Kestävyyskunnon ja kehon rasvapitoisuuden yhteydet metaboliseen oireyhtymään ja insuliiniresistenssiin 6–8-vuotiailla lapsilla
Kestävyyskunnon ja kehon rasvapitoisuuden on havaittu olevan yhteydessä useisiin kardiometabolisiin riskitekijöihin ja niiden kasautumiseen jo lapsuudessa. Lasten metabolista oireyhtymää ei ole pystytty määrittelemään samaan tapaan kuin aikuisilla, mutta erityisesti ylimääräistä rasvamassaa pidetään haitallisena terveyden kannalta. Hyvän kestävyyskunnon tiedetään edistävän terveyttä myös lapsilla, mutta edelleen on epävarmaa, pystytäänkö hyvällä kestävyyskunnolla kompensoimaan lihavuuden aiheuttamia terveysongelmia. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää kestävyyskunnon ja kehon rasvapitoisuuden yhteyksiä metaboliseen oireyhtymään ja insuliiniresistenssiin sekä tutkia kestävyyskunnon yhteyttä kardiometaboliseen riskiin lapsilla, joilla on suurentunut rasvaprosentti.
Tämä työ perustuu Itä-Suomen yliopiston Lasten liikunta ja ravitsemus (PANIC) -tutkimuksen vuosina 2007–2009 toteutetun alkumittausvaiheen aineistoon. Kestävyyskuntoa mitattiin maksimaalisella polkupyöräergometritestillä. Kestävyyskunnon mittareina käytettiin maksimaalista työkuormaa suhteessa kehon kokonaismassaan (W/kg) ja rasvattomaan massaan (W/lm [lean mass]). Kehon rasvaton massa ja rasvamassa mitattiin kaksienergiaisella röntgenabsorptiometrialla (DXA). Metabolista oireyhtymää arvioitiin vyötärönympäryksen, seerumin paastoinsuliinin, plasman paastoglukoosin, triglyseridien, HDLkolesterolin sekä systolisen ja diastolisen verenpaineen keskiarvon avulla lasketulla kardiometabolisella riskipistemäärällä (cMetS). Insuliiniresistenssin arviointiin käytettiin paastoverinäytteistä analysoituja insuliini- ja glukoosipitoisuuksia sekä insuliiniresistenssiä kuvaavaa HOMA-IR-arvoa. Aineisto analysoitiin IBM SPSS Statistics 24 -ohjelmalla käyttäen lineaarista regressioanalyysiä ja kovarianssianalyysiä (ANCOVA).
Tutkielmaan valikoitui 452 lasta, joista tyttöjä oli 216 (47,8 %) ja poikia 236 (52,2 %). Suurempi rasvaprosentti ja heikompi kehon kokonaismassaan suhteutettu kestävyyskunto olivat yhteydessä korkeampaan kardiometaboliseen riskipistemäärään, insuliiniin ja HOMA-IR-arvoon sekä tytöillä että pojilla (p<0,001). W/lm ei ollut yhteydessä tulosmuuttujiin kummallakaan sukupuolella. Rasvaprosentin ja kestävyyskunnon sukupuolispesifien mediaanien mukaan jaetuissa ryhmissä lapsilla, joilla oli korkeampi rasvaprosentti ja parempi W/kg, oli matalampi kardiometabolinen riskpistemäärä, insuliini ja HOMA-IR-arvo kuin niillä, joilla oli suurempi rasvaprosentti, mutta matalampi W/kg. W/lm ei ollut yhteydessä metabolisen oireyhtymän ja insuliiniresistenssin kuvaajiin lapsilla, joilla oli matalampi tai korkeampi rasvaprosentti, vaan korkeampi rasvaprosentti oli yhteydessä korkeampaan kardiometaboliseen riskipistemäärään, insuliiniin ja HOMA-IR-arvoon riippumatta W/lm tasosta.
Tulosten mukaan kehon rasvapitoisuus on selkeästi yhteydessä metabolisen oireyhtymän ilmentäjiin. Kestävyyskunnon myönteiset yhteydet kardiometaboliseen riskiin voivat selittyä kehon rasvapitoisuuden eroilla, mikä korostaa normaalipainoisuuden ja normaalin kehon rasvapitoisuuden merkitystä kardiometabolisen terveyden edistämisessä jo lapsilla. Kestävyyskunnon merkitystä kardiometaboliseen riskiin on kuitenkin syytä tutkia lisää. Tämän tutkielman poikkileikkausasetelman vuoksi syy-seuraussuhteita ei pystytä selvittämään.
