Identity and Online Groups
Questions related to identity have been central to discussions on online communication since
the dawn of the Internet. One of the positions advocated by early Internet pioneers and
scholars on computer-mediated communication was that online communication would differ
from face-to-face communication in the way traditional markers of identity (such as gender,
age, etc.) would be visible for interlocutors. It was theorized that these differences would
manifest both as reduced social cues as well as greater control in the way we present
ourselves to others. This position was linked to ideas about fluid identities and identity play
inherent to post-modern thinking. Lately, the technological and societal developments related
to online communication have promoted questions related to, for example, authenticity and
traceability of identity.
In addition to the individual level, scholars have been interested in issues of social identity
formation and identification in the context of online groups and communities. It has been
shown, for example, how the apparent anonymity in initial interactions can lead to heightened
identification/de-individuation on the group level. Another key question related to this one is
the way group identity and identification with the group relates to intergroup contact in online
settings. How do people perceive others’ identity, as well as their own, in such contact
situations? To what extent is intergroup contact still intergroup contact, if the parties involved
do not perceive it as such? As online communication continues to offer a key platform for
contact between various types of social groups, questions of identity and identification remain
at the forefront of scholarship into human communication behavior in technology-mediated
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Oxford University Press
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Oxford Encyclopedia of Intergroup Communication
- Siitonen, M. (2018). Identity and Online Groups. In H. Giles, & J. Harwood (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Intergroup Communication. Oxford University Press.
Copyright© Oxford University Press 2018. This is a final draft version of an article whose final and definitive form has been published by OUP. Published in this repository with the kind permission of the publisher.