat siihen, että kunnostustoimet olivat lisänneet puun määrää kunnostetuissa puroissa. Lisäksi syvänteiden ja puron leveysvaihtelun määrä kasvoi kunnostetuissa puroissa ja väheni ei-kunnostetuissa, mutta erot muutoksissa eivät olleet tilastollisesti merkitseviä. Näiden tulosten perusteella kunnostustoimia voidaan kuitenkin pitää ainakin osittain onnistuneina. Muissa tutkituissa muuttujissa havaittuja muutoksia ei voi lukea kunnostustoimenpiteiden ansioksi, koska samankaltaisia muutoksia havaittiin myös ei-kunnostetuissa ja/tai luonnontilaisissa puroissa. Esimerkiksi puron luonnontilaisuusasteessa havaittiin nousu sekä kunnostetuissa että kunnostamattomissa puroissa, mikä viittaa siihen, että myös kunnostamattomat purot voivat osittain toipua ihmisten aiheuttamista häiriöistä ajan myötä. Käytetty inventointimenetelmä osoittautui soveliaaksi purokunnostusten seurantaan. Tämä tutkimus tuki kunnostusten seurannan tärkeyttä ja antaa pohjaa tulevaisuuden kunnostusprojekteille.
Streams are important for biodiversity. Human disturbances such as damming and ditching of the catchment areas, are threatening the streams and their biota. The concern about the state of small waters together with the legislation of Water Framework Directive has initiated major restoration efforts all over Europe. The aim of this Master thesis was to evaluate the success of restoration measures conducted in streams of the Iijoki drainage area and asses the suitability of the inventory method used. The study design included restored, unrestored and natural streams, each in 5 replicates. The chosen streams were restored with similar measures and the principal restoration measure was adding wood into the stream channel. Other restoration measures were blocking the forestry ditches, reopening old channels and placing stones back to the streams. The streams were inventoried once before and again in 2017, 7‒14 years after the restoration measures, by using a consistent method. The hypotheses of this thesis were that restoration had i) increased the amount of wood in the stream channels ii) enhanced the level of naturalness of the streams iii) decreased the percentage cover of sand as a bottom substrate iv) created more pools within the channel and v) increased the meandering of the channel. In addition, creation of spawning areas for the fish and increase in the channel width variation were expected. The results suggested that restoration had increased the amount of wood. In addition, the amount of pools and channel width variation increased in the restored streams and decreased in the unrestored streams, but the differences in changes were not statistically significant. Based on these results, the restoration measures were at least partially successful. Changes in the other examined variables cannot be attributed to the restoration measures as equivalent changes were observed also in the reference streams. For example, the increase in the level of naturalness both in restored and unrestored streams indicates that also the unrestored streams can partially recover over time. The inventory method proved to be a suitable tool in monitoring the effects of restoration. This study supported the importance of monitoring of restorations and created foundations for future restoration projects.
Streams are important for biodiversity. Human disturbances such as damming and ditching of the catchment areas, are threatening the streams and their biota. The concern about the state of small waters together with the legislation of Water Framework Directive has initiated major restoration efforts all over Europe. The aim of this Master thesis was to evaluate the success of restoration measures conducted in streams of the Iijoki drainage area and asses the suitability of the inventory method used. The study design included restored, unrestored and natural streams, each in 5 replicates. The chosen streams were restored with similar measures and the principal restoration measure was adding wood into the stream channel. Other restoration measures were blocking the forestry ditches, reopening old channels and placing stones back to the streams. The streams were inventoried once before and again in 2017, 7‒14 years after the restoration measures, by using a consistent method. The hypotheses of this thesis were that restoration had i) increased the amount of wood in the stream channels ii) enhanced the level of naturalness of the streams iii) decreased the percentage cover of sand as a bottom substrate iv) created more pools within the channel and v) increased the meandering of the channel. In addition, creation of spawning areas for the fish and increase in the channel width variation were expected. The results suggested that restoration had increased the amount of wood. In addition, the amount of pools and channel width variation increased in the restored streams and decreased in the unrestored streams, but the differences in changes were not statistically significant. Based on these results, the restoration measures were at least partially successful. Changes in the other examined variables cannot be attributed to the restoration measures as equivalent changes were observed also in the reference streams. For example, the increase in the level of naturalness both in restored and unrestored streams indicates that also the unrestored streams can partially recover over time. The inventory method proved to be a suitable tool in monitoring the effects of restoration. This study supported the importance of monitoring of restorations and created foundations for future restoration projects.
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Master thesis
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