Tasapainon yhteys nuorten urheilijoiden akuuttien alaraajavammojen ilmaantuvuuteen : prospektiivinen seurantatutkimus
Urheiluvammojen määrä on jatkuvassa kasvussa ja jopa neljännes urheiluvammoista sattuu nilkkaan tai polveen. Urheiluvammojen ennaltaehkäisyn kannalta on tärkeä selvittää riskitekijöitä urheiluvammojen taustalla erityisesti nuorilla urheilijoilla. Nuorten urheilijoiden vammojen ennaltaehkäisyyn tulisi kiinnittää huomiota ennen kuin he ovat korkean urheiluvammariskin ryhmässä, sillä eniten urheiluvammoja sattuu 20-24 –vuotiaille. Tasapaino on yksi paljon tutkittu mahdollinen riskitekijä urheiluvammojen taustalla ja tasapainon yhteyttä alaraajavammoihin on tutkittu sekä polven että nilkan vammojen osalta. Tutkimuksissa tasapainon yhteys alaraajavammoihin vaihtelee suuresti. Tämän Pro gradu –tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko seurannan aikana nilkka- tai polvivamman saaneiden nuorten koripallon ja salibandyn pelaajien alkutesteissä mitatussa staattisessa tasapainossa eroa verrattuna terveisiin urheilijoihin ja löytyykö samojen ryhmien väliltä eroa tarkasteltaessa tasapainoa sukupuolittain tai urheilulajeittain.
Tämä prospektiivinen seurantatutkimus oli osa laajempaa UKK-instituutissa tehtävää Urheilijan liiketaidot, lihaskunto ja terveys –tutkimusta (PROFITS-study: Predictors of Lower Extremity Injuries in Team Sports). Tutkittavat osallistuivat tasapainotestiin vuosina 2011-2013 ja jokaista tasapainomittausta seurasi 12 kuukauden prospektiivinen seuranta, jolloin strukturoidun vammakyselyn avulla kerättiin tiedot urheilijoiden ilman kontaktia sattuneista traumaattisista polvi- ja nilkkavammoista. Tutkimukseen osallistui kaikkiaan 348 nuorta urheilijaa (ka 16 vuotta, SD 1.8), joista 53 % oli poikia ja 47 % tyttöjä. Urheilijoista 49 % oli salibandyn pelaajia ja 51 % koripallon pelaajia. Urheilijoiden tasapainoa testattiin yhden jalan tasapainotestillä Good Balance –voimalevyllä mitattuna (Good Balance®, Metitur, Jyväskylä) ja analyyseihin valittiin kolme eri huojuntamuuttujaa (x- ja y- suuntaisen huojuntamatkan nopeus sekä vauhtimomentti). Ryhmien välisiä mahdollisia eroja tarkasteltiin riippumattomien otosten t-testillä.
Polvivamman saaneiden ja terveiden urheilijoiden välillä ei havaittu eroa tasapainotestin huojuntamuuttujissa. Nilkkavamman saaneiden sivuttaissuuntainen huojunta (x-akseli) oli keskimäärin 0.02 mm/s (SD 0.04) nopeampaa verrattuna terveiden urheilijoiden huojuntaan (p=0.040). Sama sivuttaissuuntaisen huojunnan nopeuden ero 0.02 mm/s (SD 0.04) havaittiin terveiden ja nilkkavamman saaneiden salibandyn pelaajien välillä (p=0.039). Muissa huojuntamuuttujissa (eteen-taakse -suuntainen huojunta sekä vauhtimomentti) ei havaittu eroa alaraajavamman saaneiden ja terveiden urheilijoiden välillä. Eroja ei myöskään havaittu tarkasteltaessa tuloksia sukupuolittain tai urheilulajeittain.
Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, ettei staattinen tasapaino ole yhteydessä polvivammojen määrään. Tulosten perusteella ei voida tehdä yleistettäviä johtopäätöksiä staattisen tasapainon ja nilkkavammojen yhteyden välillä. Tämän vuoksi luotettavaa tutkimustietoa tarvitaan lisää juuri staattisen tasapainon yhteydestä nilkkavammoihin.
