Minoritestitulosten yhteys kilpailumenestykseen naisten telinevoimistelussa Suomessa
Naistelinevoimistelijan profiili on moniulotteinen. Kehittyminen eliittitason voimistelijaksi kestää noin kymmenen vuotta. Koska lajin harrastaminen aloitetaan jo hyvin nuorena, eliittitason saavuttaminen nuorella iällä pakottaa tunnistamaan lahjakkaat voimistelijat aikaisemmassa vaiheessa verrattuna moneen muuhun urheilulajiin. Potentiaalisten voimistelijoiden tunnistamiseksi ei ole olemassa yhtä yhtenäistä testistöä, vaan joka maalla on käytännössä oma testistönsä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää Minoritestitulosten yhteyttä testien jälkeiseen kilpailumenestykseen ja saada sitä kautta tietoa Minoritestistön potentiaalista tunnistaa lahjakkaat voimistelijat maajoukkueen esivalmennusryhmään. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia, onko testituloksista eroteltavissa osa-alueita, jotka ennakoivat tulevaisuuden kilpailumenestystä.
Tutkimusaineistona toimi vuosina 2006-2010 Minoritesteihin osallistuneiden voimistelijoiden (N=215; ikä 10-13 vuotta) testitulokset sekä voimistelijoiden kilpailutulokset testivuodesta vuoden 2016 loppuun. Minoritestit sisälsivät erilaisia teknisen taitotason ja fyysisen suorituskyvyn testejä, jotka oli jaettu liiketekniikka-, liikkuvuus- ja voimaosioihin. Kilpailutuloksia tarkasteltiin telinekohtaisesti (hyppy, nojapuut, puomi, permanto) sekä niiden yhteispisteinä. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin kilpailuaikaa, keskimääräistä kilpaluokkaa, kilpailusijoituksia sekä onko kuulunut maajoukkueeseen. Testeihin osallistuneiden voimistelijoiden kilpailutuloksia verrattiin lisäksi satunnaiseen joukkoon ei-testeihin osallistuneiden voimistelijoiden (N=180) kilpailutuloksiin. Tulokset analysoitiin SPSS –tilasto-ohjelmalla.
Tutkimuksen mukaan valtaosa (92%) kilpailutulosten parhaista voimistelijoista oli osallistunut testeihin. Testeissä 10 parhaan joukkoon sijoittumisella, oli suurin todennäköisyys kuulua tulevaisuuden kilpailuissa myös parhaiden joukkoon. Kilpailutulosten parhaista voimistelijoista 39% oli sijoittunut testeissä 10 parhaan joukkoon. Joukosta 8% oli testeihin ei-osallistuneita voimistelijoita. Testitulokset korreloivat heikosti, mutta kilpailumenestys merkitsevästi (p≤0,01) testien jälkeiseen kilpailuaikaan. Liiketekniikkaosion testitulokset osoittivat merkitsevän yhteyden (0,4
The profile of a female artistic gymnast is multidimensional. The development of an elite level gymnast takes about 10 years. Because training in gymnastics is started at a very young age and the elite level is also reached at a young age, a talented gymnast must also be identified earlier than in many other sports. There is no uniform test for the identification of a potential gymnast. Basically, each country has its own test. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between gymnasts’ Minoritest results and competition success after the Minoritest. The purpose was also to see whether the test characteristics predict future success. The aim of this study was to find out the potential of the Minoritest to identify the most likely talented gymnasts to join the pre-national team. The research material consisted of the Minoritest results of gymnasts (N=215; aged 10-13) from 2006 to 2010 and of the competition results from the test year to the end of year 2016. The Minoritest was comprised of various technical skill and physical performance test exercises that were divided into technical skills, mobility and strength sections. The competition results were analysed by each apparatus and by a combined performance on them. They were further studied by the duration of competing after the tests, the average competition level, competition placing and by whether the gymnast belonged to the national team. The competition results of the gymnasts who participated in the Minoritest were compared to the competition results of a random number (N=180) of gymnasts who had not participated in the test. The results of this study were analysed using SPSS. According to this study the majority (92%) of the best gymnasts in competitions had participated in the Minoritest. Those with top 10 results in the test showed the highest probability of being among the best in competitions in the future. Thirty nine per cent of the best gymnasts in competitions were among the top 10 in the test. Eight per cent of the best in competitions had not participated in the test. The test results showed a weak correlation but the competition success a significant one (p≤0.01) with the duration of competing after the test. The test results from the technical skills showed a significant connection (0.4
The profile of a female artistic gymnast is multidimensional. The development of an elite level gymnast takes about 10 years. Because training in gymnastics is started at a very young age and the elite level is also reached at a young age, a talented gymnast must also be identified earlier than in many other sports. There is no uniform test for the identification of a potential gymnast. Basically, each country has its own test. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between gymnasts’ Minoritest results and competition success after the Minoritest. The purpose was also to see whether the test characteristics predict future success. The aim of this study was to find out the potential of the Minoritest to identify the most likely talented gymnasts to join the pre-national team. The research material consisted of the Minoritest results of gymnasts (N=215; aged 10-13) from 2006 to 2010 and of the competition results from the test year to the end of year 2016. The Minoritest was comprised of various technical skill and physical performance test exercises that were divided into technical skills, mobility and strength sections. The competition results were analysed by each apparatus and by a combined performance on them. They were further studied by the duration of competing after the tests, the average competition level, competition placing and by whether the gymnast belonged to the national team. The competition results of the gymnasts who participated in the Minoritest were compared to the competition results of a random number (N=180) of gymnasts who had not participated in the test. The results of this study were analysed using SPSS. According to this study the majority (92%) of the best gymnasts in competitions had participated in the Minoritest. Those with top 10 results in the test showed the highest probability of being among the best in competitions in the future. Thirty nine per cent of the best gymnasts in competitions were among the top 10 in the test. Eight per cent of the best in competitions had not participated in the test. The test results showed a weak correlation but the competition success a significant one (p≤0.01) with the duration of competing after the test. The test results from the technical skills showed a significant connection (0.4
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Master thesis
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