Luovien musiikkipelien parantaminen : musiikinluontipelin kehitysprosessi ja evaluointi
Musiikkipeleistä rytmipelit ovat nousseet selkeästi suurempaan suosioon kuin luovat musiikkipelit, joissa pelaaja voi soittaa ja säveltää musiikkia. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin musiikinluontipelin (ML-peli) kehitysprosessia ja kuinka evaluoida kehitettyä MLpeliä. Esitän ML-pelin uutena käsitteenä musiikkipelien olemassa olevaan teoriaan. Kehitin mobiilialustalle ML-pelin prototyypin, jota verrattiin julkaistuihin mobiilipeleihin. Tulosten mukaan ML-peli voi tarjota miellyttävän ja opettavan pelikokemuksen. ML-pelin tulisi tarjota pelaajalle selkeitä pitkäaikaisia tavoitteita, jotta peli vetäisi paremmin vertoja julkaistuihin mobiilipeleihin. Hyvän pelisuunnittelun omaava ML-peli voi avata musiikinluonnin yleisölle, joka ei ole aiemmin harrastanut musiikinluontia. Tutkimuksesta saadun suunnittelutietämyksen huomioinnilla voidaan parantaa luovien musiikkipelien tunnetuksi tulemisen mahdollisuutta.
In the genre of music games rhythm games have become a lot more popular than creative music games which provide the opportunity to play and compose music. In this research I looked into the development process of music creation game (MC game) and how to evaluate the created MC game. I present the MC game as a new concept to the music game literature. I developed an MC game prototype for the mobile platform and the prototype was compared to published mobile games. According to the results MC game can provide a pleasant and educational game experience. The MC game should provide clear long-term goals in order to compare better against published mobile games. An MC game with good game design can bring music creation to an audience that haven’t had previous experience of music creation. When taking into account the design knowledge acquired through this research the possibility of creative music games to get more awareness can be increased.
In the genre of music games rhythm games have become a lot more popular than creative music games which provide the opportunity to play and compose music. In this research I looked into the development process of music creation game (MC game) and how to evaluate the created MC game. I present the MC game as a new concept to the music game literature. I developed an MC game prototype for the mobile platform and the prototype was compared to published mobile games. According to the results MC game can provide a pleasant and educational game experience. The MC game should provide clear long-term goals in order to compare better against published mobile games. An MC game with good game design can bring music creation to an audience that haven’t had previous experience of music creation. When taking into account the design knowledge acquired through this research the possibility of creative music games to get more awareness can be increased.
Main Author
Master thesis
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