Olika fonetiska drags relativa betydelse för upplevd inföddlikhet i svenska
I den här undersökningen analyseras olika fonetiska drags betydelse för upplevd inföddlikhet i sverigesvenska som andraspråk. Lyssnarna (n = 39) bedömde uttalets målspråklighet i imiterade talprov. Resultaten visar att de segmentella målspråksavvikelserna hade störst betydelse för upplevd inföddlikhet. Målspråksavvikelserna i yttrandeintonation, rytm och tonaccenterna påverkade inte lyssnarna i samma utsträckning som de segmentella bristerna. Prov med L2-intonation och målspråkliga segment fick lika bra bedömning – på gränsen mellan uppfattbar och icke-uppfattbar brytning – som prov med målspråklig intonation och målspråkliga segment. Om segmenten var målspråkliga, fick prov med L2-aktig rytm och målspråklig rymt en likvärdig bedömning. Sammantaget visar resultaten att (i) målspråkliga segmentkvaliteter är av central betydelse för ett mycket bra och/eller inföddlikt uttal och (ii) åtminstone i vårt empiriska upplägg med uppläst tal som material hade segmenten en starkare korrelation med upplevd inföddlikhet än prosodin. Eftersom segment tycks vara av stor betydelse för hur lyssnarna bedömer uttalet, ska de inte underskattas som inlärningsmål vid uttalsundervisningen.
In this study we analyze the relative importance of different phonetic features for perceived native-likeness in L2 Swedish. The listeners (n = 39) evaluated the native-likeness of pronunciation in imitated speech samples with different deviations typical for L2 speakers. The results show that deviations in segment quality affected the listeners’ perception most. Deviations in utterance intonation, rhythm and tone accents did not have the same effect as deviations in segments. Speech samples with L2 intonation and L1 segments were rated in the same way as speech samples with L1 intonation and L1 segments. If segments were L1 like, samples with L1 and L2 rhythm were rated in the same way. Over all, the results show that (i) segments are of great importance for a really good and/or native-like pronunciation, and (ii) at least in our experimental setup with read-aloud speech, segments had a stronger correlation with perceived native-likeness than prosody. Because segments seem to be of great importance for how listeners evaluate pronunciation, they should not be underestimated as a learning goal in teaching of pronunciation.
In this study we analyze the relative importance of different phonetic features for perceived native-likeness in L2 Swedish. The listeners (n = 39) evaluated the native-likeness of pronunciation in imitated speech samples with different deviations typical for L2 speakers. The results show that deviations in segment quality affected the listeners’ perception most. Deviations in utterance intonation, rhythm and tone accents did not have the same effect as deviations in segments. Speech samples with L2 intonation and L1 segments were rated in the same way as speech samples with L1 intonation and L1 segments. If segments were L1 like, samples with L1 and L2 rhythm were rated in the same way. Over all, the results show that (i) segments are of great importance for a really good and/or native-like pronunciation, and (ii) at least in our experimental setup with read-aloud speech, segments had a stronger correlation with perceived native-likeness than prosody. Because segments seem to be of great importance for how listeners evaluate pronunciation, they should not be underestimated as a learning goal in teaching of pronunciation.
Main Authors
Research article
Publication in research information system
Universitetsforlaget AS, Scandinavian University Press
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201712194777Use this for linking
Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
- Kuronen, M., & Zetterholm, E. (2017). Olika fonetiska drags relativa betydelse för upplevd inföddlikhet i svenska. Nordand, 12(2), 134-156. https://doi.org/10.18261/issn.2535-3381-2017-02-03
Copyright© Kuronen & Zetterholm & NORDAND, 2017.