Lasten sosioemotionaaliset ongelmat oppimisvaikeusryhmissä
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, vaihteleeko lapsen sosioemotionaalinen oireilu oppimisvaikeuden alaryhmän mukaan. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin lukemisvaikeus-, matematiikkavaikeus- sekä lukemisen ja matematiikan vaikeuksien komorbidiryhmän lasten välisiä eroja opettajan arvioimien sosioemotionaalisten ongelmien suhteen. Laajemman ymmärryksen muodostamiseksi sosioemotionaalisia ongelmia tarkasteltiin sekä jatkuvina että dikotomisina muuttujina. Lisäksi sukupuolen merkitys huomioitiin oppimisvaikeusryhmien välisten erojen tarkasteluissa. Ryhmäerojen lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, välittikö tarkkaavaisuuden ja yliaktiivisuuden oirekokonaisuus sosioemotionaalisen oireilun eroja eri oppimisvaikeusryhmissä. Tutkimuksen kliininen aineisto (n = 563) perustuu Niilo Mäki Instituutin ja Jyväskylän perheneuvolan ylläpitämälle Lastentutkimusklinikalle tulleiden lasten oppimisvaikeustutkimuksiin. Osallistujat jaettiin lukemisvaikeus-, matematiikkavaikeus ja komorbidiryhmään Lastentutkimusklinikalla tehtyjen lukemisen ja matematiikan taitoja kartoittavien testien perusteella. Lasten sosioemotionaalista oireilua kartoitettiin opettajien täyttämillä kyselylomakkeilla. Kyselylomake kartoittaa lapsen sisään- ja ulospäin suuntautuvien ongelmien lisäksi sosiaalisia ongelmia, ajattelutoimintoihin liittyviä poikkeavuuksia sekä tarkkaavuuteen ja yliaktiivisuuteen liittyviä ongelmia. Tulosten mukaan sosioemotionaalista oireilua oli eniten matematiikkavaikeusryhmällä ja erityisesti sen ryhmän pojilla. Lisäksi tarkkaavuuden ja yliaktiivisuuden oireiden havaittiin välittävän oppimisvaikeusryhmien välisiä eroja sosioemotionaalisessa oireilussa. Oppimisvaikeusryhmiä sosioemotionaalisen oireilun suhteen vertaileva tutkimus on vähäistä, eikä vastaavaa tutkimusta ole aikaisemmin tehty suomalaislapsilla. Tutkimustulokset ohjaavat aikuisia kiinnittämään huomiota erityisesti sellaisten lasten psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin, joilla on matematiikan vaikeuksia ja tarkkaavuuden ja yliaktiivisuuden haasteita. Tulosten valossa lasten sosioemotionaalisten ongelmien kartoitus ja niihin kohdistuvan tuen antaminen on oppimisvaikeuskuntoutuksen rinnalla tärkeää.
The aim of the study was to scrutinize whether socioemotional problems vary in different learning disability subgroups among children. Differences in teacher ratings of socioemotional problems between reading disability, math disability and their comorbidity group were examined. Socioemotional problems were analyzed both continuously and categorically to obtain a more comprehensive understanding about socioemotional problems co-occuring with learning disabilities. Gender was also considered when analyzing group differences. Besides group differences it was further investigated whether attention and hyperactivity problems mediate learning disability group differences in socioemotional problems. This study was based on the clinical archived sample (n = 563) of children referred to the Clinic of Learning Disabilities for learning disability assessment. The Clinic is founded by Niilo Mäki Institute and Family Counseling Center of Jyväskylä. Participants were divided into reading disability, math disability and comorbidity groups based on reading and calculation tests conducted at the clinic. Ratings of socioemotional problems were based on teachers` evaluations. The assessment of socioemotional problems included internalizing and externalizing syndrome scales as well as scales of social problems, thought problems and attention and hyperactivity problems. Results indicated that children with math disability, and especially boys in that group, showed most socioemotional problems. Results further showed that attention and hyperactivity problems mediated most of the detected group differences in socioemotional problems. There are only few previous foreign studies comparing socioemotional problems among learning disability subgroups, and none has been conducted in Finland. Hence, this study complements the existing literature on connection between learning disabilitites and socioemotional problems among Finnish children. The results suggest that the professionals should pay attention especially to the welfare of children experiencing both mathematical and attention and hyperactivity problems. According to the findings, it is important to map socioemotional problems and give directed support to them together with support provided for learning disabilities.
The aim of the study was to scrutinize whether socioemotional problems vary in different learning disability subgroups among children. Differences in teacher ratings of socioemotional problems between reading disability, math disability and their comorbidity group were examined. Socioemotional problems were analyzed both continuously and categorically to obtain a more comprehensive understanding about socioemotional problems co-occuring with learning disabilities. Gender was also considered when analyzing group differences. Besides group differences it was further investigated whether attention and hyperactivity problems mediate learning disability group differences in socioemotional problems. This study was based on the clinical archived sample (n = 563) of children referred to the Clinic of Learning Disabilities for learning disability assessment. The Clinic is founded by Niilo Mäki Institute and Family Counseling Center of Jyväskylä. Participants were divided into reading disability, math disability and comorbidity groups based on reading and calculation tests conducted at the clinic. Ratings of socioemotional problems were based on teachers` evaluations. The assessment of socioemotional problems included internalizing and externalizing syndrome scales as well as scales of social problems, thought problems and attention and hyperactivity problems. Results indicated that children with math disability, and especially boys in that group, showed most socioemotional problems. Results further showed that attention and hyperactivity problems mediated most of the detected group differences in socioemotional problems. There are only few previous foreign studies comparing socioemotional problems among learning disability subgroups, and none has been conducted in Finland. Hence, this study complements the existing literature on connection between learning disabilitites and socioemotional problems among Finnish children. The results suggest that the professionals should pay attention especially to the welfare of children experiencing both mathematical and attention and hyperactivity problems. According to the findings, it is important to map socioemotional problems and give directed support to them together with support provided for learning disabilities.
Main Author
Master thesis
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