Single-event effects of space and atmospheric radiation on memory components
Electronic memories are ubiquitous components in electronic systems: they are used to store data, and
can be found in all manner of industrial, automotive, aerospace, telecommunication and entertainment
systems. Memory technology has seen a constant evolution since the first practical dynamic Random-
Access Memories (dynamic RAMs) were created in the late 60's. The demand for ever-increasing
performance and capacity and decrease in power consumption was met thanks to a steady
miniaturization of the component features: modern memory devices include elements barely a few tens
of atomic layers thick and a few hundred of atomic layers wide.
The side effect of this constant miniaturization was an increase in the sensitivity of these devices to
radiation. Since the first radiation-induced single-event effects (SEEs) were identified in satellites in the
late 70’s [1] and particle-induced memory upsets were replicated in laboratory tests [2], radiation
hardness has been a concern for computer memory manufacturers and for systems designers as well. In
the early days, the need for data storage in radiation-rich environments, e.g. nuclear facilities, particle
accelerators and space, primarily for military use, created a market for radiation-hardened memory
components, capable of withstanding the effects of radiation ; however, this market dwindled with the
end of the Cold War and the loss of government interest [3]. In a matter of years, the shortage of available
radiation-hard components led system designers to turn to so-called Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS)
components, with the added benefit of higher performance at a lower cost.
Since COTS devices are not designed with radiation hardness in mind, each COTS component must be
assessed before it can be included in a system where reliability is important – a process known as
Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) [4]. This has led to the emergence of radiation testing as a standard
practice in the industry (and in the space industry in particular). Irradiation tests with particle accelerators
and radioactive sources are performed to estimate a component’s radiation-induced failure rate in a given
radiation environment, and thus its suitability for a given mission.
The present work focuses on SEE testing of memory components. It presents the requirements, difficulties
and shortcomings of radiation testing, and proposes methods for radiation test data processing; the
detection and study of failure modes is used to gain insight on the tested components. This study is based
on data obtained over four years on several irradiation campaigns, where memory devices of different
technologies (static RAMs, ferroelectric RAM, magnetoresistive RAM, and flash) were irradiated with
proton, heavy-ion, neutron and muon beams. The yielded data also supported the development of
MTCube, a CubeSat picosatellite developed jointly by the Centre Spatial Universitaire (CSU) and LIRMM in
Montpellier, whose mission is to carry out in-flight testing on the same memory devices. The underlying
concepts regarding radiation, radiation environments, radiation-matter interactions, memory component
architecture and radiation testing are introduced in the first chapters.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
The permanent address of the publicationäytä tätä linkitykseen.
Published in
Research report / Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä
Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Bosser, A. L., Gupta, V., Javanainen, A., Tsiligiannis, G., LaLumondiere, S. D., Brewe, D., Ferlet-Cavrois, V., Puchner, H., Kettunen, H., Gil, T., Wrobel, F., Saigné, F., Virtanen, A. & Dilillo, L. (2018). Single-Event Effects in the Peripheral Circuitry of a Commercial Ferroelectric Random-Access Memory. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 65(8), 1708 - 1714. DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2018.2797543
- Artikkeli II: Bosser, A., Gupta, V., Tsiligiannis, G., Javanainen, A., Kettunen, H., Puchner, H., Saigné, F., Virtanen, A., Wrobel, F., & Dilillo, L. (2015). Investigation on MCU Clustering Methodologies for Cross-Section Estimation of RAMs. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 62(6), 2620-2626. DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2015.2496874
- Artikkeli III: Bosser, A., Gupta, V., Tsiligiannis, G., Frost, C. D., Zadeh, A., Jaatinen, J., Javanainen, A., Puchner, H., Saigné, F., Virtanen, A., Wrobel, F., & Dilillo, L. (2016). Methodologies for the Statistical Analysis of Memory Response to Radiation. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 63(4), 2122-2128. DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2016.2527781
- Artikkeli IV: Dilillo, L., Tsiligiannis, G., Gupta, V., Bosser, A., Saigne, F., & Wrobel, F. (2017). Soft errors in commercial off-the-shelf static random access memories. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 32(1), Article 013006. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6641/32/1/013006
- Artikkeli V: Gupta, V., Bosser, A., Tsiligiannis, G., Rousselet, M., Mohammadzadeh, A., Javanainen, A., Virtanen, A., Puchner, H., Saigné, F., Wrobel, F., & Dilillo, L. (2015). SEE on Different Layers of Stacked-SRAMs. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 62(6), 2673-2678. DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2015.2496725
- Artikkeli VI: Gupta, V., Bosser, A., Tsiligiannis, G., Zadeh, A., Javanainen, A., Virtanen, A., Puchner, H., Saigné, F., Wrobel, F., & Dilillo, L. (2016). Heavy-Ion Radiation Impact on a 4 Mb FRAM Under Different Test Modes and Conditions. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 63(4), 2010-2015. DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2016.2559943
- Artikkeli VII: Tsiligiannis, G., Dilillo, L., Gupta, V., Bosio, A., Girard, P., Virazel, A., Puchner, H., Bosser, A., Javanainen, A., Virtanen, A., Frost, C., Wrobel, F., Dusseau, L., & Saigné, F. (2014). Dynamic Test Methods for COTS SRAMs. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 61(6), 3095-3102. DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2014.2363123