Interaktiiviset valkotaulut luonnontieteiden opetuksessa
Tässä kandidaattitutkielmassa perehdytään interaktiivisen valkotaulun käyttöön luonnontieteiden opetuksessa. Opettajat käyttävät yhä enemmän tieto- ja viestintäteknologiaa, kuten interaktiivisia valkotauluja, osana opetustaan. Tutkielman alussa tutustutaan kolmen eri laitevalmistajan tuotteisiin. Tämän jälkeen perehdytään siihen, kuinka opettaja voi hyödyntää laitteita opetuksessaan. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan myös, millaisia mahdollisia haasteita liittyy interaktiivisen valkotaulun opetuskäyttöön. Tutkielman lopussa tutustutaan siihen, millaisia luonnontieteiden opetusta tukevia ominaisuuksia interaktiivinen valkotaulu tarjoaa.
This Bachelor’s thesis focuses on the use of an interactive whiteboard in the teaching of natural sciences. Teachers are increasingly using information and communication technologies, such as interactive whiteboards, as part of their training. In the beginning of the thesis we will get acquainted with the products of three different equipment manufacturers. After that, teachers learn to use the equipment in their teaching. This thesis also examines what potential problems are associated with using interactive whiteboard teaching. At the end of the thesis we will find out which functions have support in the teaching process in the natural sciences, and what of them are offered by an interactive whiteboard.
This Bachelor’s thesis focuses on the use of an interactive whiteboard in the teaching of natural sciences. Teachers are increasingly using information and communication technologies, such as interactive whiteboards, as part of their training. In the beginning of the thesis we will get acquainted with the products of three different equipment manufacturers. After that, teachers learn to use the equipment in their teaching. This thesis also examines what potential problems are associated with using interactive whiteboard teaching. At the end of the thesis we will find out which functions have support in the teaching process in the natural sciences, and what of them are offered by an interactive whiteboard.
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Bachelor thesis
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