Cardiorespiratory fitness and adiposity have been found to be associated with several cardiometabolic risk factors and clustering of these risk factors already in childhood. It has not been possible to determine the metabolic syndrome in children the same way as in adults, but especially the excess fat mass is considered to be harmful in terms of health. High cardiorespiratory fitness is known to promote health also in children, but it is still uncertain if high cardiorespiratory fitness can compensate the health problems caused by obesity. The aim of this thesis was to explore the associations between cardiorespiratory fitness and body fat content in the metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance and further examine the relation between cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiometabolic risk in children with an increased body fat percentage. This thesis is based on the data of the baseline examinations of the Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children (PANIC) study conducted by the University of Eastern Finland in 2007-2009. Cardiorespiratory fitness was measured using the maximal cycle ergometer test. The maximal workload in relation to body mass (W/kg) and lean body mass (W/lm) were used as a measure of cardiorespiratory fitness. The lean body mass and body fat mass were measured using the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Metabolic syndrome was evaluated by the cardiometabolic risk score (cMetS) calculated with waist circumference, fasting serum insulin, fasting plasma glucose, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol and the average of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Insulin and glucose concentrations analyzed from fasting blood samples as well as HOMA-IR were used to assess insulin resistance. The data was analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics 24 software using linear regression analysis and covariance analysis (ANCOVA). 452 children were selected for the thesis, of which 216 (47,8 %) were girls and 236 (52,2 %) were boys. Higher fat percentage and lower cardiorespiratory fitness in relation to body mass were associated with higher cardiometabolic risk score, insulin and HOMA-IR in both girls and boys (p<0,001). W/lm was not associated with any of the outcome variables in either sex. In groups divided by sex specific medians of fat percentage and cardiorespiratory fitness, children with higher fat percentage and higher W/kg had lower cardiometabolic risk score, insulin and HOMA-IR than children with higher fat percentage but lower W/kg. W/lm did not have associations with the indicators of metabolic syndrome in children with lower or higher fat percentage but higher BF% was associated with higher cardiometabolic risk score, insulin and HOMA-IR regardless of the level of W/lm. According to the results, body fat content is clearly associated with the indicators of metabolic syndrome. The positive associations of cardiorespiratory fitness to cardiometabolic risk may be explained by the differences in body fat content, which emphasizes the importance of normal body weight and body fat content in promoting cardiometabolic health already in childhood. However, the relevance of cardiorespiratory fitness to cardiometabolic risk in children should be further explored. Because of the cross-sectional design of this thesis, the causal relationships cannot be investigated.
Cardiorespiratory fitness and adiposity have been found to be associated with several cardiometabolic risk factors and clustering of these risk factors already in childhood. It has not been possible to determine the metabolic syndrome in children the same way as in adults, but especially the excess fat mass is considered to be harmful in terms of health. High cardiorespiratory fitness is known to promote health also in children, but it is still uncertain if high cardiorespiratory fitness can compensate the health problems caused by obesity. The aim of this thesis was to explore the associations between cardiorespiratory fitness and body fat content in the metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance and further examine the relation between cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiometabolic risk in children with an increased body fat percentage. This thesis is based on the data of the baseline examinations of the Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children (PANIC) study conducted by the University of Eastern Finland in 2007-2009. Cardiorespiratory fitness was measured using the maximal cycle ergometer test. The maximal workload in relation to body mass (W/kg) and lean body mass (W/lm) were used as a measure of cardiorespiratory fitness. The lean body mass and body fat mass were measured using the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Metabolic syndrome was evaluated by the cardiometabolic risk score (cMetS) calculated with waist circumference, fasting serum insulin, fasting plasma glucose, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol and the average of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Insulin and glucose concentrations analyzed from fasting blood samples as well as HOMA-IR were used to assess insulin resistance. The data was analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics 24 software using linear regression analysis and covariance analysis (ANCOVA). 452 children were selected for the thesis, of which 216 (47,8 %) were girls and 236 (52,2 %) were boys. Higher fat percentage and lower cardiorespiratory fitness in relation to body mass were associated with higher cardiometabolic risk score, insulin and HOMA-IR in both girls and boys (p<0,001). W/lm was not associated with any of the outcome variables in either sex. In groups divided by sex specific medians of fat percentage and cardiorespiratory fitness, children with higher fat percentage and higher W/kg had lower cardiometabolic risk score, insulin and HOMA-IR than children with higher fat percentage but lower W/kg. W/lm did not have associations with the indicators of metabolic syndrome in children with lower or higher fat percentage but higher BF% was associated with higher cardiometabolic risk score, insulin and HOMA-IR regardless of the level of W/lm. According to the results, body fat content is clearly associated with the indicators of metabolic syndrome. The positive associations of cardiorespiratory fitness to cardiometabolic risk may be explained by the differences in body fat content, which emphasizes the importance of normal body weight and body fat content in promoting cardiometabolic health already in childhood. However, the relevance of cardiorespiratory fitness to cardiometabolic risk in children should be further explored. Because of the cross-sectional design of this thesis, the causal relationships cannot be investigated.
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Master thesis
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