"Kadotetut tunnit" : ammatillisen koulutuksen opettajien kokemuksia terveystiedon opetuksesta
Terveystiedon opetuksella on tärkeä asema terveyden tasa-arvon kehittymisessä sekä yleissivistystä edistävä tehtävä, sillä se tavoittaa lähes kaikki lapset ja nuoret sosiaalisesta taustasta riippumatta. Oppiaineeseen ja terveystietoa opettaviin opettajiin kohdistuu suuria odotuksia. Oppiaineen monitieteisyys tekee terveystiedosta haastavan niin opettajalle kuin oppilaallekin. Ammatillisen koulutuksen terveystiedon opetusta on tutkittu hyvin vähän.
Tämän pro-gradu tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää ammatillisen koulutuksen opettajien kokemuksia terveystiedon opetuksesta sekä ajatuksia terveystiedon opetuksen tulevaisuudesta. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin kevään-kesän 2017 aikana henkilökohtaisilla teemahaastatteluilla. Toteutus tapahtui tietokoneen välityksellä Skype-ohjelmalla. Tutkimukseen osallistui yhdeksän (N=9) ammatillisen koulutuksen opettajaa. Aineiston analysointiin käytettiin aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysimenetelmää.
Haastateltavat kuvasivat, että terveystiedon opetus oli ennen vanhaan ollut todellisen arvoste-tun oppiaineen opettamista, jossa oli jatkuvuutta ajallisesti. Terveystiedon nykytilanteessa koettiin suurta huolestuneisuutta vähentyneestä opetuksesta. Käytännön opetus ja menetelmät olivat hyvin vaihtelevia, tekemällä oppimista ja dialogisuutta korostettiin opetuksessa. Opetussuunnitelman osaamistavoitteet koettiin ylimitoitettuna oppiaineessa. Opetussuunnitelma uudistuksen mahdollisuus oli terveyttä edistävän suunnitelman laatiminen opiskelijan yksilöllisiin tarpeisiin. Lisäksi tulokset osoittivat oppiaineen tärkeyden ja tarpeellisuuden suoraan nuoren elämään. Oppiaineella koettiin olevan iso merkitys itsestä huolehtimisen taitojen opettamiseen, koska opiskelijoilla oli monenlaisia tarpeita ja huolia omassa elämässään. Ajatukset opetuksen tulevaisuudesta olivat täynnä epävarmuutta, yhteistyön mahdollisuuksia ja oppiaineen kehittämistä nuoren näköiseksi.
Vähentynyt opetusaika ja opetussuunnitelman osaamistavoitteiden ylimitoitus aiheuttivat haas-teellisuuden oppiaineen opetukseen. Haastateltavien kokemukset oppiaineen tarpeellisuudesta ja tärkeydestä opiskelijan elämään olivat vahvat. Terveystiedon opetuksen epävarma tulevaisuus rakentuu yhteistyöllä ammatillisten opettajien kanssa ja oppiaineen omakohtaisuuden kehittämisellä suoraan opiskelijan elämäntilanteeseen. Kokonaisuudessaan terveystiedon opetus ammatillisessa koulutuksessa oli edennyt menneiden vuosien arvostetun oppiaineen opetuksesta haastavaan nykytilanteeseen. Oppiaineen tulevaisuuden suunta oli hieman epävarmuuden peitossa. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää ammatillisen terveystieto-oppiaineen ja opetuksen kehittämisessä.
The health education instruction is in significant position to forward health equality and all-round education because it reaches nearly all children and youths regardless of their walk of life. Thera are high expectations in the face of health education subject and health education teachers. Health education is a multidisciplinary subject and therefore very challenging both a teacher and a student. There are only few studies of the health education instruction in vocati-onal education. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how vocational school teachers experience the health education and what they think about the future of health education instruction. A semi-structu-red interview method was used in this research during Spring-Summer 2017. The interviews were conducted with nine (N=9) health education teachers and they were saved with computer Skype-program. The interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis method. The results showed that health education and teaching of health education were highly esteemed in the old days. The teaching contained temporal continuity. The interviewees were concerned about the reduced health education instruction. Practical instruction and methods were very variable. Learning by doing and dialogic education were emphasized. The objectives of the syllabus were considered challenging. The interviewees experienced that the reform of syllabus enabled individual health promotion plan for the student. The results showed that health edu-cation subject was very important and necessary for youths’ life. The health education subject was considered broad significance of teaching the skills of fending for one selves because the students had many kinds of needs and fears in their lives. The future of education was full of instability, possibilities of cooperation and development of health education subject. In conclusion, the interviewees experienced that the health education subject was important and necessary for the students’ life. The range of learning goals were too large compared to the space of time. The future of health education instruction is insecure, but it is possible to achieve by teamwork between teachers and developing the individual aspect directly to students’ lives. The health education instruction in vocational institutes has been respected in the old days but the situation these days was demanding. The future was precarious. The results of this thesis would be beneficial in devising health education subject and health education instruction in future.
The health education instruction is in significant position to forward health equality and all-round education because it reaches nearly all children and youths regardless of their walk of life. Thera are high expectations in the face of health education subject and health education teachers. Health education is a multidisciplinary subject and therefore very challenging both a teacher and a student. There are only few studies of the health education instruction in vocati-onal education. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how vocational school teachers experience the health education and what they think about the future of health education instruction. A semi-structu-red interview method was used in this research during Spring-Summer 2017. The interviews were conducted with nine (N=9) health education teachers and they were saved with computer Skype-program. The interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis method. The results showed that health education and teaching of health education were highly esteemed in the old days. The teaching contained temporal continuity. The interviewees were concerned about the reduced health education instruction. Practical instruction and methods were very variable. Learning by doing and dialogic education were emphasized. The objectives of the syllabus were considered challenging. The interviewees experienced that the reform of syllabus enabled individual health promotion plan for the student. The results showed that health edu-cation subject was very important and necessary for youths’ life. The health education subject was considered broad significance of teaching the skills of fending for one selves because the students had many kinds of needs and fears in their lives. The future of education was full of instability, possibilities of cooperation and development of health education subject. In conclusion, the interviewees experienced that the health education subject was important and necessary for the students’ life. The range of learning goals were too large compared to the space of time. The future of health education instruction is insecure, but it is possible to achieve by teamwork between teachers and developing the individual aspect directly to students’ lives. The health education instruction in vocational institutes has been respected in the old days but the situation these days was demanding. The future was precarious. The results of this thesis would be beneficial in devising health education subject and health education instruction in future.
Main Author
Master thesis
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