The number of sport injuries has been increasing throughout the years and 25 % of the injuries involve the lower extremities. In terms of sport injury prevention, it is important to investigate the risk factors behind the injuries. Generality of the sport injuries happen to young athletes between 20 and 24 years, therefore attention should be paid in preventing sport injuries before young athletes are in high-risk age group. Balance is one of the most researched risk factor for sport injuries and the association between balance and ankle or knee injuries has been largely researched. However, the association between balance and sport injuries in lower extremities varies in known research. The aim of this prospective follow-up study was to investigate whether, there are differences in baseline static balance test results between healthy athletes and athletes, who sustained an ankle or knee injury, during the follow-up. This prospective follow-up study was part of large PROFITS-study (Predictors of Lower Extremity Injuries in Team Sports) carried out in UKK institute (Tampere, Finland). The participants of this study took part in balance tests in May/2011, April-May/2012 or April-May/2013. After each balance test a 12-month prospective follow-up was conducted, during which all time-loss non-contact traumatic injuries were recorded with a structured questionnaire. 348 young athletes (mean age 16 ±1.8, 53 % boys, 47 % girls) participated in the follow-up study. 49 % of the participants played floorball and 51 % basketball. Postural sway was measured during single leg stance on Good Balance –force platform (Good Balance®, Metitur, Jyväskylä). Three different variables were selected for analysis: speed of COP in medio-lateral and anterior-posterior directions (mm/s) and for 95% percentile areal (mm2/s)). Differences between groups were examined with independent samples t-test. When comparing balance test results between knee-injured and uninjured athletes none of the variables were significantly different between the groups. Ankle-injured athletes’ medio-lateral postural sway was an average 0.02 mm/s (SD 0.04) faster compared to uninjured athletes’ (p=0.040). Similar difference in medio-lateral postural sway speed (0.02 mm/s, SD 0.04) was found between ankle-injured and uninjured athletes who played floorball (p=0.039). There were no differences in other postural sway variables between basketball and floorball players or between sexes. In conclusion, this study suggests that the static balance is not related to knee injuries. In turn, ankle injuries may be related with faster medio-lateral sway, however, this finding is not sufficient to make generalized conclusions between the static balance and the ankle injury relationship. Therefore, more reliable study is needed about the relationship of static balance and ankle injuries in the future. Keywords: balance, postural sway, lower extremity injury, risk factor, basketball, floorball
The number of sport injuries has been increasing throughout the years and 25 % of the injuries involve the lower extremities. In terms of sport injury prevention, it is important to investigate the risk factors behind the injuries. Generality of the sport injuries happen to young athletes between 20 and 24 years, therefore attention should be paid in preventing sport injuries before young athletes are in high-risk age group. Balance is one of the most researched risk factor for sport injuries and the association between balance and ankle or knee injuries has been largely researched. However, the association between balance and sport injuries in lower extremities varies in known research. The aim of this prospective follow-up study was to investigate whether, there are differences in baseline static balance test results between healthy athletes and athletes, who sustained an ankle or knee injury, during the follow-up. This prospective follow-up study was part of large PROFITS-study (Predictors of Lower Extremity Injuries in Team Sports) carried out in UKK institute (Tampere, Finland). The participants of this study took part in balance tests in May/2011, April-May/2012 or April-May/2013. After each balance test a 12-month prospective follow-up was conducted, during which all time-loss non-contact traumatic injuries were recorded with a structured questionnaire. 348 young athletes (mean age 16 ±1.8, 53 % boys, 47 % girls) participated in the follow-up study. 49 % of the participants played floorball and 51 % basketball. Postural sway was measured during single leg stance on Good Balance –force platform (Good Balance®, Metitur, Jyväskylä). Three different variables were selected for analysis: speed of COP in medio-lateral and anterior-posterior directions (mm/s) and for 95% percentile areal (mm2/s)). Differences between groups were examined with independent samples t-test. When comparing balance test results between knee-injured and uninjured athletes none of the variables were significantly different between the groups. Ankle-injured athletes’ medio-lateral postural sway was an average 0.02 mm/s (SD 0.04) faster compared to uninjured athletes’ (p=0.040). Similar difference in medio-lateral postural sway speed (0.02 mm/s, SD 0.04) was found between ankle-injured and uninjured athletes who played floorball (p=0.039). There were no differences in other postural sway variables between basketball and floorball players or between sexes. In conclusion, this study suggests that the static balance is not related to knee injuries. In turn, ankle injuries may be related with faster medio-lateral sway, however, this finding is not sufficient to make generalized conclusions between the static balance and the ankle injury relationship. Therefore, more reliable study is needed about the relationship of static balance and ankle injuries in the future. Keywords: balance, postural sway, lower extremity injury, risk factor, basketball, floorball
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Master thesis
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