Positiivisen affektin yhteys pitkäikäisyyteen
Sipola, K. 2017. Positiivisen affektin yhteys pitkäikäisyyteen. Liikuntatieteellinen tiedekunta, Jyväskylän yliopisto, Gerontologian ja kansanterveystieteen pro gradu-tutkielma, 34s.
Pitkän iän salaisuus on kiehtonut ihmisiä läpi ihmiskunnan historian. Tutkimusten mukaan positiiviset tunteet alentavat riskiä sekä toiminnanvajavuuksille, että fyysiselle sairastavuudelle. Positiivisilla tunteilla on havaittu yhteys myös pitkäikäisyyteen. Affekti kuvaa henkilön taipumusta kokea erilaisia tunteita. Positiivinen affekti sisältää esimerkiksi aktiivisuuden, iloisuuden, innokkuuden ja eloisuuden tunteita. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko positiivisella affektilla yhteyttä pitkäikäisyyteen. Lisäksi tutkittiin selittävätkö yksinasuminen, siviilisääty, koettu terveys, koettu taloudellinen tilanne, koulutustaso tai masennusoireiden määrä mahdollista positiivisen affektin ja pitkäikäisyyden yhteyttä.
Tutkimusaineistona oli Ikivihreät –projektin keräämää haastatteluaineistoa 75-vuotiailta jyväskyläläisiltä (N= 355) sekä haastatteluun osallistuneiden rekisteritietoja 10.12.2015 asti. Aineisto jaettiin kahteen ryhmään: vähintään 90-vuotiaaksi eläneisiin ja alle 90-vuotiaana kuolleisiin. Positiivisen affektin summapistemäärä laskettiin CES-D- mittarin positiivista affektia mittaavasta osiosta. Aineistoa analysoitiin Spearmanin korrelaatiokertoimen ja binäärisen logistisen regressioanalyysin avulla.
Tutkittavista vähintään 90-vuotiaaksi eli 26%, joista naisia oli 79%. Tutkimuksen mukaan positiivisella affektilla ei ole yhteyttä pitkäikäisyyteen. Yhteyttä ei todettu, vaikka tulokset vakioitiin sukupuolella, koetulla terveydellä ja koetulla taloudellisella tilanteella. Sen sijaan naissukupuoli (OR 2.43, 95% LV 1.38-4.29), epätavallisen hyvä tai hyvä koettu terveys (OR 2.47, 95% LV 1.47-4.17) ja hyvä tai tyydyttävä koettu taloudellinen tilanne (OR 2.94, 95% LV .98-8.88) lisäsivät todennäköisyyttä elää vähintään 90-vuotiaaksi.
Sipola, K. 2017. The association between positive affect and longevity. Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Master’s thesis, 34pp. The secret of longevity has been fashinating people throughout the history of mankind. Previous studies have found association between positive emotions and lowered risk for disability and morbidity. Positive emotions are also found to be associated with longevity. An affect describes person’s tendency to experience different emotions. Positive affect includes emotions like activeness, happiness, enthusiasm and livelines. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between positive affect and longevity. In addition, the study investigated if living with or without someone, marital status, perceived health, perceived financial status, the level of education or the amount of depressive symptoms explain the possible association between positive affect and longevity. The data in this study is from the Evergreen research project and the participants’ later registered data until October 2015. The participants were 75 –year old community dwelling men and women from Jyväskylä, Finland. The participants were divided in two groups: the group of participants who reached at least 90 years of age and the group of participants who died before reaching 90 years of age. The positive affect was counted from the CES-D. The data was analysed by using Spearman’s correlations and binary logistic regression analysis. 26% of the participants reached at least 90 years of age and 79% of them were women. This study found no association between positive affect and longevity. The result remained the same after adjusting it with gender, perceived health and perceived financial status. Instead of positive affect the study found that female gender (OR 2.43, 95% CI 1.38-4.29), extraordinary good or good perceived health (OR 2.47, 95% CI 1.47-4.17) and good or satisfied perceived financial status (OR 2.94, 95% CI .98-8.88) increased the odds to reach at least 90 years of age.
Sipola, K. 2017. The association between positive affect and longevity. Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Master’s thesis, 34pp. The secret of longevity has been fashinating people throughout the history of mankind. Previous studies have found association between positive emotions and lowered risk for disability and morbidity. Positive emotions are also found to be associated with longevity. An affect describes person’s tendency to experience different emotions. Positive affect includes emotions like activeness, happiness, enthusiasm and livelines. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between positive affect and longevity. In addition, the study investigated if living with or without someone, marital status, perceived health, perceived financial status, the level of education or the amount of depressive symptoms explain the possible association between positive affect and longevity. The data in this study is from the Evergreen research project and the participants’ later registered data until October 2015. The participants were 75 –year old community dwelling men and women from Jyväskylä, Finland. The participants were divided in two groups: the group of participants who reached at least 90 years of age and the group of participants who died before reaching 90 years of age. The positive affect was counted from the CES-D. The data was analysed by using Spearman’s correlations and binary logistic regression analysis. 26% of the participants reached at least 90 years of age and 79% of them were women. This study found no association between positive affect and longevity. The result remained the same after adjusting it with gender, perceived health and perceived financial status. Instead of positive affect the study found that female gender (OR 2.43, 95% CI 1.38-4.29), extraordinary good or good perceived health (OR 2.47, 95% CI 1.47-4.17) and good or satisfied perceived financial status (OR 2.94, 95% CI .98-8.88) increased the odds to reach at least 90 years of age.
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Master thesis
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