Bitcoinin historiallinen kehitys vuosina 2008-2018
Kryptovaluutta Bitcoinista on kasvanut sen kymmenvuotisen historiansa aikana merkittävä vaihtoehtoisvaluutta, joka on saanut aikaan valtavan, globaalin ilmiön. Ihmiset, yritykset eivätkä yhteiskunnat kuitenkaan ymmärrä Bitcoinin historiaa, tarkoitusta saati teknologiaa, mikä johtaa monenlaisiin väärinkäsityksiin tästä virtuaalivaluutasta.
Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksena toteutetussa kandidaatintutkielmassa tarkasteltiin kryptovaluutta Bitcoinin historiallista kehitystä sen alkuvuodesta 2008 vuoteen 2018 asti. Historian tunteminen on tärkeää, kun pyritään ymmärtä-mään nykypäivää. Tutkielmassa pystyttiin käymään läpi Bitcoinin koko histo-ria aivan sen alkuvuosista asti, koska Bitcoinin ensiaskeleet on dokumentoitu suhteellisen hyvin. Tämä oli mahdollista, koska Bitcoin on vielä suhteellisen tuore vaihtoehtoisvaluuttana ja ilmiönä.
Tutkielman keskeisinä tuloksina havaittiin, että Bitcoin on kasvanut ja kehittynyt valtavasti niin taloudellisesti, sosiaalisesti kuin teknisestikin. Bitcoin on kasvattanut arvoaan, jakautunut eri valuutoiksi sekä kasvattanut tunnettavuuttaan joka puolella maailmaa. Bitcoinilla on kuitenkin edessään lukuisia haasteita, jos se aikoo jatkaa kasvuaan kohti vakavasti otettavaa virtuaalivaluuttaa, jolla voitaisiin käydä kauppaa isossa mittakaavassa globaalisti.
Bitcoin, the most valuable cyrptocurrency by market capitalization, has become a significant digital alternative currency during its near decade-long history period. It has triggered a massive and global phenomenon in this world. Nevertheless, people, businesses nor societies do not usually understand the history, meaning and technology behind Bitcoin. That of course might lead to various different misconceptions about this new digital currency. This Bachelor’s thesis was implemented as a systematic literature review. The purpose of this study was to find out how Bitcoin has evolved as an alternative currency since its birth in 2008. It is important to know the history to understand the present day. It was possible to research and study the whole history of Bitcoin because the first steps of Bitcoin are relatively well documented. Bitcoin is also quite as new invention as an alternative currency and phenomenon. The key findings of this paper were that Bitcoin has grown and made tremendous progress economically, socially as well as technically. Bitcoin for example has grown its value and popularity across the globe. It has also split into different cryptocurrencies. However, Bitcoin still faces many risks and challenges if it continues to grow towards a sustainable and serious alternative currency which could be used on a daily basis in a global scale.
Bitcoin, the most valuable cyrptocurrency by market capitalization, has become a significant digital alternative currency during its near decade-long history period. It has triggered a massive and global phenomenon in this world. Nevertheless, people, businesses nor societies do not usually understand the history, meaning and technology behind Bitcoin. That of course might lead to various different misconceptions about this new digital currency. This Bachelor’s thesis was implemented as a systematic literature review. The purpose of this study was to find out how Bitcoin has evolved as an alternative currency since its birth in 2008. It is important to know the history to understand the present day. It was possible to research and study the whole history of Bitcoin because the first steps of Bitcoin are relatively well documented. Bitcoin is also quite as new invention as an alternative currency and phenomenon. The key findings of this paper were that Bitcoin has grown and made tremendous progress economically, socially as well as technically. Bitcoin for example has grown its value and popularity across the globe. It has also split into different cryptocurrencies. However, Bitcoin still faces many risks and challenges if it continues to grow towards a sustainable and serious alternative currency which could be used on a daily basis in a global scale.
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Bachelor thesis
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